Arthur didn't take it too seriously, otherwise the sword wouldn't have fallen into the hands of another knight he loved and was loyal to in the future.

It's just a 'sword', it doesn't mean anything.

Readers outside the book were stunned when they saw this.

The little princess was even more worried.

"Brother Arthur..."

That was Sister Merry's 'prophecy'!

Maybe Arthur in the book didn't feel anything.

But from a God's perspective, he watched all the prophecies and actions made by Merry in the two eras of the old king and Arthur, the new king.

In the end, all of them came true and succeeded.

It is the omnipotent wisdom of 'Merry', combined with the stunning beauty and mystery that make people admire her, that there are so many fans who like this existence that is not considered the protagonist.

Not the protagonist, but better than the protagonist.

Both men and women have a sense of admiration and admiration for her.

If Arthur ignores Merry's 'prophecy'. It is conceivable how painful it will be for him in the future.

Later in the story, after Baring was driven away, he heard the news that Arthur suddenly went to war with the Roman King of Swiss.

Baring was worried about the safety of his old master, and at the same time, he wanted to follow Arthur again.

He never thought of joining other kings, but at this time, he chose to save Arthur with his brother Balan.

That's why Merry instructed them to capture King of Swiss.

Seeing this -

people's image of Baring finally came to life.

The image of a loyal, powerful, straightforward, and clear-cut knight appeared in their minds.

"So handsome!!" The son of an earl couldn't help but jump up excitedly.

He fantasized that he became 'Baring' and pulled out the 'Undestroyed Lake Light' in the surprised eyes of countless knights.

And how he got his revenge and killed the vicious lake fairy.

Like a lonely hero, he was rejected by other knights and hid alone in the countryside.

And when the king needed him most, he was determined to end a war with absolute power!

Compared to "imagining" themselves as King Arthur.

More people are looking forward to such a king and want to follow such a king.

Such a role did not exist in the past.

Now the knight "Baring" has appeared!

This just satisfies the fantasy of many young people who still have passion in their hearts, and even some middle-aged people, to follow the noble "king" in their dreams.

And Baring, who showed his loyalty and bravery as a minister so well, instantly won everyone's love.

Baring's tortuous experience of being driven away and returning to Arthur's hands.

It also made many people feel a sense of loneliness as a "hero". It is a pity for him, and he is even more attracted by his noble personality charm that he is willing to choose to help the king under such circumstances.

Because of the name of "Undestroyed Lake Light", some people even came up with a beautiful name for Baring, "Knight on the Lake".

Now everyone probably knows a lot about some of the knight's creeds and beliefs, and has their own understanding.

Even if Yan didn't write the "Knight's Declaration" specifically, many people have actually begun to like some of the knight's "codes", especially the warriors.

These warrior readers will copy out and write down anything related to the knight's "code" as long as they see it in the book.

Because of their love for the character, without knowing the future "Lancelot"...

After knowing the nickname of "Knight on the Lake", many readers actually quite agree with it.

Chapter 81 I can't control myself!

People don't know that the nickname "Knight on the Lake" will belong to another knight named "Lancelot" in the future.

But at this time, no one can correct them.

Just when they breathed a sigh of relief and thought that the story was still "good" in the end.

At least the ministers and the king have reconciled their past grievances.

Baring was also able to renew his loyalty to the king.

But Yan just threw a "grenade" into their hearts when these people couldn't help but smile knowingly.

'——Although Baring is back.

But he made a mistake on his way back. '

One of King Arthur's knights had heard about Baring killing the Fairy of the Lake.

He wanted to get the king's recognition by chasing Baring, and at the same time he was jealous that Baring could get the recognition of the Undestroyed Lake Light instead of him.

This knight was one of the many knights who "drew their swords" that day.

During the pursuit, Baring accidentally killed the knight.

The knight's lover came and committed suicide in front of him in grief.

Because of his accidental sword, he killed two bodies and one heart; the two hearts had long been connected to become one, and the souls of the two were destroyed together.

When the flower magician Meili came, she asked the other party why he "let the girl die without saving her".

You could have saved her.

Until Baring swore that he didn't react at all because of the rush.

Meili sighed, "I'm sorry. Because of this woman. The 'prophecy' on you can no longer be changed. I should have come earlier."

'The Undestroyed Lake Light' is more like a magic sword than a holy sword.

It is a very deep 'curse'.

"Because of the death of this woman, you will make the most tragic blow in the future. Except for the god who created the century, your blow is the most fierce since the beginning of the world. The three countries will fall into extreme poverty, sorrow and misery at the same time because of this blow. They will have to endure for twelve years. And you will die in an extremely painful and sad battle."

When he finished speaking.

Baring hurriedly asked him with a sad face. "If the person you are talking about is me. Instead of waiting for that kind of future, I'd better understand myself now."

Meli just smiled slightly, and then disappeared without saying much.

And before leaving, Meli made a new "prophecy".

In the future, it will also be this place, and two rare knights in the world will fight an unprecedented battle here.

——They are all the most sincere lovers!

These two people are Lancelot, who is known as the "Flower of Knights", and Tristan, the "Sentimental Knight".

At this point in the story, everyone's heart jumped, and they were in a state of ups and downs for a while.

Will ‘Baring’ die? ! No, no way! He is the protagonist of this ‘extra’!

At the same time, regarding the incredible words described by Meili.

People can hardly imagine what kind of powerful blow Baring will swing.

If they were asked what the strongest person in the world is, the first thing they would think of would be the gods.

And the strongest among the gods is the God of Creation, who completely disappeared in the long river of history after creating this century.

He can issue a blow that is only inferior to the ‘God of Creation’ since the creation of the world.

It also affected three countries.

Even a ‘hero-level’ ‘magician’ can’t do this!

The ‘limit’ in the eyes of humans, the ‘ceiling’ that cannot be touched. Will such a shocking thing really happen in the ‘future’?


What they are seeing now is a ‘hero biography’, that is, this is an ‘event’ that has already happened?

"Oh my God! I really want to... I really want to see how Baring actually delivered that 'tragic blow'! Ah! Woo! But, will Baring die after delivering it!?" Claire thought with a tangled and painful look on her face, holding her 'King Arthur' biography.

She really, really, really wants to read it now.

But she doesn't dare to read it and doesn't want to read it. She feels very 'contradictory'.

Sister Meili predicted that Baring would die!

Such a good hero and knight died just like that, it's too sad!

It's better not to read such a tragic story, so as not to make yourself sad in vain.


Huh, huh, huh? Why did your fingers move? Why did your eyes move too?

Wow! What are 'you' doing!

I can't control myself anymore! ! Rhine, come and save me!


"Will Baring die...?" In the Earl's mansion, the Earl's son, who was excited before, now looked at the book in front of him with a somewhat apprehensive and nervous expression.

Originally in his previous world.

The biographies and epics of ‘heroes’ were his biggest dreams and hobbies.

Love to dream, want to be a hero who saves the world, this was once everyone’s fantasy,


The impact and shock that “King Arthur” brought to these people was not just his wonderful enough stories and fascinating illustrations.

Along with the strong authenticity, there is not only the glory of the heroes who are worthy of praise, but also the ending of the heroes.

There is no “hero” in the world that will never end.

Some endings are good, and naturally there are bad endings.

The biography of “King Arthur”, the baptism of the “tragedy” that really makes people feel stomachache is just about to begin. Now these people are already hesitating whether they should read it.

If Yan knew, he should also worry about whether there will be lovely book friends who are too depressed after reading it and get depression directly!

Just when everyone was guessing what the “tragic blow” that is second only to the power of the creation of the world would look like.

But no one thought.

The second to the power of the creation of the world in Meili’s mouth is another “meaning”.

It is not the real creation of the world, but a meaning that has an extremely bad impact on the world and society.

Bringing indelible trauma to the three countries, such a blow, isn't it the "creation of the world"?

On the other side -

I asked others to get the new volume of "King Arthur" through some special channels.

At this time, I was also reading it with joy and expectation.

It's just that the girl's focus is a little different from others, more on another point.

She looked at another prophecy that Meili told "Baring".

'In the future, there will be two rare knights in the world who will fight an unprecedented battle here...'

Their names are -

'Lancelot'! And 'Tristan'!

One of the familiar names made the girl tremble all over.

Black armor, unparalleled martial arts on the battlefield.

It really is - 'Lancelot', it's the same name! !

Chapter 82 Arthur: There is no enemy that can't become a partner with a light cannon!

The war ended with the help of the brothers Balin and Balan.

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