Although the guy didn't say it out loud,

But I'm well aware of his confusion. Because I am a genius.

That's why I decided to stay in Chaldea.

That is to say, Romani cannot be abandoned. "

In previous epics, whenever Leonardo da Vinci smiled and boasted that he was a genius, people would smile knowingly.

But now everyone is attracted by Roman, who Leonardo da Vinci said worked desperately to "carry mankind on his back".

At this time, the suspicion in many people's hearts became weaker and weaker, and gradually disappeared.

Reminiscent of what Leonardo da Vinci once described, Roman's efforts on the home front for everyone.

‘How could Roman like this be related to that guy from the Magic King?

Sure enough, we (we) must have thought too much. ’

"...Are doctors good (bad) people?" People couldn't help but think in their hearts. Coincidentally, they saw Guda asking such words.

When they saw Da Vinci's answer, their hearts were shocked.

Leonardo da Vinci: “It’s neither, and it’s both.

Because that's what humans are. "

'Because...this is...human beings! ? ’

Chapter 721: Enjoying everything on earth does not mean that desire will disappear! !

A quiet silence spreads in my heart...

This was the first time they saw Leonardo da Vinci's definition and statement of human beings.

But it was very touching.

Black and white, such words cannot be used to describe the good and evil of people.

Good people, even righteous people like the Round Table, have committed evil deeds like Tristan's massacre of refugees.

But the doctor who was suspected by Holmes was an ordinary human being, studying and working hard day and night, and fighting to save mankind.

It is precisely because human emotions are very complex, and many things cannot be defined simply in terms of good and evil, that the stories in the epic are so ups and downs, and so heartwarming.

I have already seen the Knights of the Round Table, the Marshal of France, the Lord Protector of the Country, all kinds of heroes with two sides.

As for the definition of human beings, they are the ones who have the deepest feelings now.

No matter whether the doctor is a good person or a bad person, the hardworking doctors they see are definitely not fake!

Thinking this way, people's inner mood also relaxes.

Leonardo da Vinci: “…but Romani had an ace in the hole.

I'll tell you this now.

As you might suspect, Romani is hiding something.

That's...well, something akin to the Holy Grail.

He hides the means to fulfill one wish.

Although he himself was too scared to even think about it. "

As soon as the words changed, what Da Vinci said attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone opened their eyes slightly.

'Doctor - really concealed such a magical power?

Like the Holy Grail, it can grant a wish...?

Huh? ! Wait, isn't he just an ordinary person? Where does this kind of power come from. ’

Then people saw Guda and asked, "Why?"

Da Vinci: "It's simple.

Because as long as you use it, it will disappear, so don't use it. "

Guda: "(Disappearance)...means...will you die?"

Cat-eared girl Youye's heart trembled when she saw this,

If it is a means of release that requires death, it is indeed... a bit too heavy. Meow meow meow QAQ!

Although Yuzuha thinks so,

Da Vinci's next sentence broke this conjecture.

Da Vinci: "-Yes.

If only it were that simple. "

Yu Ye was a little surprised.


She reacted,

[It would be nice if things were so simple] On the other hand, if you understand it, isn’t it that the price of death is far from enough?

Is there anything more terrifying than death? !

At this time, everyone still can’t understand——

What a heavy price that is.

But many people also subconsciously remember this matter in their hearts, planting it like a seed, taking root and sprouting.

Waiting for one day in the future, it will erupt like a landslide and tsunami!

Da Vinci: "In short, although Dr. Romani's past is a mystery,

But he has no calculation of his own. He will be your partner until the end.

This is the only thing I can guarantee for him by betting on the title of genius.

So, don't bully him too much.

As you know, that guy is mentally fragile.

If he loses his confidence, it will affect our survival rate. "

Guda: "...Thank you, dear Da Vinci."

[Romani will be a partner until the end...? 】

Watching the late-night communication between Da Vinci and Guda finally ended,

At this moment, people completely let go of the entanglements in their hearts and felt relieved.

If you think too much, it will be of no use.

On the second day——

Guda and the others visited the temple of the Sun King.

Da Vinci: "A messenger has been sent to King Ozymandias.

Let's wait for his reaction first. "

Matthew: “…Da Vinci kisses me.

Just in case, let me confirm, what is the content of the order? "

Da Vinci: Of course!

"We are about to go over and propose a joint war proposal to you. Just wash your neck and wait!" Like this!

Guda "Not bad. Very good."

Poof~! I almost choked to death on a mouthful of my own saliva and spit it out.

When people saw this, the friends were a little shocked.

Isn't this a declaration of war?

Are you sure you are here to find a partner, not to provoke the other party and create new enemies?

Especially seeing the master's boldness of not wanting to cause trouble and fearing chaos in the world.

Everyone suddenly felt that the future of humanity was bleak. Can humanity really be saved by these guys who look so unreliable...

However, Sanzang's next words still explained this behavior to some extent, which calmed everyone down.

Sanzang: "Well, according to you,

King Ozymandias is a collection of self-confidence, arrogance and narcissism.

Being cautious towards such a person will have the opposite effect!

We must let the other party experience our strength,

and prove that 'I am worthy of your opponent'!"

-Is that so... So this provocative submission of documents is also part of the plan?

People looked suspicious, always feeling that something was wrong and they were fooled.

And at this moment, the door of the temple suddenly opened with a rumble,

as if to verify Sanzang's words, countless mythical beasts, sphinxes, rushed out.

Lancelot was told to lead the knights to face these beasts head-on.

And Guda and the others——

"Assault the Grand Temple!"

With the Master's enthusiastic lead, everyone charged into the Grand Temple.

Perspective changes——

Turning over a new page, people saw Rai in the Grand Temple.

Facing Guda and the others who were challenging him, the Sun King was chatting with Nitocris.

The Sun King mentioned that he didn't expect his star to be dim this time.

'Just because I rashly obtained the Holy Grail,

I seem to have been blinded by it. 'Such words that made people half-understand seemed to be in the clouds.

Then the Sun King mentioned...

'So far, all the Heroic Spirits have been pursuing the Holy Grail,

even if they know what the world will become after the burning of human principles, they have not given up.

No, maybe it is because they know that this is the case.

The people called Heroic Spirits and Heroes are all sinful guys.

In order to prevent such a thing from happening, the Sun King sealed the Holy Grail in himself...

Now it has become a source of trouble.

He wanted to seal it, but it was sealed in reverse.

He thought that with the Holy Grail in hand, the Lion King would not dare to act rashly, but now it seems like a joke. ’

At this time, Nitocris took the initiative to protect the king's face.

Even if he enjoyed all the glory and wealth on earth, the perfect king in Nitocris' eyes was completely different from the other greedy heroes.

The king did nothing wrong, and only the king could hold the Holy Grail.

But the Sun King said himself: 'Enjoying all the glory and wealth on earth does not mean that there is no desire. ’

He asked Nitocris if she wanted the Holy Grail.

If she did, she might be able to use the Holy Grail to become the real 'Horus', which would definitely be a very interesting thing.

As the daughter of the sky (Horus), Nitocris is also a pharaoh.

But this proposal was rejected by the rule-abiding Nitocris.

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