He hesitated to speak——his heart was extremely complicated!

He actually defeated Sir Lancelot, the first knight of the Round Table.

Although the price he paid was extremely tragic.

But no matter what, how deep must his obsession be to help him narrow the gap in martial arts so much...

He even completed a complete reversal.

Incredible, incredible.

Agguiwen: "...Although it is a corpse,

You can't see the head of that man."

The Lion King: "Is that so. Sir Agguiwen, come here.

You are allowed to approach the throne.

It may not do much for this injury, but give me your hand.

I can stop some of your pain."

Aggguiwen: "...No, how dare I.

Besides, I still have five tasks to do."


Everyone was stunned.

Guda and the others have left, what else can Agguiwen do.

And the other heroes, whether it is the Knights of the Round Table, Hassans, or Pharaoh and Master Sanzang, have basically left.

Could it be that Aguguiwen still wants to cause trouble for King Hassan?

When everyone thought of King Hassan's figure, their hearts trembled.

If they really want to attack him, I'm afraid that even if they have dozens of lives, it won't be enough.


Aguguiwen: "Eliminate the enemy army. Eliminate the invaders. Repair the destroyed holy city.

Induce the citizens who have accepted the holy troop.

And——complete the splendid palace where you will be the only one living in the end."

As Aguguiwen finished speaking about the five tasks that needed to be done.

People were stunned and then fell into silence.

An indescribable complex emotion surged in people's hearts.

People remembered the words he roared like a devil when facing Lancelot's questioning of loyalty.

Now everything Aguguiwen said and wanted to do.

Doesn't it still reflect his deep obsession with the king!

Although he didn't show the gentleness and thoughtfulness of Bedivere,

his heart for the king was no less.

It also completely subverted people's past perceptions of him.

Many people who originally hated him were moved by this miserable but still... considerate knight who considered every aspect of the king.

Agguiwen: "There are still too many things to do.

There are still so many——"


Just after he finished speaking, a large amount of blood splashed on Agguiwen's body.


At this time, Agguiwen spoke: "…It seems that reality only allows me to go this far.

The original plan was to offer you an ideal country this time——

I am so ashamed——

My plan did not go smoothly this time."

The Lion King: "…Indeed, but I will not blame you.

You can rest now, Agguiwen.

Always overworking is your only shortcoming."

Aggguiwen: "How could it be——Compared to you, I am like this."

In a white light, everything came to an end.

The epic also ended completely.

The last illustration was fixed on Agguiwen's face, which had regained its calmness and was no longer hideous.

People recalled the different beliefs of the Knights of the Round Table in the King, as well as the heart-wrenching plots in the epic, and for a moment they could not help but fall into a trance.

Chapter 759 The Pope who has no idea what he is about to face

"No more..."

Not a single bit left.

After coming to their senses, the people kept playing the book.

Even if they turned the pages to pieces, they would never see a new story.

"Next time it will be the epic of the Seventh Singularity..."


--You have a question, why don't you think it will be about the first few singularities.

The second to fifth singularities have not been completed yet, and you want to read the seventh singularity?)

In fact, at this time, people are more curious about the Seventh Singularity than knowing what happened to Guda and the others in the previous singularities.

The last few words of the Lion King completely aroused people's curiosity.

And the further description of Chaldea and the confirmation of the Uruk era have made their expectations reach the peak.

The sixth singularity is the future of a certain world line of King Arthur's biography--

It is a possibility for King Arthur.

People are also looking forward to whether the seventh singularity will be the continuation of the Gilgamesh epic.

And the seventh chapter they are thinking about--

Flame: "If you want that kind of thing, can't it be completed at any time?"

Flame, who has just updated the sixth chapter, is in a state of fishing at this time.

He is not in a hurry to take out the seventh chapter.

At this time, he is thinking about another thing.

Something that should have been solved long ago--

After a period of recuperation, the final battle between Atlan and the Northern Theocracy is about to start.

Whether he directly represents Hitti (Atlan) or represents the ally Rhine (Ceylon), he is ready to push this war to a complete end.

In Flame's eyes, the people of the Northern Theocracy are no different from the people of Atlan and Ceylon.

Putting aside the churches and faith institutions established by the Theocracy--

That country should have belonged to the Hitti sisters.

This is a battle to retake homeland, and letting civilians suffer because of the continued war is not Yan's style.

Of course——

Compared to the dissatisfaction of not being able to see the subsequent plot.

At this time, a group of people are eager to try to turn what they see and hear in the epic into their own inspiration and realize the technological alchemy that their gods say.

Even if they like to stay at home, the group of alchemists also know that Andersen has a new book.

For Andersen's works, no matter what type, they will not give up...

For fear of missing any good inspiration.

And the wonderful ideas shown by Leonardo da Vinci in Chapter 6, and the description of alchemy by the Atlas Academy - are a big sensation in the current alchemy academic community.

A few days later, the immersive reading experience was also updated in the magic crystal.

People can experience the grandeur and shock of Chapter 6 more closely.

Ordinary people are concerned about the grand scenes when the treasures are released in the immersive experience, and the passionate background music at the climax, which brings them a better experience.

But the alchemists wish to leave all the shots to the plot of Leonardo da Vinci and the Atlas Academy.

Meanwhile, on the other side…

After updating the magic crystal and rereading the epic of Chapter 6 in an immersive way, the Duke girl returned to Atlan with satisfaction.

It just so happened that Atlan was ready to launch the final general attack on the Theocracy.

In the next few days, Atlan's army continued to advance, pushing several cities in a very strong posture.

By the time the capital Emerald City reacted, they had been surrounded by Atlan's army.

"Why did the war fail so quickly..." In the Amyrlin Hall, the Pope asked coldly while looking at the archbishops below.

An archbishop trembled and said, "I heard that several cities opened their gates and surrendered directly..."

Another archbishop also gritted his teeth and said, "The city guards are not warriors in the church.

That group of treacherous guys have no faith at all.

They actually said they would welcome the return of the princess. Ridiculous!

Where do they regard His Majesty the Pope and theocracy?"

"His Majesty the Pope is the true orthodoxy."

The bishops discussed it...

In the end, they all came to the same conclusion that the embers of the old kingdom parties had not been extinguished,

which led to the complete collapse of the war.

However, no one knew that the reason why things went so smoothly was,

not only that the citizens still had a certain sense of belonging to the past kingdom, but also that Yan had made several moves in secret, which made things go so smoothly.

In order to stabilize the war, he even sent Black Zhen and the pseudo-Mecha Legion over.

I don't know how terrifying the enemy he is about to face this time is.

Although the Pope's face was very ugly at the moment, he was not panicked.

Now the army is approaching——

The first warrior of the church (Huo Haining) ran away with the holy spear and gave his head, and now his life is uncertain.

In fact, Yan forgot that there was a half-crippled man who was killed by him and didn't care about him, and directly locked him in a small dark room.

As for the Pope himself, the remaining trump cards are just a few more seventh-level combat forces.

But the Pope doesn't know what he will face this time!

For high-end combat forces, he thinks he is not at all inferior.

As long as the seventh-level strongman of Atlan is defeated, it will only take time for the remaining ordinary troops to be eliminated.

"Even if there is no Huo Haining... the Church will not be afraid of any enemy." The Pope shook his head and stopped thinking about that troublemaker.

If the other party didn't disobey his orders and acted arbitrarily——

He wouldn't be beaten by the Flower Magician to such a state of life and death.

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