Even if the gods crave for faith, they will not easily lower themselves to integrate into human society.

Not to mention——

King Jamshid lived for more than 700 years.

Longer than any pharaoh who claimed to be the incarnation of God or the son of God.

This one didn't even try to cover up.

It would be better to tell people directly that he is the good god Ahura.


Those merchants who complained about King Jamshid before were confused at this moment, and they were all scared.

They actually complained directly about a king who was suspected to be a true god?

'God will not do anything wrong. 'The past three views kept warning them.

This contradicted the thoughts in people's minds, and for a while those people felt entangled.

They completely forgot——

The disaster caused by the gods releasing the dragon on the earth before, and the sculpture that still stands in the border city, that Arash who is regarded as a hero by people.

However, they soon didn't have to worry about it.

The plot in the epic began to change.

If King Jamshid's rule had been as wise as before, ancient Persian mythology might have been a beautiful and happy future, and would have moved towards another path of co-governance between humans and gods.


In the later period of King Jamshid's rule, everything began to change.

The king, who was somewhat proud of his own powerful strength and great achievements, even thought that only he had the majesty and supreme power that ordinary people did not have.

He began to not regard the affairs of his subjects as his own affairs, and began to be arrogant and tyrannical to his subjects.

King Jamshid often said: "Except for me, there will be no better king in the world than me. You should know that it is me who spreads skills in the world;

It is also me who allows you to live and work in peace and contentment. All the things you need for clothing, food, shelter, and transportation are gifts given by me, and you cannot live without me! So my people, you should call me the Creator!"

The young man opened his mouth wide when he saw this——

But the god of war behind him did not comment.

If King Jamshid was really Ahura,

It originally sounded arrogant, but what he said to his people was just stating the facts.

And people were surprised to find that the ancient Persians in the epic really began to call King Jamshid the creator.

This has reached a kind of blind fanaticism.

However, the continued love of the people of the kingdom and their obedience to the king's orders did not make King Jamshid restrain his behavior.

Only day by day, he became more and more arrogant.

Is God arrogant?

Is the king arrogant?

It is difficult for people in high positions to value the ideas of a person who is far lower than him.

Only with equal status can one have equal communication rights.

Even good gods and wise kings will inevitably make mistakes.

However, King Jamshid himself did not seem to realize this.

So, under the superposition of dual identities, the arrogance gradually began to erode it.

Chapter 790 The good god who made a tyrant, and the evil god who stole the sons of humans

The main gods of the two major factions of "Zoroastrianism" are interfering with the development of mankind with their own will.

Ahura believes that as a god, his decision-making will not be wrong.

Under his leadership, mankind will live happily forever, and even defeat the evil god in the future and complete the heroic feat.

However, when he really made a mistake, he could not find his own mistakes because he could not hear the advice.

He was blinded by his own pride--

And everyone looked at the epic from the perspective of God and described it like this, directly pointing out the mistakes of God, or the mistakes of a legendary creator...

They all trembled in their hearts and took a breath.

'--Will God also... make mistakes? 'Such a shocking thought began to spread in people's hearts, and they kept asking questions.

Pride made King Jamshid gradually abandon the support he once received, and the complaints and dissatisfaction with King Jamshid gradually exceeded the respect for him in the past.

His people no longer admired him as before, and began to discuss his arrogance and arrogance in private.

Even worse, some people dared to openly disobey his orders.

This made Hermitos suddenly think of the heroic king of the Mesopotamian plain-Gilgamesh.

The same was true when he was young (childhood), wise, and fell into tyranny in the middle and late stages...

But Gilgamesh met Enkidu, and after Enkidu's death, he completed the journey to the underworld and grew up thoroughly, becoming a true wise king.

But what about King Jamshid?

Unlike that demigod...

As a true god, with endless life, how could he understand Gilgamesh's feelings from fear of death to facing death calmly.

And he would not have a chain of heaven that could admonish himself. Except for evil that is equal to good, who else is qualified to be that chain?

The kingdom is no longer as prosperous as before, and the lives of the people are no longer as happy as before.

Seeing this situation, King Jamshid began to reflect on himself, which kept him awake at night.

While tossing and turning, he kept thinking about good and evil, right and wrong. He, who was once wise, finally woke up and realized that everything was caused by the unfortunate seed of pride.

King Jamshid was determined to dig out this unfortunate seed in his heart. He personally apologized to his subjects and asked for their forgiveness...

But it was too late. Outside the kingdom, the Arab King Zahak (one of the famous incarnations of Azdahaka) controlled by Angra Mainyu was a cruel tyrant. There is also a dastardly purpose hidden;

Disaster must befall Jamshid's kingdom.

Finally, Zahak led the dark army to attack the Kingdom of Jamshid.

In an instant, the world was filled with thick black smoke, and even the bright sun was blocked, and a new battle between good and evil began.

"Zahak...?!" people said in a daze.

The incarnation of Azka Haka, the evil god and devil king? !

People were suddenly shocked——

Is the Demon King finally going to take action after being silent for so long?

The demon king who once believed that no one could challenge his 'evil' in an era.

Do you think that human beings now have the qualifications to conduct trials?

It didn't take long, as the plot shifted to Kazakh's side, and people quickly realized they had made a mistake.

(Compared to the real Demon King, this incarnation - at best, it's just a human who inherited a little bit of the Demon King's power!)

Marudas is a king who is world-famous for his justice. He is kind and caring, and he works hard to manage his kingdom in order so that his people can live a happy life.

Marudas was even more meticulous in treating his beloved son Zahak. He used all his love and wisdom to educate his son so that he could inherit his good moral character from an early age and govern the country well when he grew up. A wise monarch respected by all people.

As the days passed, Prince Zahak gradually grew up and his abilities became stronger.

Seeing that his son was loving and wise, Marudas felt sincerely proud from the bottom of his heart and planned to pass the throne to him when he grew old.

However, all this was seen by the evil god Angra Mainyu.

Not only was he jealous of the deep father-son relationship between King Marudas and Prince Zahak...

(Seeing a series of ??? on people’s heads at this time, it’s not that they think there is something wrong with themselves, but that there is something wrong with the evil god Angra Mainyu.

Thinking again of what was noted in the previous epic, Zahak is one of the incarnations of Azdahaka.

And Azdahaka is the son of Angra Mainyu.

Hermitos and the God of War both showed strange expressions: "This compatriot..."

Everyone: "Pfft~ Hahahahahaha! You must be jealous!"

The old father is jealous of his son.

No way! No way!

Since he is an evil god, his son who was born with evil as his essence is also ‘evil’...

It seems normal that the relationship between the three-headed dragon and his father is not very harmonious?

People have automatically imagined that the relationship between Angra Mainyu and Azdahaka is bad. )

He also harbored a grudge against Prince Zahak for his talent and kindness.

(Would a god pay so much attention to a human being and still hold a grudge against his kindness?

Everyone felt that this was probably not a joke.


The root cause probably lies in the relationship between Zahak and his son. )

So Angra Mainyu decided to use trickery to start a fight with King Marudas for Prince Zahak.

He takes advantage of the simple and naive characteristics of young people,

On a sunny afternoon, Prince Zahak had just taken a nap, and Angra Mainnu took the opportunity to become a loyal and reliable follower around the prince.

His eyes were full of loyalty, leaving Prince Zahak unsuspecting.


This is my son's control. It must be controlled by my son.

He turned into a servant of a human—their gods couldn't afford to lose that person.

In order to compete for his son's favor, he went to this extent, but in the epic, this shameful evil god showed himself to be stronger than himself.

The God of War began to wonder, is it possible to become truly powerful by losing integrity? !


After all, he is not an NT. Why should he follow the example of these two shameful gods of good and evil, instead of following the example of the most powerful god of war, Artosh?

A man ran to the human world and became a king, and became a tyrant and was almost overthrown by his own people.

One ran to the servants and fought with the old king for his son.

——God can do this to such an extent. The God of War suppressed his blush and could only sigh, speechless.

He couldn't describe the feeling at this time, if he had to say it——

It can only be described as "excellent"!

Chapter 791: The crumbs of the world? Zahak: It’s too much. I’m obviously forced to do nothing!

Angra Mainnu showed a sincere look in front of Zahak, and he said: "I have a top-secret news to tell you. This is a secret that no one has ever heard. But you must use it. Promise from your heart that you will never tell anyone about it, and you will keep this secret forever."

The young and kind-hearted Prince Zahak was not suspicious. He had always regarded this attendant as a trustworthy friend. He only thought that the other person was thinking about himself now.

He swore to Angra Mainnu with curiosity and gratitude: "What you said will never sprout once it enters my heart. I will not mention it to anyone, not even my wise father." Know."

Angra Mainnu was secretly happy (as happy as a two-hundred-pound child).

Everyone: "..."

(God of War: 'Pay attention to image! Image!'

This is definitely the worst time their gods have been hacked. )

Angrammainu pretended to be mysterious: "Do you want to have a beautiful castle? With a beautiful castle, do you also want to have a brave army? In addition, endless treasures are also the biggest dream of everyone's life.

If so, then please don't delay for a moment, Prince, and act quickly.

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