Few people know that after the dragon-slaying war,

not only the white dragon and the little princess were fine,

the two parties even formed a strange and subtle relationship.

Even if they didn't say it verbally, they treated each other as friends.

I had witnessed the powerful strength of the white dragon with my own eyes, of course... not when he was beaten by the divine tool.

The little princess, who was very confident in the strength of her sister, the white dragon, felt that

if she could persuade the other party, the problem would not be big--!

Of course, the premise is that the saint really has enough time to wait for this rescue.

Compared to the little princess who has not yet made a move,

Yan is ready to take action...

And before he went out, he got a piece of news from Rhine that didn't sound very good.

A town near the territory of Ceylon was destroyed.

The source was a battle between a group of crusaders of the Church and a black dragon in the town. In the end, the group of crusaders and the residents in the town were swallowed up by the terrifying black dragon's breath.

When Yan heard the news, his first reaction was that the saint's team was destroyed by the black dragon.


Yan immediately realized that the town mentioned by Rhine and the river where Helena was located that he had observed before were not in the same area at all, and were even very far away.

They were both Crusaders, and they were both attacked by giant dragons, and they were all black dragons.

Yan showed a strange expression,

One black dragon was fine, but now another one came out...

Did the Church poke the black dragon's nest?

However, the black dragon's unscrupulous actions also made Yan unhappy.

That human town was an unexpected disaster.

And this time it was the town next door. What if the next battle took place in Ceylon and Atlantis?

Yan sent all the mechas on hand to carry out defense work in various places.

On the other hand, he also began to prepare to follow the line of the saint and carefully explore what the source of this group of black dragons was that made them so crazy...


Fire, like the fire clouds in the mythological epic that burned all the Nordic gods to ashes.

Under the red sky, there was a devastated land and vegetation.


The evil dragon roared again, and the birds flew away in fright, and the animals fled everywhere.

The black dragon saw the bodies of the crusaders on the ground, and the figures fleeing in the distance, and a trace of humanized revenge and cruel jokes flashed in his vertical pupils.

The sin of trying to master the power of the dragon and merge their black dragon blood with lowly species,

The flame of this hatred has just been ignited.

Don't die too quickly, ants!

I'm not satisfied yet!


The black dragon spread its ferocious wings that could cover the sky, flew into the sky slowly, and finally locked the group of fleeing prey, and continued its hunting game.

As the prey and hunters left one after another, the crackling sound of burning continued to be heard on the ground!

When Yan came here, he looked at the river where the saint prayed, and it was gone at this time.

There was no river, only the deep ravines and the cracked earth.

‘Is it too late?’ Yan’s heart skipped a beat, and he slightly withdrew the smile on his face.

Following the residual connection he had established with Helena in the system before,

he sensed a group of Crusaders and Saints who were still fleeing, and Yan finally relaxed and began to look at the surrounding situation.

… He frowned and looked at the miserable situation everywhere,

and suddenly felt a faint breath.

Among the charred bodies of the Crusaders, Yan found a dying warrior.


Is he asking for help? Knowing that he was going to die, he still wanted to survive.

Yan thought so subconsciously.

He regarded that as a cry of nostalgia and desire for life.


“Help… Saint… and everyone…”

Yan was stunned when he saw the warrior who still remembered his companions even though he was on the verge of death.

… Yan could save this warrior with just a little effort.

But at this moment, he did not save the other party immediately, but asked with regret:

"I can save your..."

The warrior was unable to answer, but Yan, who understood his last words from his trembling lips, finally did not choose to save his life from the god of death.

"Really? This is your answer.

You are also a warrior to be proud of..."

Yan responded with approval, respecting the other party's last wish.

There seems to be one more reason to save--!

Perhaps he did not believe that he could be saved after being seriously injured, so he gave up the chance to live?

No matter whether it is so, no matter whether the willingness to give the hope of life to others is really firm enough.

Only based on his lips at the last moment of his life, he asked Yan...

'Don't worry about me, go and save everyone! '.

This is the unreserved trust in him, a stranger.

Even if the other party may not really think that Yan can save his companions, perhaps he is just satisfying his regret before dying.

Homura: "You trust me so much? Then I'll give you a chance to fulfill your wish. If you want to save your companions, go and save them yourself!"

But not to come back to life, but to use that body!

As he spoke, part of the dark and violent magic power dispersed from Yan's body and surged toward the body whose soul had dissipated but whose body and obsession had not yet completely died.

The next moment, pitch-black armor appeared on the opponent's body, a thick black ominous mist covered the original body, and a bright red light in the helmet suddenly lit up from the gap between his eyes.

The mad knight——Lancelot wakes up!

Chapter 819: Dragon war caused by humans? No, it’s because it’s epic!

No memory, no name,

It is not an exaggeration to say that a body that can stand up with the blessing of a force is a puppet.

But a puppet will not have a will of its own.

The dark armor seemed to come alive at this moment, and he pulled out the magic sword that the magician threw to him.

‘Is there anything you want to do? ’

‘...Must...protect someone, or protect the figures of multiple people. ’

The painful and pitiful cry for help echoed in the Black Knight's mind.

He wanted to find the owner of the voice and wipe the tears from her face with his hands.

Not for glory, not for power, not for profit, just such a simple thought is deeply rooted in my mind like an obsession.

"Obviously it's just a wreck, but it's as elegant as the genuine hero! Then go, follow the direction of the wind, and you will find the person you want to protect." The white-robed mage with a spring breeze smile on his face So said.

The black knight nodded silently and began to embark on the long road.

When he left, the magician's figure on the charred land also disappeared.

This pursuit, in which it is no longer clear who is the hunter and who is the prey, has just begun.

On the other side, the Crusaders who had just got rid of the black dragon had differences of opinion.

Some people think that it is better to just give up resistance and commit suicide quickly than to be teased to death by cat and mouse.

They drew their swords and pointed them at their necks or stomachs.

An atmosphere of despair spread among the team,

Those soldiers who did not have the courage to face death showed confused eyes,

Others looked at the amnesiac saint and became even more determined to save the saint alive.

‘——I really want to rest.

From the time I ran away in the morning until now, I have no feeling in my hands and feet. I want to drink a bowl of warm soup to drive away the embarrassment and hunger.

Take a nap in front of the pillow,

But such a simple wish is difficult to come true——

Maybe death is actually a kind of mercy...'

"Lady Saint, can I take a little rest?

Sorry, just a moment. I'm just... so tired. "

Hearing the low voice of his companion, his thoughts were interrupted and he suddenly woke up.

"...Klaus! Don't cause trouble to the Holy Lady!

Do you want to die?

The next moment you close your eyes, that evil dragon might fall from the sky and pluck your head off in your sleep! "

Even though he was also exhausted to death, he still yelled with an almost angry roar.

At this time, Fanfan showed the same tired look,

His words will not have any credibility at all!

Therefore, I can only hold back and pretend to be still energetic.


The scolded crusader cheered up, but there was still a trace of confusion deep in his eyes.

Helena saw all this in her eyes and couldn't help but reached out to cover her heart, with a worried look on her face. ,

Even if she loses her memory, her sense of responsibility and kindness will not disappear.

Lack of food and fresh water, coupled with long-term exhaustion, made it impossible to rest.

If this continues, even if they haven't been killed by the black dragon, the soldiers will be dragged down and fall to the ground.

"Everyone..." Finally, having made up her mind, Helena's voice attracted everyone.

She said——

Rest. But you can't fall asleep completely.

At the same time, some people are also responsible for vigilance and preventing black dragon attacks.

Those who have rested will have to change shifts and be on guard in turns.

Everyone who no longer had the strength to escape could not resist the temptation. Even those with a strong will opened their mouths and finally turned into a sigh.

"Then, Lady Saint, please rest first. Our personal guards will protect your safety."

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