
Another short story is quickly mentioned in the epic.

In a forest called Kelba, it is green and full of life.

Birds are singing on the branches, and lively and beautiful deer are playing in the forest.

But behind the deer, there are often greedy and ferocious wolves, who are always looking for opportunities to attack the deer.

There were about 4,000 deer in the forest at that time, and people had to be constantly on guard against wolves.

The local residents hated the wolf. They formed a hunting team to kill all the wolves in the forest.

The wolves howled and fell into a pool of blood.

On that day, more than 6,000 wolves and other natural enemies of deer were killed.

The forest of Kelba has since become the kingdom of deer.

They lived and multiplied here without any worries, and the total number soon exceeded 100,000.

However, due to the large number of deer, famine broke out in the forest.

Shrubs, small trees, twigs, bark...all available green vegetation were eaten up by hungry deer.

The entire forest seemed to be on fire, and the green color was fading rapidly.

Immediately afterwards... because of the loss of the threat of wolves, the deer herds that lacked exercise suffered from diseases again.

In just two winters, 60,000 died, and only 8,000 remained.

People never dream that the wolves they hunt are actually the "contributors" to the forest and the deer herd.

Ahura, who can defeat Angra Mainyu but never kills him...

It's the same reason.

He understands better than anyone else that this world cannot only have light without darkness.

Only when human beings make progress in hardships, shine and generate heat, can they open up a new path.

If you lose your sense of crisis, you are not far from disaster.

Although this still cannot be proven, there are also evil gods who love humans deeply...

But it planted a seed in people's hearts.

They were shocked by the story of killing wolves and other natural enemies, but causing greater disaster to the deer herd and destroying the forest.

Put yourself in someone else's shoes...

They can't help but think, maybe sometimes a "necessary evil" is actually a good thing for mankind?

Does that kind of thing that is not evil... but pure 'evil' really exist?

And the truth about humanity’s final trial——

For a time, many problems troubled people.

It was as if there was a fire burning in their hearts, driving them eager and eager to know everything.

When they turned to the next page, the epic perspective at this time had already arrived in the human world who didn't know how many years later.

Chapter 787: Humanity’s first trial, the son of the evil god.

The first hominid was named Cayo Morz.

His death has been described in the epic.

In another legend, he moved to an alternative timeline and became the true ancestor of mankind in that land.

The world is still desolate. Human beings have no tools to work, no clothes to protect themselves from the cold, and no delicious food to enjoy.

They could only have simple food to satisfy their hunger, and clothing made from wild animals and tree bark.

It is difficult to tell whether people are noble or not——

Under this circumstance, as the first human being created by the good god Ahura, Kaiyo Morz naturally became the king of the world who needed to lead this group of human species to become rich and powerful.

The supreme title and the crown of King of the World made him extremely proud,

Because of this honor, he is determined to carry humanity forward and govern his country prosperously so that everyone can live a happy life.

And this king of humans lived up to expectations, and the kingdom prospered during his reign.


When Kayumorz grew old and determined to pass the throne to his only son, something unfortunate happened.

Rumor - The evil god Angra Mainyu wants to cause mankind to lose its next king and cause chaos to the human kingdom, creating disasters for these hard-working and peaceful humans.

He sent his own son to kill Cayo Morz's son.

The son of the evil god has three ferocious and terrifying evil heads, which look like a dragon and a big snake.

Its name - Aziz Dahaka, is a pillar representing 'evil thoughts' among the seven evil gods of Zoroastrianism.

Among the illustrations, the figures of three evil dragons that are quite familiar to people come into view, just like the cover.

This time the shadow on the three-headed dragon completely dissipated, reflecting the terrifying dragon head and its strong and pale skin.

"Three-headed dragon...! Aziz Dahaka?!" The young man cried out and widened his eyes, staring intently at the portrait of the demonic dragon.

It’s really a dragon——

Wait...this image is inexplicably familiar.

... People can't help but think of the battle that took place on the border between the two countries a few months ago, when the Theocracy was not yet destroyed...

The terrible monsters released by the gods, the three dragons, almost destroyed all the towns and creatures they saw along the way, and finally fell into the hands of the great hero Arash.

This image——


If it weren’t for the fact that Azdahaka in the illustration looks like a monster, but maintains a human form and can stand upright on the ground with his feet like a human being,

People have to associate the two identities together.

...continue to look behind the epic.

The sad news of losing his son made the king of humans miserable for a whole year.

But the son is dead and there is no way to bring him back to life.

This king of humans is already old, and his own strength is far from being a match for the evil dragon.

He had no choice but to place his hopes on his young grandson Hu Shan, hoping that Hu Shan would grow up quickly, become a great hero, and avenge his father.


Hu Shan, who had been placed with such high hopes since childhood, grew up with heavy hopes on his shoulders. After many years, he finally grew up and became a man who stood tall and proud.

And Azidahaka seemed to have calculated the time for the new heir to the throne to grow up.

When Hu Shan came of age...

Since killing Kaiyumorz's son, the three-headed dragon, which had not caused any unrest for a long time, once again led the dark army to attack the human border.

"Damn it...! Does he really want to kill all humans?" Kaiyumorz was angry and extremely worried after hearing the news.

Even though he placed his hope of defeating Azidahaka on his grandson Hu Shan, he still hoped that he would be strong enough to resist the invasion of the shadow of the dragon.

How could humans defeat the evil god——

He was old and had already lost a son, and didn't want to lose another grandson.

The thing he was most worried about happened. Azdahaka took the initiative to start a war. Now, no matter whether Hu Shan was ready or not...

As the next human king chosen by Kaiyumorz, he must fight and try to overcome this cruel test given to humans by the evil god.

Even if the evil god really loves humans and is testing them by destroying them.

But it is precisely because it is destruction that he will not let them go——

If the king of humans falls here once, there will be no hope, and they can only be shrouded in the shadow of the dragon forever.

——The war started.

Kayumorz had already accumulated many years of preparation for his grandson.

Hu Shan led the fully armed human army to attack the dark army.

This battle was not only for revenge, but more importantly, to allow the human beings in the world to regain peace.

The war was very fierce, dust and black smoke filled the sky, and the sound of charging and killing resounded through the sky.

Azdahaka seemed to be even more ferocious and brutal than the father god Angra Mainyu, and a large number of humans died in this war.

Even the humans affected by the struggle between the evil gods and the good gods had never suffered such tragic casualties.

And in this battle, humans also showed their tenacity for the first time.

Even though a large number of warriors were sacrificed, they still fought to the death. It was a difficult war that could not be described in words.

Until I don’t know how long it had passed...

Relying on the advantage in numbers to gradually suppress the monsters, humans finally ushered in a glimmer of hope to defeat the dark army.

However, the evil god who was the commander of the dark army did not move at all.

The three-headed dragon just stood quietly at the highest point, overlooking the entire battlefield.

The monsters defeated by humans are just a trivial part of the power derived from the evil gods.

As long as enough time accumulates, as many of these miscellaneous soldiers as you want to create...

And for the gods, a long enough life is their biggest capital to squander.

The evil god just watched, but never personally went to the battlefield.

Just as humans gradually eliminated the dark army and surrounded the last army.

Hu Shan looked at the depths of the dark army with some uneasiness -

subconsciously looking for a certain figure.

When he did not see the pale body, he breathed a sigh of relief and clenched his fists.



At the moment when the prince relaxed his mind.

Nothing special happened, just a kind of cold chill on the back.

It was not a simple thing like cold air.

It was an unpleasant feeling like the finger of death caressing the back.

Not only Hu Shan, but the entire human army felt the chill just now and was deprived of the ability to think.

"What, just now." A soldier spoke in panic.

It was neither hostile nor suppressed.

If you have to compare it - it is a deer that is too sensitive to the movements of the wolf pack.

No, it is worse than that...

It is like the gap between a dragon and a wolf.

Chapter 788 The Origin of Fire Worship, the Unforgivable Demon King!

The sky is the home of birds, and the sea is the home of fish.

Nothing can stop humans from pursuing freedom and the future.

And things that are too easy to obtain are often not cherished -

The concept of putting shackles on them, which can always remind humans is never good, but evil!

The invisible pressure and presence that dominate the surrounding area -

[The sky...! ]

The crowd finally raised their heads and looked up at the figure that had been overlooking their battle.

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