Once the village is burned down, the fire of the resistance will only become more intense.

This will increase the cohesion among the mountain people,

This led them to gather an army capable of invading the Holy Capital.

That's meaningless. Before completing preparations for the holy spear,

There is no time to waste on such boring mopping up battles. "

Everyone "..."

This is completely different from their impression of King Arthur.

If it were the familiar King Arthur, how would he reply?

Lion King: "But - the Holy Spear has entered its final stage. The Tower of the End can finally accept us.

…Our greatest enemy was time.

The tower at the end must be opened before the king who has completed the incineration of humanity enters the next stage. "

But now that everything is about to be completed, the resistance of the mountain people is no longer a problem.

The Lion King punished him.

But such words had such a strong impact on Lancelot,

Lancelot: "But...!

In this case, there is no need to be solemn!

If the defense of the Holy City is flawless,

There is no need to take their lives needlessly...! "

However, Tristan mentioned the existence of Guda and the others,

The rebels still need to be eliminated.

Then it was brought out that Arash was not killed by Lancelot, but resisted the Holy Judgment.

Lancelot said he did have his share of responsibility.

He hoped to hunt down Guda and the others with his own hands, and then come back to be punished and send his own head to the king.

Ageguiwen shouted angrily that he would not give him another chance.

Lancelot, a disqualified knight, must be imprisoned.

The Lion King once again helped Lancelot speak...asking him if he could catch the 'star'.

The ‘star’ that represents Chaldea moves very fast.

Lancelot: "Of course. By my sword, Arondette."

Therefore, the king once again gave him a chance to make up for his mistakes, and even Age Guiwen could only endure it.

Just as Lancelot left to pursue Guda and others,

Tristan also mentioned that among the rebels Lancelot was going to hunt down, there was also the existence of their former comrade Bedivere.

Later, because of the leak, Mordred and Gawain also revealed that they had met Xiaobei.

This made Ageguiwen furious! He didn't know the result? !

Twenty-five boys! One and two are all 25 boys! Those who let go of water, let go of water, those who let go of water, let go of the sea!

No one had ever reported Bedivere's existence to him.

Everyone: "..."

People's sad mood couldn't help but be diluted again. At this moment, the corners of their mouths were even slightly raised, with an urge to smile.

Did Gao Wenqing and Mordred really hold anything back?

People don't know

But Bedivere had indeed fought against the two of them several times and had successfully survived.

Especially Tristan, as Bedivere's former good friend, was even suspected by Agguiwen of missing an old relationship.

Tristan asked back, saying that it was impossible for him to be merciful.

The blessing given to him by the king was a 'reversal', and everyone at the round table knew this.

Agguiwen gradually calmed down. Indeed... Tristan was the knight least likely to be merciful.

[Reversal]...? !

People's hearts skipped a beat, and there were a lot of guesses about the literal meaning.

However, Agguiwen believed Tristan's explanation so simply, which actually made people more interested and shocked by that 'blessing'.

Will all Tristan's emotions be reversed?

For example, ‘kindness’ becomes ‘cruelty’,

‘Sad’ becomes ‘happy’.

Speculating on the ability to [reverse] this blessing.

Thinking again about what Tristan once said, "It's so sad that I want to laugh", people's hair stood on end and new speculations arose at the same time.

Maybe they had always understood it wrong before.

Is Tristan really sad enough to...want to laugh? !

If this is the truth, then wouldn't it be true for other round tables as well...

However, people did not wait for the information to be digested.

An even more surprising thing happened.

The people at the round table left one after another and returned to their posts.

Age Guiwen comforted the king not to take Bedivere's matter to heart.

Maybe Tristan and the others just misidentified him.

Suppose it is really Bedivere himself,

Then all he needs to do is welcome him back to the Lion King's round table.

Even though he looked down on that weak knight, Agguiwen, who knew how much the king loved Bedivere during his lifetime, was still ready to accept Bedivere into the round table again.


Lion King: “…No.

What have you been saying since just now? "

Agguiwen: "——Huh?"

Claire and the others couldn't help but laugh. They were confused and wanted to laugh at the same time.

He even imagined Ageguiwen's gloomy and serious face, showing his astonishment, and how out of control he looked.

That kind of scene seems very interesting!

The Lion King: “Bedivere——

Who is Bedivere? "

Suddenly, the air became quiet.

After seeing the Lion King's words, the smiles on people's faces solidified.

The Lion King – no, King Arthur…no…

Don’t you know Xiaobei?

How is this possible! !

Everyone was shouting in their hearts, and their minds were greatly shaken.

Impossible, impossible.

The relationship between Yi Wang and Bedivere.

The knight who stayed by the king's side until his death and was the most loyal to him.

...How could the king forget it!

Thinking of the heart-wrenching state of the stone statue when Bedivere was found by Merlin in Avalon.

Thinking of how many years Bedivere had been chasing the king in order to return the holy sword.

What made him persist and finally reach Avalon?

Even if it turned into an obsession, it was reluctant to disappear.

And the deep memories for Bedivere,

All of this, in contrast to the words of the Lion King now,

People are confused.

What is going on?

Turning to the next page, when people want to learn more about the changes in the Lion King's memory, the perspective has changed.

Then everyone saw that Guda and the others had stepped into the desert and began to look for the location of Alatus Court.

Chapter 713 Father and son, father and daughter meet? And the appearance of Sherlock and Holmes!

Led by Bedivere, a Knight of the Round Table with rich experience in travel, the Chaldeans were aimlessly searching for the ruins of the Atlas Court in the desert.

Until they recalled the message delivered by Hassan of the Cursed Arm, the representative of the Mountain People, "Listen carefully, the place you are looking for is the ruins that Ozymandias likes."

"But that is a ruin that Ozymandias's power cannot cover,

and that guy seems unable to investigate.

Recently, suspicious people can be seen frequently near the ruins,

which is very meaningful.

It is said that he is a Westerner wearing a turban and clothes like a black cloak.

It would be great if this person could become your signpost."

In addition, Hassan and others reminded them to be careful not to encounter the Sphinx, the sacred beast under the Pharaoh's throne.

As a result, the people who got lost in the desert did not see the so-called black cloaked man, but were attacked by the Sphinx.

As for the Sphinx that can fire light cannons from its eyes at a distance,

Sanzang was instantly forced into a panic.

Sanzang: "Stop, don't use long-range props,

I'm Caster, so I'll fight with melee~!"

Everyone: "..."

If they remember correctly, that's the job of a magician.

The magician doesn't know the spell, but has to fight in close combat?

People's expressions were a bit interesting, and when they thought of the Assassin who looked like a swordsman, the first generation leader, it seemed that this was not the first time they had seen such a situation.

Did these people really get the job wrong?

Afterwards, using the Sphinx as a beacon,

Chaldea and his party found a particularly high sand dune surrounded by multiple Sphinxes.

That should be where the ruins are.

However, just as Guda and the others were discussing how to lure the Sphinx away,

the sound of horses' hooves of the Knights of the Round Table chasing them came from a distance.

With wolves in front and tigers behind, this small team immediately fell into a dilemma.

Bedivere: "...We have no choice but to accept the challenge.

I will break through here!"

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