Besides, even if we defeat the Lion King, what problem can we solve! "

Faced with Sanzang's questioning, the Sun King opened his eyes wide.

The light reflected in his golden eyes was so sharp that people dared not look directly at him.

Ozymandias: "The world will be burned to ashes due to the burning of human principles.

Even if we defeat the Lion King alone, it will be in vain.

I will use my authority to save my people.

What about other things? It's none of my business!"

The Sun King's words were very clear.

He only protected the citizens in his territory, which was the same as the Lion King only protecting the people of the Holy City.

But the latter's approach would lead to the world's separation, which was even more terrifying.


Really, a king with a very real temperament.

Sanzang: "Angry——!

I'm angry. I'm furious!

Both the Lion King and you should stop it!

How can you be as willful as Wukong!"

Ozymandias: "Wukong——Is he the Great Sage Equal to Heaven!

Isn't that a monkey! ”

The Great Sage Equaling Heaven——Wukong?

People who only knew a little about Sanzang’s background were slightly stunned.

They were all shocked by this domineering title.

Then people reacted, as if it was recorded in the previous description that he was one of the disciples of Master Sanzang.

Sanzang: “Yes, it’s a monkey!

So. You two look exactly the same!

Listen carefully? The end of the world is already in sight!”

Sanzang’s expression gradually became serious and more and more serious: “Even if you don’t care, your people don’t want to lose this desert!

You have to understand this well!

From just now, you kept talking about protecting Yu’s people.

Aren’t you the same as the Lion King!

Isn’t Pharaoh Ozymandias the strongest in Egypt! ?

Then let people see your handsome side! "

'... the handsome side... huh?' Everyone.

He seemed to speak as straightforwardly as a child.

Seeing that he was talking to the Sun King like this, the girls couldn't help but chuckle.

Sanzang: "It's not about protecting my people -

How about saying something about protecting the world, idiot -!"

At this time, the Sun King in the book was speechless for a moment.

Ozymandias: "————"

Teng Tai: "Even the king was made stupid. Ah,

Although I knew it a long time ago, this explosive power is really amazing!

That guy can't be angry. Because they are all children's theories!

If you get angry at a child, where is the king's position. "

Ozymandias: "——Ha!"

As if he heard what Teng Tai said.

Ozymandias laughed continuously: "Haha. Hahaha. Hahahahahahahahaha!

Huh hahahahahahahahahahahaha! ”

‘The Sun King is not stupid!’ The noble young masters couldn’t help but mutter in their hearts when they saw this.

Guda: “This time he is really laughing...!”

Ozymandias: “What do you mean by protecting the world!

Let me protect the world! Protect this superficial world!”

Claire and the others were stunned when they saw this.

Does the Sun King really not want to protect the world? They clearly felt that this king was a good person,

and thought that this alliance would be easy.

Ozymandias: “What I protect is the law of the gods!

It’s just that from the results, I also protected my subjects!

But, um.

This possibility is beyond my expectations.

…It’s not difficult to imagine.

For you brave men, I have always been an obstacle.

An excellent king, but also a tyrant who should be defeated.

Therefore, no matter what era or what world,

I will reign as your enemy.

Pharaoh Ozymandias will not save the world.

Because he is the king of domination and threats. ”

(“Will not save the world” is highlighted, it will be tested in the future, it’s really good!)

The Sun King’s bold words brought a little shock and touch to people’s hearts.

He is an excellent king, but also a tyrant!

It made them feel familiar.

It seemed like they had seen it somewhere before——

But he will always be the opposite of the brave, and he will reign as an enemy, waiting to be conquered and defeated.

People took a deep breath, and their blood boiled a little.

Not only the brave and heroes,

For the upright young people, the extreme darkness is also the romance of men.

Especially this feeling that it doesn’t seem evil,

but it’s just that they have to be enemies on different sides.

At this time, Ozymandias, who still disagreed with these people, took out the Holy Grail in order to test the strength of Guda and others...

He took the initiative to pour his blood into it.

Just when people were imagining whether the Sun King would show the terrible power and majesty that matched his own powerful spirit,

Ozymandias suddenly said: "The shadow of the demon living in the Holy Grail.

False God of Demon God Amon, I give you the correct name here!"

Demon God Pillar Amon.Ra: "One of the seventy-two Demon God Pillars.

Demon God Amon——No, just call the real name.

One of the true gods enshrined in my great temple!

His name is Great God Amon.Ra! ! "

The words of the third party that suddenly appeared, and the new illustrations that came into people's eyes,

A huge pillar appeared in the temple,

? ? ?

...! !

People witnessed with their own eyes the whole process of how the Sun King sacrificed himself and created the Demonic Pillar.

For a moment, Claire and the others were all stunned and stunned.

'What...what? What! !

What is this! ’

In order to test whether Guda and the others are qualified to save the world, they directly involved themselves in it?

Just kidding. It's too exaggerated.

Hermitos' pupils also shrank, as if he were looking at an idiot, and he was shocked.

Even if it is a trial, there is absolutely no need to go to this level.

Wait, couldn't the Sun King be ashamed, speechless and angry, so he hid in this way?

Hermitus: "..."

What is this? There are also Demon God Pillars—Seventy-two Demon God Pillars!

Even the Demon God of the Abyss was brought out.

...Why hasn’t he heard the name of this Demon God Pillar? Isn’t it a familiar Demon God?

Da Vinci: "Hey, he made a big deal out of him!

Amun-Ra possesses the highest level of divinity in ancient Egypt!

It is impossible to bring such a huge divinity to the world!

But giving the Demon God Pillar a name and forcibly attaching it to the Demon God Pillar is another matter!

Even if it's temporary, he's still a true master——

It's a monster that goes beyond the Demonic Pillar category! "

! ?

Seeing Da Vinci’s words,

Hermitus: 'So that name -

I have no impression at all. Is it not because he is too unfamiliar, but because he has been given the true name of the highest god? ! ! ’

Amon Ra...

pull? It can’t be the same god as the sun god Ra!

Thinking of the person of Ra, the sun god, that is a terrifying concept.

Cold sweat broke out on Hermitus' back, and he thought with some uncertainty:

If it really were that kind of ‘monster’, how could it be possible to defeat it with the power of a heroic spirit!

Unless it cannot exert its original strength, since it is attached to the Demon God Pillar, the power it can display should--not be too strong, right?

Chapter 724: La Er: Let me show you the fighting techniques (playing cards) passed down by the pharaohs of the past generations.

Mash: "...Even so, we can't move forward without defeating him!

This is why the Sun King became like that!

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