Sanzang, Teng Tai, and Shi Wan came to support them after taking care of the other solemn knights.

Tristan had to stop, but he told Bedivere that my king's punishment has arrived, and you have nowhere to escape.

Then the Chaldean group and Hassan witnessed the aurora shooting from the distant sky in the west.

Quiet Hassan: "The Village of the West - Devoured by Light -"

People saw the muttering words at the end, as if they were in disbelief.

What caught Claire's eyes at the same time was an illustration of a village swallowed up by a beam of light beneath the text.

The sacred light, at this moment, is like a world-destroying divine punishment coming, striking innocent lives on the earth indiscriminately.

Such a scene shocked people's hearts, but they were also stunned by this cruel and terrifying scene.

Until he saw Tristan and said: "This is the punishment of the Lion King.

The Purifying Pillar of the Holy Lance Lungominiad. "

Chapter 710 Arash: Whatever I promised, I will definitely protect!

Tristan: "Existence itself is a beautiful thing, to be so sad..."

After a slight pause, Tristan continued: "As you can see, the village of the insignificant mountain people has disappeared.

Then it goes without saying that it is the village's turn next.

Be purified without leaving a trace. "


Is that...purification...? !

Claire and the little princess trembled violently, opened their mouths slightly and made hoarse sounds.

The aristocratic young master, the duke girl, and Yuzuye also opened their eyes wide, looking at this scene without any blood dripping, but it was more chilling and cold-hearted despair.

The epic tragedy reaches a new level here.

And I originally thought of it as a story that might actually happen somewhere in the world during a certain time period.

Such content makes everyone feel silent,

There is no longer any laughter or teasing mood.

Bedivere: "Qing - Qing, are you crazy?

Then...could that be what King Arthur did! ? "

Tristan: "Of course! How can you perform solemnity if you are not conscious!

In order to leave no one alive, my king has made a holy judgment! "

At this time, Tristan opened his closed eyes for the first time.

That expression of compassion gradually transformed into a truly cold gaze.


People can see from the illustration that Tristan's eyes are very clear and there is no problem with his sanity.

But that's the biggest problem.

They had to face it head-on,

The result was that the Knights of the Round Table remained sober but continued to commit evil deeds.

People can't understand, and even have the slightest fear,

What could make the once just knights turn into the executioners they are today?

Or have they always understood it wrong?

The current round table is what they really look like.

That confusion will continue to accumulate along with the anger, until it collapses and explodes with the round tables who have already been supported to the limit.

Then it formed a moment of emotional impact like a torrent!

However, what they can see now is still only the side shown to them by the Round Table.

Tristan: "How can sanctions be mixed with personal feelings!

That king finally gave up the human heart completely! "

Bedivere held her silver arms in pain and closed her eyes, "..."

What is more painful than the physical pain is probably the knight's heart that is suffering extremely at this moment!

And when people heard what Tristan said about Wang Na finally "completely giving up the human heart", they kept gritting their teeth and shaking their heads.

Tristan: "...five minutes later,

The king's punishment will fall on this mountain.

Goodbye, Lord Bedivere.

We probably won’t see each other again. "

The solemn knight was left to stop Guda and the others from escaping, but Tristan had already left.

Jing Ming and Shu Wan have realized that they must save Guda even if they sacrifice themselves.

Let them escape successfully...

Roman: "Directly above, the observed magic value exceeds 3,000,000!

Uh...because the firepower of the highest level Noble Phantasm is 1000 to 3000——

Hey, after all, it’s an incomparable amount of calories!

Everyone, retreat quickly...! It will be burned to coke! "

Roman's words made Mashu and the others anxious, worried about whether they could escape and ascend to heaven, and whether they could rescue the villagers, but in fact -

Not only the villagers, they can't even protect themselves now.

Is it all over?

Humanity is going to end here.

The darkest and most desperate era seems to be coming!

But what Claire and the others couldn't accept the most was that it was the Lion King who caused all this.

Arthur, who once made people feel warm together and was regarded as a gentle king by them, issued a holy judgment.


Arash - Your Excellency! "Curse wrist.

"Yo. Sorry, I missed it.

He was easily knocked over and fell into the bottom of the valley. "

Just when everyone thought there was no hope,

When this village will also turn into one of the many meteor craters along with the sea of ​​fire,

Arash's voice suddenly appeared,

The great hero, who was already thought to be dead, closed one eye tightly, wondering if he was blind, and rushed in front of Mashu and the others covered in blood from head to toe.

The tragic warrior still had a slight smile on his face,

He looked at everyone calmly, "...Oh. He was still boasting about how he could defend for two days, but the result was this tragic situation.

Complain, complain, reprimand, you can just say it. "

Arash——! !

Arash is not dead yet!

When the little princess and the others saw Arash, although they were frightened by the miserable appearance, they were still extremely surprised and had tears in their eyes.

Before, they really thought that the great hero had [sacrificed] again!

Apparently they died once fighting against the three evil dragons in their era not long ago.

Seeing their favorite hero die twice in a row was a big blow to them.

And now knowing that Arash survived,

What a tenacious body and tenacious vitality!

People are all happy about it!

Matthew: "Mr. Arash... your injury... has been..."

Sanzang: "What nonsense are you talking about? If you want to scold me, I should scold you for the way you are now!"

Did you come back with a body like this? ?

Sit down!

I have to recite sutras carefully and teach you that you must cherish your body! "

Arash: “Haha, I’m so grateful.

But I’ll enjoy it later. "

Arash interrupted Sanzang's good intentions,

And no one noticed anything.

Until they saw Arash say: "Although it makes you laugh——

But I finally caught up with the opportunity to gain fame at this party. "

Guda: "Arash?"

The master's slightly uneasy and confused inquiry also revealed the thoughts of many people at this moment.

The great hero seems to be trying to do something... Is he going to——?

Arash: "I told you, don't keep a calm face.

Although this applies to everyone, this expression is particularly not suitable for you.

By the way, the tragic ending of complete destruction after struggling to no avail is not suitable for you either.

So, I plan to try my best once again. "

"With all your strength..." Everyone.

——! !

... People's hearts were shaken violently... they thought of something! The eyes of the more sentimental girls, Yuzuha and the little princess, all flashed with anxious and worried tears.

There is a man who will never be stingy with his life as long as he can protect everyone's happiness!

Even if it means sacrificing his strong body.

"After delivering this blow that cost my whole body,

My strong body will be shattered immediately! "

"Because I am... the heroic spirit that ends the battle."

"Let me show you the shooting stars!"

"Guys who do it when they should do it are called heroes. Although I don't understand it very well."

Recalling the battle where that voice was an arrow of life, the hero's words seemed to still be vivid in my mind.

Even though he was blind in one eye at this moment, the hero's behavior still didn't change at all.

The same scene, the same familiar moment!

Arash: "You should also retreat to the cave.

Those who survive are left to you.

Don't worry, the impact won't spread to the cave. "

The man who smiled softly made such a firm promise.

Claire and the others are convinced,

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