It shows that he really has a trace of justice in his heart - dangerous! "

As he spoke, Xiaobei suddenly stood in front of everyone, and the sword in his hand caught the flying white light and made a crisp collision sound.

at the same time--

There was also the sound of undulating bow strings.

This made everyone who was immersed in Bedivere and Galahad's understanding of the Ague rules finally come back to their senses.

[Bow string? ! That's not it! 】

Thinking of this singularity, the only knight who could use bow string waves to attack, people became energetic.

Bedivere: "This Broken Arrow is Lord Tristan...!

Nowhere to be seen! "

Jump~! The sound of a bow being drawn.

Just as Bedivere opened his mouth, they encountered another shot and were blocked by Bedivere again.

The invisible sound blade attack is hard to guard against.

Everyone's minds tightened slightly.

Lancelot went to find Aguewen. Unexpectedly, besides that, the last member of the round table was waiting here for a long time! Tristan! It's Tristan here!

Roman: "Ahead, the roof of the building on the right!

There is a magical reaction behind the chimney...! "

Tristan: “…how sad.

It would have taken just 10 more steps to slice you all up.

But because what Bedivere said was too unreasonable,

Unpleasantly, I couldn't help but move my fingers early. "

Hearing the voice before seeing the person, the Round Table, who has been hidden since the beginning of the war, finally has a role.

And Tristan's words also made everyone look a little surprised.

‘Tristan thinks what Beckham just said is unreasonable? ’

A strange feeling arose in people's hearts...

Isn't that... the evaluation of Aggui Wenqing? !

Wait, Agguiwen is also a round table now, and he didn't betray the Lion King at all.

Obviously at this time, he is still a Knight of the Round Table as a comrade-in-arms and compatriot.

But Tristan looked hostile to Bedivere and Matthew's praise.

It seemed that he didn't like to see the Iron Age Ruler, which was something no one expected.

Everyone: "..."

The rejection situation is simply more serious than the rumors say.

How many things did he do to offend others before he was despised by everyone at the round table?

I don’t know if it’s true that, as Becks and Mash said, the talent that is more important than Merlin is the Iron Age Gwen—

They were the first to see how Age Guiwen was disliked;

At this time, Tristan continued: "...Oh, it's true. Even a slip of the tongue can lead to luck, as expected of Lord Bedivere.

I really hope you can also teach me how to be so virtuous.

…I think fate is like death.

Those who can get rid of them successfully can get some time,

Those who are caught up can only die before they can escape.

You once escaped fate, in that shabby village.

Then let me see it again.

Use me as your opponent. Let me see your final struggle. "

Now that he has been discovered, he has no intention of hiding anymore.

Following Tristan's announcement, he walked from the darkness to the stage.

at the same time--

People also recalled some bad memories.

Their faces became a little ugly.

Bedivere even said at this time——

In that village, the Tristan he knew had long since disappeared.

Bedivere: "Even though I am so immature, I am still a knight of the King of Knights.

There is no way that I can fall below you as a knight of the Lion King! "

Two former friends are now at odds with each other.

Everyone - silent and complicated.

When Beckham is seen distinguishing between the Lion King and the Knight King.

People no longer deceive themselves.

The Lion King and the Knight King can no longer be treated as the same person.

Tristan: “…Of course.

You have finally reached this state of mind.

There has never been a round table here as you know it.

We lions are evil spirits with the heart of a beast.

I will not hesitate to kill you cruelly, and use this era as a stepping stone, just so that I can survive.

I'm sorry, but this is all I have right now, so let's pull back the curtain. "

After saying that, Tristan waved his demon string like a truly mad beast, constantly bringing dangerous attacks.

However, beasts are not terrible. What is terrible is the beast with reason.

Tristan's rationality has always been clear, but he can do all kinds of actions that are contrary to chivalry without hesitation and cruelty.

Even now, he is so calm and determined, and he only wants to kill enemies like Xiao Bei.

This is the scariest part.

This coldness even made Claire and the others feel cold in their hands and feet.

It also reminds people again of all the speculations about the blessing effect called [Reversal] on Tristan.

Will it literally turn everything Tristan wants to do, completely reverse the good and evil sides?

Just when many people are thinking,

At this time, Guda and the others were already fighting with Tristan.

After a fierce battle,

Tristan: “…how sad.

Even with such strength, it still doesn't work on me.

You have definitely grown.

I have grown to the point where I can no longer kill you all in one go.

But the same goes for you, you can't kill me who is carrying out the defense.

It can be described as a stalemate.

Ah...that's why I'm sad...

This time, time was on my side.

I just have to play with you here. "

Tristan's words caused the expressions of those who were still looking attentively to change.

The purpose of this sad prince is not to kill Mashu and the others, but to just support...? !

Too bad~! On the Lion King's side - the final ritual of transforming the Holy Spear into the Tower at the End is still going on.

If it is not stopped in time!

Sure enough, people saw those words on the next page, and they were right to worry.

Tristan: “As long as this is done, the Lion King’s ideal can be fulfilled.

Ah...what a boring time, what an unbearable time...

He actually prepared such an unreasonable ending...

Besides calling it a tragedy, what else can we call it..."


How good is this.

Lancelot has gone to conquer Arguevin and cannot come to help now.

Who else - is there anyone else who can come to help Mashu and the others now?

People frowned.

Just then——

? ? ? :"No!

Your tragedy is the comedy we are waiting for! "

A group of figures that people had almost forgotten appeared quietly.


The flying dagger was blocked by Yaoxian.

Tristan stared at several more skull masks.

Tristan: "You are-!"

Leader...! ! ! It’s the church leaders! Oh oh oh oh!

When they saw the neat rows of figures in the illustration, the people of Atlanta let out cheers of surprise.

Chapter 738: Each routine is darker than the last. Are there any more after the fifth floor?

Cursed wrists, silence, hundreds of appearances——

Since the appearance of the singularity,

Except for the strongest old man from the mountain, Hassan Sabah, who was still alive, all came.

Cursed Wrist: “I’ve kept you waiting for so long.

Although they must have a lot to say about the previous fierce battle——

But now every second counts.

Please go quickly.

This man is our prey.

I bet on the dignity of the old man in the mountain and take his life no matter what. "


If the goal is to defeat Tristan,

It's hard to be convinced by the fighting power Hassan showed before.


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