The first generation of the old man in the mountain is actually... a swordsman..."

When seeing Mashu's words.

Then people subconsciously looked at the majestic figure in the illustration again.

Sword, swordsman? ! !

The heavy armor made people who had always imagined the old man in the mountain as an assassin with the pinnacle of assassination technology confused.

Even the Atlan people and even the believers in the cult looked at this with a blank look.

How is it possible?

Such a superb concealment technique,

An assassination that was so fast that Guda didn't even feel it, and he had already died once.

You told me that the first generation of the old man in the mountain was a swordsman?!

Chapter 706 The name of King Hassan!

[Your voice has been conveyed.

The meaning of the desire to save the times has been recognized by my sword. ]

[Those who dare to step into my temple must first face death.

Fight as the dead and snatch the right to live.

Only after this ceremony can the devil who caused me to appear be pardoned. ]

Look at this first-generation old man in the mountain, and then look at the Hassans before...

When the first-generation leader appeared, the words that came with their own style,

and the terrible sense of oppression that frightened and made the soul tremble,

the Curse Arm, Hundred Faces, and Silence are completely incomparable.

Is this really still the "old man in the mountain"?

No, or it can be said that the other old men in the mountain are too weak, making them think that all assassins are like Hundred Faces,

and are far inferior to the servants of the Knights of the Round Table in frontal combat.

And the terrible strength of the old man in the mountain plays with Guda and others who have several servants in a few words,

that mysterious image-the hidden In the darkness, with a figure unknown to anyone,

It turned out to be a swordsman...?

People felt that they were deceived at this moment, and were fooled by their previous understanding of things and their past three views.

The leader who stood at the top of all assassination leaders should also be an assassin.

Or is it that the real first generation of the old man in the mountain is not an assassin?

The real job is the sword class! It is just because he is the first generation of the old man in the mountain that he also serves as an assassin?

And why do they feel more and more familiar with the image of the old man in the mountain...

(Guest appearance in the King's Memory of Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Roman: "No, the (swordsman) that is worth surprising is not this, Mashu——

This Assassin——Is it the crown——"

Holding his hands on the big sword that makes people swallow their saliva subconsciously just by looking at it, and there is no doubt that it can kill them with one board,

the adult suddenly interrupted Roman's words.

The old man in the mountain: "Stop saying such tactless words, magician.

This undermines the reckless courage of you summoners. "

A flash of white light passed by, whoosh~!

It seemed like something happened, and it seemed like nothing happened.

People could only see that Roman's influence completely disappeared from the illustration,


Roman: "Ah wow, sorry——!

Huh? What happened? I can't see the image! ? "


Everyone took a deep breath,

Fuck, I wipe it, I wipe it! This was done by the first generation leader!

I just swung a sword, right?

Even the conceptual existence of the image can be [killed], what, what is that, how did it do it!! Ah ah ah!

People's brains were trembling, and they all showed shock and disbelief, and their eyes were about to pop out.

Then, people saw that the cursed wrist said a lot of things, begging the old man of the mountain to come out to help.

But the old man of the mountain said: "... You got two things wrong.

You are still as short-sighted as before, the cursed wrist. "

Cursed wrist: "——What do you mean?"

The old man of the mountain: "I questioned the magician.

The one who fought with the Lion King——Is this true?

What you are pursuing is the head of the Lion King who has fallen into God.

Is this true? "

[The Lion King who has fallen into God]?

Everyone saw the shocking message that the Mountain Man accidentally revealed, and they all subconsciously listened attentively.

What happened——

King Arthur, became a god...?

God——The great gods who symbolize the words of awe, sacredness, and inviolability,

At this moment, they are described as fallen, and people can't help but care about it.

But no matter how itchy they are, they don't know what happened to King Arthur.

It was Hermitos who remembered the Storm King and the wandering Undead King mentioned by Xiaobei when he didn't return the holy sword.

This King Arthur who is very similar to the current Lion King, thought about it.

So... Such a powerful Lion King, Guda and the others really want to cut off her head What?

That's God.

The answer to the old man of the mountain was that Guda himself "didn't know".

And there was no point in lying in front of the first generation of the old man of the mountain.

They were like newborn babies.

Nothing could be hidden from the wisdom of the old man of the mountain.

'Because it's impossible to kill someone you haven't even seen.

At most, you can show your dissatisfaction to the other party, right? ' Sanzang suddenly said.

This made everyone who was shocked by Guda's answer come back to their senses.

'Is that... that's how you understand it? What a gentle answer. ' The Duke girl's heart was slightly rippled.

I won't kill someone I haven't seen.

What a naive and gentle personality.

I don't even know if I'm determined to chop off the enemy's head.

The old man of the mountain didn't say anything, but changed the question: "——You just said that you still lack a little combat power.

Is it really just this little bit?"

Guda: "...To be honest, Hassan alone is not enough."

Curse Arm: "...Mr. Guda?!"

There are many question marks above the head of Curse Arm, and the little princess and others laughed out loud when they saw this.

'I was disliked! Hahaha! '

Now looking at it this way, the other Hassans are really weak.

But they know that it was just a good joke from Guda.

And the hard power of the current leaders is indeed a bit different from that of the strengthened round table, right?

This is also what people are worried about, the high-end combat power is seriously insufficient.

The Old Man of the Mountain: "...Magicians.

There are some things you must know. The true intention of the Lion King. The nonsense of the Sun King.

The flaws in human nature. And - the beginning of everything.

When you have mastered everything, my sword will be your vanguard."

Seeing the first generation leader, he directly called the Sun King "that kid".

This impolite name...

Thinking back to what the Curse Arm said, whether it was the Sun King or the Lion King, he could easily deal with the strength of this adult.

People suddenly remembered that when Mashu and the others first came to this singularity,

when they encountered Ramses II,

the Pharaoh's head was suddenly cut off and tilted.

? ! This scene is so similar to the scene where the Old Man of the Mountain just came up with a flash of death from time to time.


He suddenly thought of--

It won't be the Pharaoh's Temple of the Sun, that is...

Uh, even the real god can easily take off the head.

Just beheading the Pharaoh a few times, can only say... OK, normal operation? ! The human incarnation of the God of Alchemy felt cold sweat on his back.

The Mountain Man continued to speak, with a majestic voice: "

The Sun Knight, is called Gawain.

My sword will turn into a raptor and peck out the man's eyes.

My black clothes will turn into the night and swallow the holy city."

Sanzang: "Excuse me, the big man of the skeleton!

I don't understand what you mean at all!

Speak more clearly, understand more!"

[Big man of the skeleton]?

Everyone: "..."

'There is actually someone who is not afraid of death here. ' At this time, the little princess and the others only had this amazing thought in their minds.

She is also the first one who dares to call the first generation like this!

Guda reminded: "At least he should be called King Hassan!"

Everyone:! ?

...! ! !

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