There was a fluctuation in the space, and the black knight and the descendants of the hero king who had disappeared reappeared in the place where they disappeared before.

"Ah! It's His Highness Rhine! They didn't abandon us. It's His Highness Rhine who's back!" A warrior from the kingdom cried with joy.

Although he has no confidence in whether the two of them can defeat the monster Zers is now.

But when I see these two people coming back, I am always inexplicably moved (happy).

"You...have you found a way to deal with the other party?" The girl jumped out of Yan's arms, her ears were red, her cherry blossom lips were trembling slightly.

The Black Knight did not answer, but picked up the glove, as if he wanted to put it on.

"Wait, there's something wrong with that magic soldier! It can't be used!" The girl quickly reached out and hugged the black knight's arm.

Yan was a little stunned!

"I know." Looking at the girl who didn't want to let go of him, Homura finally spoke.

"It is a demon weapon forged from the Demon God Pillar. It is more ferocious than ordinary demon soldiers... However, if you want to defeat that guy, the abyss aura remaining on this 'demon weapon' is the most effective way." The knight said in a deep voice.

‘It’s actually the Demon God Pillar! ’

The moment that terrifying term appeared, the surrounding area suddenly became quiet, and even the orcs and Zeers looked like they had seen a ghost.

After hearing this, the kingdom soldiers on the side couldn't help but look startled, then stood up straight and stood in awe of Yan.


Just like the legendary ‘hero’.

At a critical moment, should we use this 'demon weapon' even with the possibility of 'sacrifice'?

And it is the kind of magic weapon forged by the legendary 'Demon God Pillar' that only exists.

I have obviously seen the terrifying power of the demon soldiers devouring their captain before! This soldier, he actually——

A group of people were moved to tears.

Yan Dao didn't know what these people were thinking.

For him, although it is still impossible to eliminate any 'mystery' acting on him.

But this period absorbed so much ‘mystery’. Just resisting the erosion of the abyss is not a very difficult thing for Yan.

Through the analysis of the [Simulated Star Creation Diagram], Yan already knew the origin of this magic soldier's 'devouring' power.

Putting aside the 'power' blessed by the abyss, the demon soldiers themselves do not have much 'devouring' power.

After all, it is just a dead thing, not a living 'demon'.

In other words, in game terms, Yan's magic resistance and physical resistance are too high, and the magic soldiers are completely "unbreakable".

"Then..." Rhine suddenly bit his lip and lowered his head.

Only she knows that there is a thin dragon factor in her body.

But just because of this, not even the 'Dragon Factor' could save her 'humble' swordsmanship talent.

That's why her father gave up on her!

But the 'Dragon Factor' might be able to suppress the backlash of the 'Demon Pillar'.

With this thought, the girl's inner emotions became more and more turbulent.

"Let me try it first! I have the red dragon factor inherited from my father. Maybe I can use it." Tears slowly appeared in the girl's ice-blue eyes, and she clenched her teeth.

‘——Said it out, said it out anyway. ’

The last thing she wanted anyone to know.

You will definitely be laughed at! Very embarrassing words.

As someone who has inherited part of the power of the 'Red Dragon', I can't even cross the dividing line of the fourth step on the road to being a warrior.

Contrary to this idea, the determination in the girl's eyes became more and more profound.

Didn't I already have some awareness before?

Compared to watching others lose their lives in vain, admitting that one has no 'talent' is no longer a big deal.

Yan's eyes stayed on the girl, who seemed to be glowing with a different kind of brilliance at this moment.

Until she saw Rhine, she couldn't help but let go of his arm and avoided his eyes with a blushing face.

Yancai looked away.

You can tell from the sound of heartbeat and blood flow, and you can feel the girl's heart by observing her expression, behavior, and voice. It's really a beautiful scene.

There was a faint smile on the face under the armor.

"I have felt your courage. Compared with the burden you bear, now is not the time to put everything on the line."

As the Black Knight spoke, he put the gloves on his arms with a click without hesitation in the eyes of everyone who was breathing heavily.

“Don’t give up on your dreams. Even if it hurts you all over.

We must believe that human beings are a group of guys with unlimited possibilities. Just because we are born with nothing, we can have everything. Before you realize that possibility, I will fight for you this time..."

In the girl's dull eyes, the black knight slowly walked past her.

His encouragement was not passionate and his tone was not high-pitched, but it made the people around him feel excited.

‘Infinite possibilities’, ‘Just because we are born with nothing, we can have everything. ’

A huge impulse arose in the girl's mind.

Can I really still pursue the path of a 'warrior'?

Do you really still have the qualifications and extravagant hopes to pursue that goal?

Rhine didn't notice that the other person was talking about 'dream'.

Homura's judgment is not wrong.

The girl always believed that she was pursuing the path of becoming a swordsman in order to gain her father's approval.

But she neglected that in this infinitely painful journey, what really made her persevere was her inner love for the 'path of the swordsman'.

No matter what everyone is thinking in their hearts at this time.

...The ‘gloves’ worn by Yan on both arms now make him want to commit suicide.

Especially the vigilant and cold gaze on the back of Yan's right hand almost made Fist almost feel like he was about to be completely frozen.

Why is its new home right next door to that ‘Devil King’! !

Chapter 77 Restia: I remember you!

"Impossible! You were not devoured by the demonic soldiers!" Zeles' rationality seemed to be turned around because the scene in front of him was too horrifying.

His eyes widened, and he didn't notice when his sharp fingers sank into the palm of his hand. He just looked at the Black Knight in shock.

"You are weak, let me teach you how to understand it." The black knight said coldly.

The next moment, as his thoughts came to his mind, the 'gloves' turned on the 'hidden' mode very consciously and quickly, transforming into a set of demonic armor and covering the surface of the black knight's armor.

This is the real way to use this ‘magic weapon’.

It was only after Yan put on the gloves that he learned about it from the feedback information from the gloves.


‘Isn’t this too obedient? ’ Yan was slightly surprised.

This demonic soldier forged by the ‘Demon God Pillar’ ‘succumbed’ so easily?

From the moment he put on the gloves, Homura didn't feel the slightest sense of rejection.

Even some of the 'preparations' that Yan had made long ago were not used.

At this time, the 'Fist' was as if someone was chasing after him, desperately trying to strengthen the 'Flame'.

Generally speaking, magic soldiers with "demon nature", even if they recognize the user, will only devour a large amount of the user's flesh and blood, and at the same time, they will only feed back a small amount of power to strengthen the user very proudly.

But this way of trying to instill strength in turn is to 'please'.

If Yan's body wasn't very strong after being bathed in dragon's blood, he would have doubted whether this magic weapon was trying to explode him directly in this way.

"Armor...there's a new armor on his body!?" Zeers was surprised and spoke with gnashing teeth in hatred.

He actually called him 'weak'!

‘Let’s first see what abilities this armor has, if it’s not strong. This guy is dead! ’ Zers thought vigilantly.

On the other side——

"Is it an armor made of the body of the Demon God Pillar and mixed with the power of the Shock Gang?" Yan felt the message from the 'Demon Soldier'.

But what came to mind was a certain magic tool that Dante brought with him after becoming a demon in Devil May Cry 4.

It’s very similar to his current image!

"Then, you will be called 'Gilgamesh' from now on!" A set of 'armor' suddenly flashed in Homura's heart.

Inspired by Homura's idea, the shape of the gloves began to change. Some rare 'magic soldiers' had the ability to transform, not to mention that 'impact steel' itself was a metal that could change its appearance according to the user's will.

Gloves, no... should become 'armor' now.

The two wrists of the armor suddenly formed two protrusions that resembled launching missiles, and the two feet were also equipped with gear mechanisms.

After the transformation was completely completed, Yan's magic power was released, carrying a large amount of red thunder, and then rushed out.

Boom! !

Like a human-shaped lightning storm crossing the ground, Homura appeared in front of Zeers in just a moment.

He kicked Zeles in the face with a side kick, and at the same time, the gears on his feet began to rotate at high speed.

Peng! !

Even though he was also enhanced by the power of the abyss and his speed was much faster than before, Zeles was still kicked out before he could react at all.

‘Ahem~! ’ Zers’ mouthful of old blood and the blood splashing on his face flew into the air.

The powerful shock wave generated by the impact steel, coupled with the force of the kick itself, and the high-speed rotating gears caused great trauma to his face.

"You can attack me?! How can you attack me?! Ahhhh!" Feeling the piercing, burning pain on his face, Zeers yelled heartbreakingly.

‘It hurts! Why does it hurt so much! ’

‘It shouldn’t be! ’

Shouldn't it be like before, the power of the opponent attacking him will be swallowed up by the 'abyss'?

Zeles kept shouting crazily in his heart.

But he himself could not make a sound from his throat, and the strong wind made it very difficult for him to even breathe.

Zeles was being punched and kicked by a figure with red thunder.

There will always be a figure appearing from all directions to add a powerful and cruel kick before he lands!

Thump, thump, thump, the blood circulated throughout the body with heat, and the girl stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

It feels like my thoughts are about to be shattered——

The man who said those words of encouragement without sarcasm or through any colored glasses is now fighting there, and he is terrifyingly strong.

The Black Knight transformed into a red demon and was beating him crazily in an abyss form that was more powerful and terrifying than Ziles.


Show off your strength and fight heartily! ’

That powerful bright red figure seemed to be telling the people around him such 'words'.

How amazingly powerful this is. That kind of power, and how beautiful!

Does anyone also look forward to her ‘possibility’?

Encouraged, the heart that should have been exhausted to the point of completely collapsing suddenly gained an incomparable courage.

The bright red lightning finally cut in half from high in the sky.

Zels was smashed into the ground.


“What a powerful demon soldier!” Yan’s figure appeared next to the dust on the ground in an instant.

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