Our last strategy...is also in vain..."

"It's poison...!" Claire murmured as she looked at the fallen figure.

Claire: “It’s useless to Tristan though.

Hassan (the leader of the church) held back Tristan with fighting, but he himself also suffered the poison of silence. "

Claire's face became a little ugly, and there was a trace of worry in her eyes.

The tide of battle has been reversed!

No one expected that the leaders would lose due to such an intelligence gap in the end.

People: "Damn it!"

Afterwards... in the epic.

Facing Cursed Wrist's complaint, Tristan taunted mercilessly and plucked the bowstring continuously, but Cursed Wrist dodged them all.

Until he could no longer dodge, the Demonic Wrist raised his right hand to block the blow.

Cursed Wrist: "I am unwilling...! Being attacked like this,

But I still can't see the bow clearly...! "

Tristan: "You can't see. As long as you're seeing with your eyes.

The results are clear.

You cannot defeat me.

It is your tragedy that you failed to recognize this in the end. "

As the plot progresses, people see how Cursed Wrist hates his own powerlessness——

I also saw him trying to get closer to Tristan as if he was crazy.

Curse Wan suddenly said: [Even if I can't defeat you, I know something that can defeat you. 】

At this time, the wrist of the cursed wrist in the illustration has become as red as fire, and it is ferocious and slender, like the arm of a demon.

"That's...the Demon God's wrist?!" People murmured softly, reacting.

In their minds, they recalled the previous legend about the story about the cursed wrist deceiving the devil, and they gradually showed their excitement.

If it was the devil's skill in that story, maybe——

Cursed Wrist Hassan: “Uuuuuuuuuuuah, I got it...!

This arm's got you, Tristan! "

Pfft~! There was a sound like a sharp knife piercing the chest.

Tristan: “...So what if I’m caught.

You gave up your life to grab my hand.

But that's it.

What on earth can you do with a body that has been punched through your stomach and your internal organs are leaking out——"


There was a squirming sound.

Tristan: “…The arm actually moved automatically…!?

No, this is...! ? "

Cursed Wrist: "...my arm was something plundered from the demon god [Shayitana].

Although he has been controlling it with spells——

But now, the spell is broken.

The demon god has acquired a physical body and will devour me as a thief and you as a sacrifice. "

Sacrifice...? !

When people saw that Curse Wand himself was included in the sacrifice, their pupils shrank.

Tristan: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...! Why can't we separate - separate quickly!"

Wow, how is that possible——

Are you using our soul base as food? ? "

Immediately, there were bursts of "chewing sounds" in the air!


Are there any creatures eating? ’

The word "chewing" made everyone's hair stand on end and their hair stood on end, and they were a little horrified.

Claire: "Is this—is this Hassan's strongest trump card?"

I think of Hassan who has always been claimed to be the most ordinary Hassan with the lowest talent among Hassan in the past...

... Gudong... Swallow your saliva.

How ordinary is this!

The leader who possesses the terrifying Noble Phantasm of liberating the body of the devil and devouring the spiritual foundations of our enemies and ourselves——

If this is called ordinary.

Countless professionals and adventurers fell silent when they saw this.

Compared with ordinary people like Cursed Wrist, they are probably at the level of trash.

Even the most ordinary leader has such terrifying abilities.

At this time, people also understood that if they really believed that this leader was ordinary, then they would be too naive...

Cursed Wrist: "Heh, heh...!

It's really incredible, this kind of pain that seems to be pierced through the whole body alive!

And I'm sorry, Mr. Tristan.

Although you are an enemy, I really admire your ability.

We are also people who rely on our skills to survive. How much effort you put into that bow, how much training you went through...

When I think of all the devilish experiences you have had so far,

I can't help but admire these years.

but! It is precisely because of this that you are suitable for hell!

Let's go together, Tristan! "

Tristan: "I, will I, die...!

Eaten by such an ugly monster! ?

No, you will die too!

The pain is the same! Then why do you do this? ?

You clearly have no blessings! "

Looking at Tristan's embarrassed and unbelievable look.

And the devil's sound was like eating potato chips, and the chicken was crunchy and crispy. Click, click,

The contrast between the two makes people's scalp numb even more.

There are no illustrations at this moment, so people can only use their brains to imagine what a terrible (eating) scene it is.

On the other hand, facing Tristan’s questioning...

Curse Wrist: “We don’t need any blessings!

Coexist with the barren land and protect the compatriots living here,

Consider the teachings produced in this land as your own!

Don't care about other countries! I don’t care about any ideal country!

We love the people who live on this land!

We are born for this and die for this!

This is the original commandment of us as the old man in the mountain...!"

Tristan: "Gu, oh——

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

In that speech that seemed to penetrate people's souls, not only Tristan's high voice, but also the entire epic reached a climax.

...Born for this, died for this,

Deeply loved the people living on the land, this is Hassan Sabbah.

This original commandment of the old man in the mountain stunned everyone who saw it.

Even the Atlans were no exception.

This is——

The true core of the sect's doctrine they believe in!

Chapter 740 The knight who died for the king, the last loyalty!

Is it scary?

Is it scary?

The manifestation of Hassan of the Cursed Arm is far more terrifying than other Hassans.

But after reading the heartfelt words of the Cursed Arm,

seeing the cry of the soul that can only be made by true faith.

People suddenly can no longer fear it.

This shocking belief, the shining soul has long suppressed the fear in people's hearts.

——Rejected the powerful blessing, disdained it——this leader.

Only willing to coexist with this barren land and protect the compatriots living here...

The leader who regards the doctrine produced on this land as his everything!

Don't care about other countries! Don't care about any ideal country!

This love that transcends national boundaries, a deep love for this hometown.

Like If this is the true doctrine of the assassination cult...

Many young people in Atlan saw this and felt a fire burning in their hearts.

‘I want to join the cult - to protect this land that I love deeply.’ Young people with passion in their hearts could not help but have such an impulse.

There are many ways to become a hero -

and there is a kind of hero that is often the easiest to achieve and the closest to ordinary people.

You don’t need to pass the trials of the gods or complete the feats of defeating various powerful monsters to show your bravery.

Not for great achievements, just for the faith in your heart, to protect that piece of pure land, you can fight at all costs for this and achieve miracles that cannot be achieved.

This is the hero of ordinary people.

Tristan panted: "Hu... Wuhuhuhuhuhu...! "

The air suddenly rang with the sound of bowstrings, followed by the sound of sharp blades piercing flesh.

Tristan finally separated from the demon's wrist.

Tristan: "It was your mistake to let my right hand move freely...

As long as I have one finger, I can launch Felnot...


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