

It is completely different from the bloated armor of the Kingdom soldiers.

On the contrary, it is more like a fantasy story chapter, just like the armor of the era of 'King Arthur'.

'knight'! ?

Who is that? Who is that figure?

I noticed the striking familiarity of the black knight in front of me.

The girl remembered that she seemed to have seen armor like that somewhere before.

One of many illustrations of the Knights of the Round Table.

Just thinking about it makes my heart throb.

Although I obviously couldn't recognize the other person's real name, I was lucky enough to have read it in that book. The ‘characters’ in the book actually came to reality! ?

Such a shock even washed away the pain in Rhine's heart.

"As a villain, your current performance is really just superficial..." In this cold atmosphere that gradually fell into zero point, the Black Knight did not let everyone wait long before he spoke again.

"Those people over there are the targets of my mission this time. Can you let me take them away?" Yan asked with a chuckle.

"Kill him!" Zeles suddenly whispered the order while his whole body was trembling.

In an instant, the surrounding orcs rushed towards the two of them. At the same time, Zeles' figure suddenly rushed forward and 'disappeared' in the air the next moment.

‘Disappeared again! ! ’ When Rhine saw this scene, his face immediately became nervous.

"Be careful!!" the girl shouted as she looked at the black knight who was surrounded by orcs.

The black knight put his arm on the sword behind his back, then charged up his strength, and swiped out when the orcs rushed forward.

Peng! ! ! !

Red thunder suddenly splashed out from the sword.

The sudden violent element caught the orcs by surprise, and they screamed, were torn apart, or were thrown away by the shock wave.

"The fifth, no... the strong man on the sixth ladder?!" Zeers on the side looked at the majestic scene in front of him, his eyes widened, and he thought with lingering fear.

The opponent is definitely as strong as himself, and he has also mastered powerful stealth 'combat skills'.

Zers didn't associate that 'skill' with 'magic' at all.

After all, anyone who is a normal person knows that it is difficult to achieve success in both magic and sword cultivation!

Strong men who have reached the fifth or sixth ladder are not scary.

What is really scary are those warriors who have mastered powerful fighting skills and secret techniques.

The former orc vanguard leader was like this, and the same is true for Zeers now.

Obviously, Zeles now regards the Black Knight as such a difficult 'character'.

He can easily kill any Kingdom Warrior, including the Kingdom Warrior Captain who was just at the peak of the fifth ladder.

But he was not sure about killing the black knight in front of him.

At least you must first understand how the other party approached you just now.

"I was originally thinking about how to escort such a large group of people back safely, but I didn't expect you to rush up on your own. What a good prey." The black knight's voice came through the armor.

[Simulated Star Creation Diagram] At this moment, Xiang Yan was informed of the almost ‘disappeared’ fighting skills of the ‘cuckold man’ that he had just analyzed.


‘Cuckold’. That man's name sounded too hard to pronounce, but Homura thought it would be more appropriate to give him a nickname!

"What a scary guy!" A wolf-headed orc who was standing in the distance and had not been affected just now said tremblingly.

He just followed Emperor Warnir's orders and thought he was here to carry out a simple mission, but he never expected to encounter such a terrifying enemy.

This is obviously beyond the scope of what they can deal with!

In an instant, he killed at least seven or eight of his compatriots with one sword!

This kind of power allows the wolf-headed man to turn around and run away with his tail between his legs. Even the fear of the other party has exceeded the anger in his heart.

"I have seen through all your skills..." The Black Knight suddenly spoke to Zeles.

Hearing these words, Zeles' heart skipped a beat, and his expression instantly turned ferocious.

"You said you saw through it? Don't be ridiculous, friend. Even that King of Heroes didn't see through this technique until I used it at least three times! That's the King of Heroes! You don't think you are better than the original King of Heroes. That's awesome!" He said, in order to completely erase the uneasiness and anxiety in his heart.

In order to prove that the other party was simply lying, Zers did not continue to intimidate for the first time, but stabbed out a tentative sword.

At the same time, Zeles' body disappeared from the spot again.

'Bang! ’

The crisp clash of steel echoed in the air.

The sharp sword at Yan's waist has been drawn out.

At this time, he was holding the giant sword in his left hand and the kingdom's standard sword in his right hand, standing upright at his side, blocking Zeles' blow.

"Really-have you really seen through it?" Zers asked loudly in panic.

He looked at the Black Knight with a look as if he had seen a ghost!

"You——! You...!!"

The next moment, he noticed the black knight's body swaying slightly forward. Knowing that the other party was about to take action, Zeles's face suddenly changed, and his figure 'disappeared' in the air in a hurry, and retreated again.


Zeles was just about to get away from the black knight, but found that the black knight was coming straight towards him. After roaring, the giant sword slammed down on his head.

boom! !

The ground opened, and a figure wearing a green hat and green cloak was suddenly knocked away.

At this time, the Kingdom warriors and Rhine who were watching nearby came back to their senses.

In their eyes, Zells suddenly disappeared just now, and the Black Knight also disappeared.

Then, the two of them appeared on the other side in an instant, as if they had teleported, and Zells was even knocked out.

"What on earth is this?!"

As if time had stopped, the scene of the Black Knight chasing Zells was not captured by these Kingdom warriors and the girl.

The girl was a little confused.

'What happened just now? Why didn't she see anything? ! That Zells flew out? '

Chapter 74 Kill those who are stronger than me! This way I will be the strongest!

Whether it is the timing, the occasion or the situation, it is almost perfect.

The two people just used almost the same 'skills' and the same 'steps' for a short confrontation.

——Unexpected sneak attack, unexpected counterattack!

"What's going on!!!" Zells shouted frantically.

Why does this person have the same 'secret skills' as him?

That was clearly his own research, creation, and proud battle move!

Martial arts performed with the ‘flesh’ can also achieve miraculous effects comparable to ‘magic’.

Even the ‘Hero King’ can only see through it, but cannot learn it immediately.


Just now, this guy actually used the same technique as him in an instant and hit him! ?

“I have never used this move in public. I only used it once against the Hero King, and I used it a few times just now! Where did you learn it from!?” Zels asked angrily.

At this time, his chest was slightly collapsed, and his clothes were stained red. That was the wound caused by the giant sword just now.

“Of course you taught me just now…” The black knight replied lightly.

“Impossible! When did I—cough cough!” At this time, Zels coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood violently, but his expression was quite angry.

Zels. Weiss thought that the other party was completely playing a trick on him.

How could anyone in this world learn his advanced steps in an instant?

"I know, the Hero King must have secretly studied my steps after defeating me, and finally taught it to you, right?! He also thinks that my ability in combat steps is even better, right!" Zels' eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted excitedly and ferociously.

There was even a hint of "expectation" in his tone.

Rhine on the side just wanted to beat him up after hearing this!

Her father would never steal other people's "skills"!

How could such a proud father study other people's "fighting methods" without their permission?

"Although I don't know what the "steps" you are talking about are called. But I did just learn it from you. This is very similar to a "skill" I knew in the past."

"You can use footwork and breathing to sneak into the opponent's subconsciousness, making others subconsciously ignore themselves and thus unable to capture their figures. Am I right!?"

The black knight's repeated words made Zels' body tremble.

He didn't say anything, but his eyes were staring at Yan fiercely like a wild animal.

'You're still lying to me. You've studied it so thoroughly! You still don't admit it! Damn Hero King, you're just afraid of my talent as a swordsman! '

"I call this ability 'drawing feet'." Thinking of the 'special' physical technique in the Landing Knight, Yan spoke slowly.

"As long as you understand the principle, the way to crack this ability becomes very simple."

The conversation between the two was very light.

Rhine and the Kingdom warriors on the side were shocked.

What kind of 'gods' fighting method is this.

Diving into the opponent's subconscious? Are you kidding! How could such an exaggerated physical technique exist in this world?

'Father... have you ever faced such a terrifying enemy? And it only took three times to see through the opponent's skills and find a way to break it. ' Rhine clenched his fists, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his beautiful blue eyes like ocean gems.

For the first time, she agreed with her father's words. She might not be suitable to be a warrior.

Even if her physical fitness can reach the sixth level now, the girl feels that she will be killed instantly when facing the two people in front of her.

Such a combat consciousness is really terrifying.

"You said the method to break it is very simple?" Zels calmed down at this time and asked coldly.

But Zels didn't believe the nonsense of the black knight in front of him.

"You have already mastered this powerful and unparalleled combat skill. Do you still think it is a combat method that can be easily broken?" Zels asked proudly with a hint of self-praise.

"Yes... As long as you can take the initiative to face the things that are "ignored" in your subconscious, this ability can be broken."

It's like someone is pointing a gun at you, but you have to divert your attention and not pay attention to the gun in the other person's hand, but to a button on the other person's clothes.

Even more, you have to pay attention to the pattern printed on the button.

Take the initiative to pick up those useless information abandoned by your subconscious.


People can't identify everything they see and hear in detail.

Even if the eyes do see and the ears do hear certain things, the brain cannot discern them carefully.

Otherwise, the person's brain will be overloaded and overheated. Therefore, the human brain will stuff low-priority information into the subconscious in the conscious mind, so as to give up identifying this information and reduce the burden on the brain.

Even if you don't know this "knowledge".

What Yan said at this time was a bit incredible to others.

It sounds simple, but this is a "impossible" method! ! ?

Well, if you also install a human computer, Yan said that this is very easy to do.

But at this time, the Kingdom Warriors, Rhine, and even Zells, the founder of "Step", looked at the black knight in front of them with a stunned expression.


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