Finally a hero-like character is about to appear.

People got excited.

Zahak did not get angry.

For the first time, people saw this evil and cruel king, showing fear and fear: "Then why did he tie me up? Do I have any grudge against him?"

Zahak, who had no idea what awesome things he had done, still thought he was just an ordinary king.

At most, he was a little bad, seizing his father's mother-in-law, stealing the princess of a big country, and killing some of his people.

Zahak: Look—

Although I am bad, I really haven’t done anything to offend the gods!

That terrible god can change the king if he doesn't like it. Why did he let that young man tie me up and drag me to the wild to kill me.

Yuye and Claire held it in for a long time, and in the end they could only use "fuck" to describe their inner feelings at this time.

How bad are you yourself? Are you mentally weak?

Moreover, you have snatched other people’s daughters to do hard labor, and you still feel that you have done nothing to offend the gods?

If people don't target you, they should target others.

The fortune teller explained: "There is no reason why he would blame you. You have to know that anyone who can observe celestial phenomena understands this truth.

This young man named Faridun was raised by a cow named Birumaya, which you will soon kill.

The young man hits you with an iron spear that looks like a bull's head, just to avenge the dead cow. In the forest of the mountains, there are countless creatures that are eaten by you. All this is reflected in your dream that many animals use their own Their hides are made into ropes to bind you, and they are taking revenge on you. "

Zahak's eyes turned red when he heard this... and he was also a little confused at the same time.

It is clear who this fortune teller is and how he knows it. He can even see specific fragments of the future.

But knowing the future, does he look like such a stupid person?

As long as you don't kill the cow, it will be fine.

Hermitos and the others showed astonished expressions——

Is Zahak not going to kill the prophesied cow?

Will the hero who takes revenge on the snake king for the sacred cow still appear in the future?

And that fortune teller——

Hermitus looked at the dream interpretations in the epic, which were no different from diviners and prophecies.

I'm afraid this is not another magician at the level of Sage Merlin.


Is one of the two gods of good and evil coming to tease Zahak again?

Chapter 796: The dispute between the pseudo-third generation god Faridon and the second generation god Zahak

Snake King Zahak suddenly became smart and became witty!

This is something no one expected.

Shouldn't that idiot who just listened to what he said should be thinking about killing the crisis immediately, such as killing Faridon before he was born?

Then people soon knew Zahak’s true thoughts.

It turned out that he was doubly prepared.

While searching across the country for young people and newborns named Faridon.

On the other hand, people were sent to search for the traces and existence of the sacred cow.

If possible, kill Faridon in advance,

If it fails...

Then you should try your best to avoid killing that sacred cow and causing yourself to suffer such a terrible fate in the future.

that's all--

As a result, Zahak, who had not landed and had no peace of mind, was worried every day and began to feel fearful and uneasy.

The food doesn't taste good, and women can't play anymore.

And on the other side——

At this time, Zahak's enemy, Faridon, has arrived.

When he was just born, he was as dazzling as the sun, because he was not an ordinary baby boy, but the darling of God.

As the lucky patron of Ahura, the God of Light, it is not wrong to say that he is the favored child of God.

And his family can be traced back to the oldest war in mankind (only in this epic), and he was also one of the warriors who defeated the evil god Azdahaka - Tahemleth.

Tahemres is the son of King Hushan... He followed his father to the battlefield when he was young, and witnessed the pinnacle battle between good and evil with his own eyes.

When he grew up, he was unwilling to remain under the protection of his father's glory and challenged the devil.

Eventually a powerful devil was imprisoned on the mountain.

Therefore, he got the name "Tahemreth who imprisoned the devil".

But even though he was powerful, he could not escape the fate of death. In an unknown secret, he failed to challenge the evil god and was devoured.

The younger brother, King Jamshid, who was not familiar to everyone, suddenly came into people's eyes and was elected as the new king.

And after King Jamshid, who had always been unknown, came to power, he suddenly performed a series of achievements that far exceeded people's impressions, which is why it is so surprising and respectable.

(Everyone: "As expected, it was Ahura who ended up personally. This is because Tahmleth knelt down. I couldn't help but turn on the cheating device."

If the trial of Tahmleth can be regarded as a confrontation between good and evil.

The era of evil should have arrived long ago.

It turned out that King Jamshid, the incarnation of God, was forced to turn back against the wind.

It's no wonder that Azdahaka, as a powerful demon king and evil god, would suddenly appear incarnate.

Everyone seemed to suddenly understand——

Isn’t this just, if you can’t afford to play around, I’ll play along too?

However, Angra Mainyu never imagined that although Ahura no longer ended up personally, she would let her descendants——

Faridun went to kill Zahak. )

Claire: "A battle between the descendant of the good god and the son of the evil god? Hmm..."

In fact, considering the relationship between Ahura and Angra Mainyu, it doesn't seem wrong to say that both of them are Ahura's descendants.

In this way, Faridun received Ahura's guidance from birth and grew up under the light of the good god.

When Faridun was just born, a cow named Birumaya appeared in a nearby pasture.

The cow is colorful and dazzling, making people imagine the beauty of heaven just by looking at it. (There are no illustrations, please refer to the Bull of Heaven for detailed appearance)

Just when people are paying attention, prophecies are being fulfilled one by one.

At this time, I don’t know if anyone is paying attention——

But Hermitus realized something from the epic description.

Faridun's ancestor was the brother of King Jamshid, who had lived for more than seven hundred years.

The length of time Zahak ruled this land seemed to be briefly mentioned in the article, but it still lasted for thousands of years.

The two princesses were taken away, but they still did not die of old age after more than 300 years.


Do all members of this family possess divinity?

However, apart from Ahura's blessing, Faridun had no direct blood relationship with King Jamshid.

That is to say——

Except for the blood of the brave men and kings left by King Hushan and Tahemleth, he himself does not possess divinity.

"As a human being... we have to use gods as our opponents." Hermitos said solemnly, his eyes flickering and his heart becoming hot.

(Although divinity is a debuff——

But it does smell good. )

The sacred bull Birumaya is a messenger sent from heaven to save mankind. It comes down to earth with orders.

Faridon, son of the hero——

His father met with bad luck shortly after his birth and was treated as food for two snakes on Zahak's shoulders.

Faridun's mother was devastated when she heard even worse news.

The king was searching for any sign of a boy named Faridon.

An unknown person secretly leaked the story of Zahak summoning sages to interpret dreams that night.

Now everyone knew what the king wanted to do when he was looking for Faridon.

(At this time, an unknown princess praised her wit.)

After everyone watched this plot, they instantly understood Zahak's ending, and felt pity for the King of Chips for a second.

It turns out that it was more than just killing the sacred cow——

He also killed Faridon's father.

This is something irreparable.

The hatred for killing his father is irreconcilable.

Not to mention, both fathers were killed by Zahak.

And on the other side——

The king is willing to harm his children just because of a nightmare.

Faridon's mother tried her best to protect her son, thinking of the rumored sacred cow who would raise her son and teach him to become a hero.

The mother was also very responsive.

She held the young Faridun in her arms and headed towards the place where the herd cow Birumaya lived.


The mythical cow with the same name as the rumor accepted Little Faridon and promised to keep this eternal secret for him.

After the rancher learned of Faridon's misfortune, he sympathized with the mother and son and decided to protect them with his own life.

(Rancher: "No, I'm not! If you can, let me go!"

He doesn't want to stay in this dangerous place at all! )

"Poof!" People who were originally watching this wonderful scene suddenly couldn't help but laugh out loud when they saw the rich psychological activities behind the rancher's smile.

He is obviously the rancher, but in fact it is the sacred cow in his ranch who holds the power.

Not even worthy of a name...

People: ‘This – it’s so tragic! ’

In this way, the Faridon mother and son survived under the protection of the kind sacred cows and ranchers.

Year after year passed.

The sacred cow Birumaye even used his own milk to raise Faridun.

Faridun, who had consumed the milk of the sacred cow since childhood, became more and more magical and powerful.

Chapter 797: The last lesson of the sacred cow, conquer fear!

There is no airtight wall in the world——

Finally one day Zahak learned of the existence of the ranch.

He ordered the cattle and ranchers to be captured at once.

Faridun's mother had been on a whim for the past two days, always feeling that a disaster was about to happen.

The sacred cow solved their doubts——

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