The two suddenly reached a consensus.

On the other side - Faridon, who had already seen everything, easily guessed the thoughts of the two princes.

He called his great-grandson and prepared to tease him.

Never underestimate a king or hero who has lived for more than five hundred years and has legendary experiences.

His accumulation far exceeds anyone's imagination.

Just the wisdom that reaches the devil's realm allows him to help his great-grandson avoid all unfortunate fates.

If he hadn't trusted his sons too much in the past, how could he have allowed the tragedy of fratricide to happen and only woke up in the end!

He won't make the same mistake a second time.

Chapter 813 Gods: Please, stop thinking about it! This pot really doesn’t belong to us!

Give Malujihuru the armor once used by a certain deity.

Re-erected the flag of Kawi used in the campaign against Zahak.

An elite army of three hundred thousand elites was given as a gift for his expedition, and each one was a powerful warrior who could defeat one against a hundred.

With such a huge gap, the armies of the two princes were defeated in less than two days.

A war that ended in less than two days——

It is destined that the two princes can only become a joke in the end.

? ? ?

Everyone: Is it over? That's it? !

Everyone did not expect that this time the war would be so fast and the outcome would be so unsuspicious.

Sure enough, your father is still your father——

Faridun didn't even end up personally, but gave Maruji Hulu a little help, and the opponent won.

People couldn't help but feel pity for the two princes, well...for a second.

Faced with the news of his great-grandson’s victory in the war.

Faridon smiled happily, and he said sincerely to God: "Accept my heartfelt thanks! You gave me the throne and crown, and allowed me to rule the kingdom for five hundred years.

Now it’s time to hand it all over to my great grandson Maruji Hulu. Gods in heaven, I hope you can bless Maruji Hulu all the time. "

So, he finally took off the crown and brought it to Maruji Hulu himself.

His waiting was not in vain after all.

Five hundred years of benevolent rule ended - now the Holy King could finally rest.

The epic has now come to an end, at least the final result is good.

Just when people think that’s the end of the story and there’s nothing left to dig out,

Just thinking about finishing another epic makes me feel a little empty.


A shocking description at the end of the epic comes into view.

In the Gods of Western Asia, Maruji Hulu, who took over the crown from Faridon, became the last king of ancient Persia.

Later he was known as King Menucheher.

! ?

King Menuchehel! ! ! That's not it!

"——The king loyal to the great hero Arash!" Many people with clear memories couldn't help but blurt out.

"Wait a minute, doesn't that mean that Arash might also have participated in the war against the rebels!"

Before carefully recalling the epic, there seems to be a paragraph that mentioned that when he was young, King Menucheher gathered a group of heroic companions around him.

This inevitably arouses people's wild imagination.

Marujihulu turned out to be the king whom Arash was loyal to.

The king who has always been shrouded in mystery in people's eyes,

It actually appeared in front of them in this way.

If it hadn't been for one more sentence at the end of the epic, it would have been impossible for anyone to connect the two.


Until the end of the epic, the God of War was satisfied.

Although in terms of the grandeur of the epic, there is still a gap between it and the game Life Zero,

But the three-headed dragon Azdahaka alone holds up the soul of the entire epic.

He is clearly a villain, but he is more attractive than the protagonist.

What the God of War can guarantee is that after this epic is completely publicized on the earth, other people may not be deeply impressed...

But only Azdahaka, the demon king burdened with evil, will definitely leave a deep impression on mankind.

Three-headed dragon...three-headed...


Suddenly thinking of something, the smile on the God of War's face froze.


That incident affected the gods, causing him to be implicated as well. He has been busy with things that give him a headache lately——

Isn't it because the gods released three evil dragon monsters to attack the border battlefield of the original Theocracy?

Will it lead to a decrease in human trust in gods?

"..." The God of War felt a splitting headache again.

As a god, he would not have caused a violent reaction in his divine body due to this level.

But this time he really had the urge to have a headache.

Taking a break from his busy schedule, he discovered a trigger that would make him even busier.

Those idiots (other gods) finally diverted the line of fire, allowing humans to temporarily turn their attention away from the three-headed dragon——

Once this epic appeared, everything was in vain.

The God of War now wanted to talk to the bard.

This was the first time that he was so interested in a human being, so interested that he wanted to meet him right away.

"Go back first. We can't stay on the earth any longer." The God of War thought in his heart.

In order to deal with this storm, he needed to prepare immediately, at least completely putting the matter of the three-headed dragon away from him.

Just let the gods take the blame once.

Originally, the God of War didn't even bother to explain anything, but even he couldn't bear such a series of pitfalls.

The God of War came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Hermitos didn't see the figure of this god in the middle.

However -

When the God of War returned, he didn't remind other gods about the epic.

He didn't bother those gods, who cared about the life and death of these idiots.

Sure enough - a few days later.

As the epic spread, like a virus, a new wave of enthusiasm emerged.

The Dragon Lord became popular, and his powerful posture and his exciting words became the words that young people and adventurers rushed to imitate.

As the three-headed dragon became popular,

people couldn't help but associate its image with the three-headed evil dragon released by the gods before.

"It should be just a coincidence... How could that monster be related to Lord Dragon? It's too weak to even beat Arash."

"Wait, what do you mean Arash can't even beat it? Lord Arash is very strong."

"But the three-headed dragon Azidahaka has repelled millions of gods.

As for humans... even heroes are not good enough in front of it. Just like King Faridun."

"It's not that they are too weak, it's that the demon king is too powerful."

In the tavern, a group of people were arguing over the epic setting, and it was very lively.

Such scenes can be seen in many countries, cities, and towns of humans.

"Why must it be Azidahaka? Maybe it's the snake king Zahak?

Or maybe it's another incarnation of the evil god.

Speaking of which, don't forget that there are legends that the three-headed dragon and the snake king are suppressed on the mountains."

Someone suddenly spoke.

? !

People were stunned, the snake king Zahak?

It seems - it's really possible.

According to legend, the Snake King eventually turned into a monster similar to a three-headed dragon, but he did not die, but was sealed in a cave in the mountains.

There were soldiers sent by Faridon to guard him.

But how long has it been since then? Who knows where the mountain that suppressed the Snake King is now?

For a while, a group of people looked at each other, as if they saw a trace of seriousness, solemnity, and shock in each other's eyes.

Then they boasted of their deep wisdom, as if they had discovered an incredible secret, mixed with the wine they had just drunk, and swallowed their saliva with difficulty.

Could it really be the Snake King Zahak?

Just because humans cannot discover some hidden areas in ancient mythology does not mean that the gods do not know.

And it has been a long time since the abyss invaded the earth.

For the three views of the gods, decades or even hundreds of years are just a moment, as if it happened yesterday.

But there are indeed not many humans who can recognize the relationship between the three-headed dragon and the abyss.

Chapter 814 The turmoil of the black dragon, a great hunt triggered by an epic!

Even if there are warriors who have experienced the battlefield of blood and fire since the last abyss era,

they dare not be sure of the existence of the three-headed dragon.

And a small part of the truth will only be drowned in the majority of the "brain-filled" truth.

Something that is enough to make the gods doubt the birth of God has appeared.

The demon that was defeated by the gods together, when did it become the incarnation of the demon king trapped on the mountain by the Holy King Faridun.

Then a very serious problem comes!

The gods who "always" said that they would lead humans to attack the abyss and monsters,

once released a dark, cruel and scumbag demon king suspected to be "Snake King Zahak".

Although because of Azdahaka, people have redefined the attitude of a real demon king.

But Zahak also left a deep impression on people from another perspective (scumbag).

When Faridun wanted to kill Zahak, the gods in the sky did not let him kill him.

This time, the gods even released the three-headed dragon.

Are the gods really not allowing the snake king to be killed to protect humans?

After all, Zahak is not Azidahaka, and it is hard to believe that even the gods are helpless.

What if the gods do not want to kill Zahak at all?

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