Such a long wall, and it was invaded by the enemy. What kind of hardship did it take to build such a high wall in blood and fire.

Absolute Warcraft Front!

At this moment, they finally understood why the book was called the Absolute Warcraft Front!

Unlike the imagination, only a few cities were left, and humans huddled together to survive.

The people of the Age of Gods did better and more impactful than the little princesses imagined.

They recognized the monsters below, which were the monsters that made Mashu and others flee in embarrassment before.

This number is much more terrifying than the previous number, and it is unknown how many hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of times more.

And Mashu then said that he sensed a terrifying existence with dozens of times the magic power reaction in the north.

For this magnificent front, whether it can protect humans under such a huge and numerous monster attack, Mashu and others can't help but worry.

However, Enkidu was very sure about the solidity of the wall.

"After all, they have maintained that wall for half a year."

Looking at Enkidu stretching out his slender jade finger and pointing in the direction of the wall.

That tone seemed to say that such a small matter was not worth mentioning at all.

Everyone's eyes widened and they were speechless for a while.

Roman: '--It's unbelievable. How could this happen.

In this situation, it is impossible for humans to survive!

The combat power of those monsters just now is equivalent to that of an automatic small tank!

And 10,000 of those guys! How could they defend it with just that wall! '

According to the annotations of the epic, people can understand that the automatic small tank mentioned by the doctor is equivalent to the combat power of a magician group in their world.

That is a real war weapon.

Think about such a large number of monsters. In their era, it is enough to destroy the continent and kill all the gods from the sky!

What a joke!

Everyone was also a little broken and shocked.

Just as the doctor said, it is hard for people to imagine that in such a crisis, the humans of the Age of Gods could actually persist for half a year.

And judging from the current situation, they will continue to persevere.

It is just a line of defense stretching across the continent, but it is as strong as the sky and earth, blocking all disasters.

Roman also said such words frequently. ‘How tenacious are the Sumerians! ’

‘Half a year! ?

That has surpassed the power of humans, right! ? ’

Enkidu: “A fortress city that fights monsters day and night.

The monsters attack without stopping, and the soldiers continue to repel them.

But the casualties on the human side are less than those on the monster side.

Accurate use of the army, flawless shift system.

Training new soldiers while fighting and sending them to the front line, so that the wounded soldiers can be thoroughly recuperated and restored to health.

It is the ultimate in stronghold defense.

Based on this, the front line can last another month.”

Mashu: “Hmm… It’s so obvious that they are losing, but I don’t know why, but they are winning overall…

What kind of person is in charge of the command of that fortress…”

How tenacious it must be.

To maintain such momentum——

Everyone looked at the spectacular scene in front of them, and seemed to understand Mashu’s words.

It was the side that was forced to show signs of defeat, but it made people’s blood boil, and it was a scene of honor even in defeat.

Looking at the soldiers fighting to the death on the city wall, it seemed as if a flame was burning in everyone’s chest.

‘Humanity is a race that cannot be underestimated.

Not only heroes, but even ordinary people can be so great.’ Hermitos.

He found that he could not take his eyes away from the fighting figures on the city wall for some reason.

At this moment, everyone seemed to be the figure of the ‘human hero’ he pursued in the past.

That is... the will of the race, the spirit of mankind - or something else?

It is so dazzling that people can’t bear to look away.

Chapter 848 Merlin: I am not a suspicious person! (Bad people say so)

In their own imagination, everyone even felt that Enkidu was full of ‘pride’ when he said these words.

Whether it was for Xiao En, who loved the human race,

or for the supreme commander who was suspected of commanding the absolute demon beast front - King Gilgamesh.

According to the relationship between the two, he must be very proud and gratified for his friend.


Enkidu: "...Yes, indeed.

They are also shedding unnecessary blood.

There is no need to destroy them all.

They will die if they are left alone, but they still do this meaningless thing.


An unexpected cold snort came out of Enkidu's mouth, and he turned away indifferently, giving everyone a strange feeling of strangeness.

'Enki...du? 'The little princess frowned slightly and looked at the back of the person who turned away in astonishment.

Seemingly knowing that he had exposed his flaws and seemed a little wrong, 'Enkidu' responded casually and changed the subject...

He told Mashu and the others that if they were interested, they could also participate in the recruitment of the Absolute Demonic Front.

After that, Roman also asked Mashu and the others to try to pay homage to the king here.

If the cause of the singularity was not the crazy king, but the Three Goddesses Alliance, then the negotiation should be much easier.

"Explain our purpose to the king, find the Holy Grail of this era, and recover it."

After the negotiation, everyone quickened their pace, wanting to go to Uruk as soon as possible.

After an unknown amount of time.

Finally, everyone passed through the wilderness and mountains and gradually came to a forest.

Mashu: "... This is... a fir forest.

Although the legend says that this is the place guarded by the monster Humbaba.

But it seems to be explained as being located to the east of Uruk,

the Gros Mountains on the other side of the Tigris River..."

Roman explained that there were also fir forests on the west side, but no matter which side...

'It's all the opposite of Uruk--'

Mashu became nervous and began to communicate with the Master, letting people know their hesitation and hesitation.

And from the little princess's look at Enkidu just now, it became more and more strange and silent.

At this time, hearing Mashu and the others' voices, they couldn't help but move away from Enkidu a few steps.

'Something's wrong, does this Enkidu really want to take them to Uruk!

Even if it's a detour, it's been so long, and we shouldn't go further and further. '

The Enkidu in front of him is not a fake! Thinking of this, the little princess' hair stood on end.

Although she knew that she didn't exist to Mashu, Enkidu and the others in front of her.

But she still instinctively stayed away from them.

Enkidu: "There is a ship docked at the pier,

so as long as we arrive there, we can swim down to our destination."

As if he saw Mashu's concerns, Enkidu's explanation was also very complete.

He smiled at everyone and continued to urge Mashu and the others to move forward.

At this time, even the blacksmith's son, who was a little slow, realized that something was wrong, and the atmosphere gradually became dull.

Just when Mashu and the others were hesitating whether they should continue to believe in Enkidu in front of them.

? ? ? : "Really? I really don't know!"

A mysterious voice with a slightly exaggerated tone and as if very surprised suddenly came from the side.

That kind of tone that deserves a beating made people feel that he was questioning the authenticity of Enkidu's words.


"Hey, hello, everyone."

Two figures walking slowly gradually came into people's sight. A petite purple-haired woman in a black robe hid behind, while the man standing in front was wearing an outfit that people were very familiar with.

White robe, magic wand, silver hair that was just taking off the hood, and flower-like decorations beside the ears.

People have seen that familiar face countless times.

"Merlin... Merlin?!"

Oh oh! ! Ah ah ah! It's the flower magician!

When the old thief Merlin appeared, the little princess and the blacksmith's son opened their eyes in disbelief.

After reacting, they regained their excitement and joy.

The dull atmosphere seemed to explode and became hot again. Surprised!

Merlin, it was Merlin?

This time he actually showed up in person!

Last time at the sixth singularity, people didn't see Merlin in person, and they regretted it for a long time, but they didn't expect that there was such a big surprise waiting for them here.

‘Merlin, my Merlin, ahhh!’

‘It’s Merlin, the old thief!’

‘Merlin, the conscience! Woohoo!’

‘The flower magician, the great sage, the demon spirit has appeared. Scatter the flowers, scatter the flowers.’

If there were bullet comments now, the entire screen would be completely filled with the voices of these Merlin fans!

Well, haters are also fans, just like——

‘Merlin, get out of here, give me back Merlie! My Merlie-chan hasn’t appeared for a long time, ahhh!’

“Sorry to scare you!

We are not suspicious people, listen to my explanation first.” The man spoke slowly, with a friendly and spring-like smile on his face.

At this time, few people noticed that Fufu, who was standing at the feet of Mashu and the others, gradually became sharper after seeing Merlin appear.

Everyone was attracted by Merlin’s villain-like speech.

‘——Not a suspicious person?’

‘It seems that bad people usually say this, Mr. Mei. 'The little princess, who gradually came to understand Merlin's bad character, couldn't help but think in her heart.

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