However, the response to the Sun King was not the cry for help that people might imagine,

nor was it the sound of rejection that people might imagine.

It was the Queen's wail——!

"Ugh, ah…………!!!!!!


Crack, crack, crack——the sound of the mirror breaking became more and more.

People were extremely nervous, but the Sun King seemed to understand the answer.

Ozymandias: "…No, no need to ask.

Even if you burn out, you won't ask for help. You are such a woman."

Ozymandias couldn't help but smile gently and knowingly at this moment.

This scene of separation of life and death made everyone a little sad.

The wall of light had been broken, but——

was it missing the last blow? ! The Sun King and the Queen, are they going to leave now?

Suddenly, sweeping away the somewhat sad atmosphere,

the Sun King, who seemed to be about to disappear at any time, opened his mouth wide at this moment, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.


Lion King, you won the battle of Noble Phantasms.

But the victory itself is a draw with you!

The blow to Yu's head is your weakness!

Yu's Noble Phantasm is still alive!

The punishment of the Great God is not strong enough! Let you have a taste of Yu's grave!"

('Grave... Grave what?'

Seeing that the plot seems to have a new turn,

Ra Er seems to have a trump card.

The little princess, Claire and others blinked in horror, staring at those words in a daze, wondering if their eyes were blurry.

Using the grave as... an attacking Noble Phantasm?!)

Ozymandias: "Even the Holy Lance,

Under such a huge impact, it is like a broken ship!

The Sun Stele, a huge boulder, the pyramid that governs the universe!"

Chapter 734: Graves collide! Is this a display of the king's majesty! ?


At this moment, some people who were doubting their lives widened their eyes.

Finally, many people remembered the rumor in the epic that the pyramid was also the tomb of the pharaoh.

Wait, so that big temple is both a temple and the tomb of the Sun King? !

And in addition to protecting the Sun King, it can also be used for attack?



Thinking of the Light of Dendera, it seems to have been launched from the top of the pyramid just now.

The top of the pyramid can be used as a weapon, so it has other functions. It is not...incomprehensible?

Yuye's back was sweating.

She really couldn't imagine that such a huge temple, what other uses there are.

Could it be to continue to cast the magic beam of the Light of Dendera just now? !

Just when people's thoughts were flying.

Ozymandias: "My infinite glory, the sun descends here!

Fall down-the Great Composite Temple of Glory!!"

Buzz~! Light...endless light descended from the sky.


After seeing the picture of the release of the treasure that was magnified several times more than the previous illustration, this time completely occupying an entire page.

When I saw the pyramid hanging upside down in the sky, emitting a sacred golden light, and falling from the sky.

! ! ! !


... Fuck!

Everyone was stunned.

If you look closely, there seems to be light and shadow of the pyramid not only in the sky, but also under the earth.

It is impossible to distinguish whether it is the reflection of flowers in the mirror or the moon in the water.

This is a terrifying picture of the collision of the pyramids in the sky and underground, and the two merge into one.

"The Great, the Great Temple...!!" Claire stuttered.

Really. The collision of graves——! ? That's the tomb of the Pharaoh!

Seeing that Ra Er played such an amazing new trick with the place where he would rest after death.

Everyone who never dreamed that the Great Temple could be used in this way was shocked by this scene.


In the scene of the terrible flood of light that was like the Big Bang, where nothing could be seen anymore——

Even if you couldn’t feel it up close, just witnessing that scene was enough to make people marvel and awed by the power of the Sun King.

Nitocris: “Oh… This is the majesty of the Pharaoh…

The Grand Complex Temple of Glory…”

People suddenly felt that there was something wrong with this queen.

Shouldn’t you be surprised? Shouldn’t you be confused? You are actually excited and fanatical.

This is directly using a grave to hit people.

When a bunch of strange symbols of ‘? ? ?’ appeared on people’s heads,

It’s not that they think they have a problem, but that they think you have a problem.

The two pharaohs’ minds regard this exaggerated attack as majesty or something…

They can’t understand it at all.

The previous worldview was torn to pieces again at this moment.

Nitocris: "You have perfectly defeated the Tower of the End, my king.

If that's the case, then I will also...!

I will sacrifice my soul to the god of the underworld to protect the king's city!

My mirror, turn into darkness that devours all light!"

The shadow of Ozymandias suddenly appeared and stopped her: "No need!"

At this time, people found that Nitocris had also become transparent.

Nitocris: "——Pharaoh?"

When they saw the transparent bodies of the two, everyone was silent.

The shock and surprise in my heart were suppressed, and I was moved and sad for the sacrifices made by the two pharaohs for this battle.

Just like Arash... again -

Sacrificed himself to save others?

Ozymandias: "You have worked hard. No need to continue.

And it will be troublesome if you are taken away by Hades.

I don't like that dark country very much."

Nitocris: "But... my mirror is for this..."

Ozymandias: "You idiot. The mirror has been cracked.

... I will rest now.

You should rest too. Pharaoh Nitocris.

Don't force yourself too much.

With your character, it's too kind to want to rule the darkness."

From the words of the Sun King, everyone seemed to feel a little gentle.

Although the Sun King... doesn't seem to be easy to get along with,

but in fact -

very wise? Kind? Gentle?

Under that violent and dictatorial rule, there is also the bearing of a true king.

Especially when they saw the Sun King saying, "I'm going to rest now, you should rest too."

They could feel the care that King Ozymandias had for Queen Nitocris in his heart.

Only at this last moment did the Sun King show his sympathy for his compatriots and the incompetent pharaoh.

Nitocris: "... No, how could that be.

It's all because I'm an immature pharaoh--"

As Nitocris finished her last words with a depressed look.

In the brilliant light of the release of the treasure of the Grand Composite Temple,

in the sparks of collision, the two pharaohs, until--

the sound of the mirror completely shattered sounded.

Their transparent figures also disappeared.

"Sun King... Queen..." Claire murmured subconsciously.

Have they-- also...

returned to the Throne of Heroes?

... Everyone gritted their teeth.

Fortunately, after all, they were not really dead.

They also understood that this was a necessary sacrifice for the battle.


At the same time, on the other side.

Allied soldier: "Did you see that just now?

The pyramid knocked down the pillar of light standing in the holy city!

The Lion King is no longer scary!

If we dare to do it, we can - woooo!?"

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