Here it comes——!

People who had just become energetic thought that Angra Mainyu had another terrible plan.

They are still thinking about what strange requests Angra Mainyu will make to achieve dark purposes.


It is indeed strange, but it makes people even more confused and confused.

Kiss, kiss on both shoulders? !

God of Alchemy: "...!!!"

Hermitus began to wonder if he had guessed wrong before.

This Angra Mainyu just wanted to get close to Zahak.

What subverts this country, what brings disaster to this kingdom...

Why does it feel like only one old king suffered in the whole process?

According to the original idea of ​​the old king Marudas, King Zahak was also allowed to take the throne...

The best Angra Mainu could do is speed up the process.

Sure enough, it was hammered——! I still think about this matter, how weird it is!

The so-called evil plan is probably not a parenting plan to please my son!

"Of course, of course I do. You are already my best friend. What is this little request?"

As expected, from a God's perspective, they didn't see any problems with such a simple request, and Zahak naturally wouldn't refuse.

What just makes everyone laugh and want to complain is...

'Best friend...

The same thing you said to the last attendant. ’

But considering that both the waiter and the cook are played by Angela Mainyu.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh: 'Zahak's intuition turns out to be so terrifying! ’

Chapter 793 The birth of Snake King Zahak!

Zahak agreed readily and without any doubts.

The young chef immediately stood up and came to King Zahak's side. Like a close friend, he hugged the king and leaned down to kiss the king's shoulders.

In an instant, something terrible happened.

Before Zahak had time to react, the young chef who had kissed his shoulders disappeared instantly, and two big pale snakes grew out of his kissed shoulders.

These two cute big snakes stared at all the guards and courtiers in the palace.

"It's the image of Azdahaka——!" the young man exclaimed.

Only then did people see the similarities between Zahak and the Demon King.

It can't be——

You must have done that to awaken the power of the three-headed dragon!

Thinking of Angra Mainnu's previous actions, people suddenly felt enlightened.

But Zahak is unaware of his identity. For him who has always regarded himself as a human being, this kind of weirdness is very scary!

Not to mention the two terrifying snake heads, even the matter of two extra heads is not acceptable to normal humans.

Feeling extremely panicked, Zahak hurriedly ordered everyone to kill the big snake.

A guard stepped forward and slashed at the big snake with a knife, and the snake's head fell to the ground.

But in the blink of an eye, two big snakes grew out of the king's shoulders.

The guard drew his knife and chopped it off again, but no matter what, the chopped off snake head would grow back.


Zahak, who had been fearful, regained his boldness, confidence and calmness.

He asked his men to immediately issue an order to the whole country to find a way to kill the snake at all costs.

He is the king of this country, possessing countless wealth and power, as big as a kingdom...

Zahak doesn't believe that no one can actually kill a snake.

However, the snake is essentially an entity drawn from the darkness in Zahak's heart and the power of Azdahaka's incarnation.

How could the power originating from himself disappear before he died.

"Kill yourself and the snake will be gone!" someone couldn't help but murmured.

"Maybe it's just like the legendary monster. Only three of its heads must fall off before it truly dies. There's still one head left to be chopped off!"

People fantasized and arranged about this human detritus king without any psychological pressure.

How do they know——

Zahak actually thought of this possibility.

But as long as his brain is not broken and he is not crazy, he cannot make fun of his own head.


As Zahak paid no attention to the cost, many people with skillful medical skills came to the king to help him remove the giant snakes on his shoulders.

But no matter how many clever people came, they could not remove the snake head attached to Zahak.

Zahak, who had no choice but to do anything, finally gave in to despair——!

And then Angra Mainnu knew it was time for him to appear.

He turned into a doctor and came to the king.

The doctor said sincerely: "My respected king, in order to prevent you from being hurt by the big snake, I have a solution that is not a solution.

Although it sounds cruel, if you listen to me, it will definitely solve your troubles. "


What solution?

When everyone was curious and doubtful, Zahak almost didn't think twice and even asked impatiently.

Now he doesn't care whether the method is cruel or not. For his own life, even if Zahak kills many people, he will not hesitate.

Perhaps only seeking the precious throne from him will make this king who is greedy for power and wealth hesitate.

"The best way is to provide food to the big snake. After it is full, it will not hurt you."

"Then I will order people to get the food immediately." Zahak said.

Angra Mainyu stopped him.

Since it is said to be cruel, how could it be as simple as ordinary eating?

The snakes come from the darkness in Zahak's heart, but he is not the real Azidahaka after all, and he cannot control and bear the powerful evil.

If the power of evil cannot be firmly controlled in one's own hands, it will in turn hurt its owner.

The more Zahak fears the snake (this power), the more likely he is to be devoured by the hungry snake.

Only darkness can fill his evil that comes from the filth in his heart.

"Ordinary food is useless. You must use two people as food for the snake every day, so that the snake will not hurt you. After a long time, the snake will slowly die, and you don't have to worry about the snake anymore."

King Zahak actually believed the words of the dark god Angra Mainyu again. He immediately sent people to slaughter the people in the kingdom to feed the two snakes on his body.

Everyone shuddered all over - their hearts were cold.

They didn't know that Zahak was really too stupid. Not long after the chef disappeared, a doctor ran out and handed him a vicious plan again...

Nothing unusual has been found until now.

In his life, there would always be a ‘young man’ who appeared at a critical turning point.

Zahak was not aware of it at all.

Stupid and scary——

Because no matter how absurd and terrible the order was, it was this stupid man who issued it.

As a king, every order he issued would have a significant impact on the country, but he did not have the awareness of taking responsibility.

“But from another point of view——

No matter how stupid a normal person is, he would have noticed something wrong.

Zahak may have known it long ago, or he may not have known it...

But he could only play along. When he made up his mind to seize his father’s throne, there was no turning back.” Hermitos frowned and sighed.

Rather than saying that Angra Mainyu was always making trouble——

It’s better to say that he was just a guide.

The real decision was still made by Zahak himself.

Obviously, he was the ultimate evil god who symbolized the opposition between light and darkness, and it was easy for him to kill an ordinary human.

Similarly, if you want to give Zahak the power of the awakening of the great snake, there is no need to show up in person.

From another perspective, isn't the temptation of the evil god a test of human heart?

If Zahak had withstood the temptation at the beginning, he would have become the king of this country rightfully.

His father would not have died because of this.

Similarly -

If he had not been too greedy for food, he would have easily trusted a strange chef and exposed the king's back to him without reservation -

Angra Mainyu, who had no chance to get close, would have remained impatient.

As a king, he was not cautious at all -

From Zahak, he could see almost all the bad roots of human nature that he could think of.

And in order to survive, he did not think about how to master his own power and subdue the snake.

He only thought about using the lives of the people to fill the snake's stomach and let himself sleep soundly.

Although there was also a reason that he did not understand the nature of the snake -

But it must be said that Zahak's character was really not strong.

Chapter 794 King Jamshid: "Try to move." Snakehead: "..."

"I always thought that the second trial really began when Zahak led the dark army to invade the territory of Jamshid Kingdom...

But now it seems wrong.

The trial of humanity began when Angra Mainyu first appeared!" At this time, the God of War, who also saw through the second layer of meaning behind it, smiled knowingly.

Even more--

What does the so-called evil god Angra Mainyu represent?

If it is really as the concept in the epic.

Can such a powerful god really appear in the world so easily?

The three-headed dragon represents the essence of "evil", so what about Angra Mainyu as a father.

The God of War thought calmly...


There is a god with a stronger concept than absolute evil, the ultimate evil.

Just a look is enough to drive humans crazy.

Maybe they were wrong from the beginning. The Angra Mainyu in the epic is like the manifestation of rules.

The real Angra Mainyu couldn't have come so easily.

If it represented the rule of evil - a trace of power transformed into those young people, the situation would be much easier to understand.

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