'Pooh. Despicable! ’

On the second day, Anna struggled to get up from the bed with a pale look. She seemed to still have some energy and stayed in bed.

‘Today’s order is from the farm’s Limmat.

I hope you can help him shave his wool. ’ Siduli, who had already prepared everything and was waiting at the door, said.

Then she gave a further description——

Limat's property has one hundred and eighty head.

It takes about four hours to shave one head, which is a maximum of four heads a day.

In other words, relying solely on Limat's, the original budget time was more than a month.

But if a month can be shortened to ten days, it can produce a huge profit difference.

This is a very important thing.

So don’t take it lightly just because it’s a chore.


Everyone who was originally angry and dissatisfied because they saw Siduli really asking Mashu and the others to do odd jobs suddenly widened their eyes.

This was the first time they cared so much about... shaving... shaving the wool.

How can such a small piece of wool contain so much knowledge? !

This is something that the self-proclaimed magicians and arrogant adventurers of the past never thought of.

Magicians despise that kind of knowledge that can only be used for miscellaneous work, and forget that as a student on the path of magic, you should be diligent in pursuing all knowledge and treat all knowledge equally.

Adventurers blindly pursue money and want to kill powerful monsters in exchange for bounties, but they also ignore that right under their noses, the operation of the product itself can generate huge profits.

'--Been taught a lesson! ’

This time, everyone was one step ahead of the protagonists, Mashu and the others, and received spiritual rewards, and their expressions became excited.

Anna: “It seems like this…

But being able to touch the sheep... was kind of fun. "

Soon, everyone saw Matthew and Anna starting their first handyman job.

But the work was gone before the shaving began.

While protecting the shaved Rimat clan, Anna and the others killed the attacking monsters.


Just when they were about to ask if they still needed help shaving the wool...

Because the witches had paid in advance to make an appointment with Mr. Limat to have their wool shaved.

When Anna and the others wanted to help with shaving (hairing), Limmat had no choice but to refuse.

Anna on the side could only stare with wide eyes and said eagerly: "...the sheep...passed...in front of..."

The expression on Sanwu's face made everyone feel a hint of resentment.

It seems that Anna really likes sheep and wants to try the feeling of wooling wool. She must have been greatly shocked now.

Only at this time can people smile knowingly and feel that they have seen Anna's side as a child, oh!

Anna is so pitiful that people can't help but want to hold her in their arms, ravage and bully her... Ahem, bah! No, it’s taking care of, taking care of!

A group of people showed their aunty smiles.

If it weren't for little Anna's powerful strength, people would have almost forgotten her identity as a heroic spirit several times.

And reality——

‘What a tragic thing! ’ Everyone.

At this time, Anna's pretty face made people feel even more pitiful and pitiable.

Roman: “This is also because of the sudden introduction of the monetary system.

Let’s talk about the harm caused by making entertainment something that can be ‘bought’.

Although this is indeed an effective means of revitalizing the urban economy, it is not 500 years too early..."

Matthew also seconded the proposal and revealed to everyone the "blank" epic that happened in the history of the ancient Sumerians.

Matthew: "Yes... I remember that the use of silver as bills began to rise during the Akkadian period. This should not have happened in the early dynasty of Sumer...

It's not King Gilgame's fault,

But it might be too early for Uruk. "

With Matthew's explanation, everyone finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

Are major reforms that will only occur in the future be realized in this era in advance? !

Hermitos' expression changed...

His whole body suddenly trembled, and this was not comparable to the small impact caused by his previous clairvoyance to see into the future.

This is tampering with the true epic history!

King Gilgamesh... changed the future...!

Although this is a future that has been burned away by human reason, it seems that nothing that happens is unthinkable anymore.

Even if it completely contradicts the original history!

But the mouth of the God of Alchemy is still big enough to fit an egg in it.

It would be difficult for even gods to tamper with such a predetermined fate.

This is because the wise king has clairvoyance and can see into the future.

Transforming into someone else, not even a powerful main god could do this, which made Hermitos feel even more complicated and sour!

Chapter 866: Speculations about Anna and the Mother Goddess of Warcraft!

No matter how you look at it, clairvoyance is a good thing.

Too bad he didn't! !

After listening to Roman and Matthew's words, Anna's eyes gradually became sharper, as if she had found the source of the ruined good mood.

Anna: "I feel the same, Matthew...

Sure enough, currency is a bad civilization...the reservation system is not a good thing either..."

Everyone could only watch this scene dumbfounded.

Currency is considered a bad civilization simply because it cannot shave its wool...

Sure enough, he still has the nature of a child!


If it is about shaving the sheep, everyone has reluctantly accepted this matter because of Siduri's previous words.

The next day, after hearing Siduri's new commission, everyone almost fell flat on their faces.

Their brains were blown up.

Commissioned by a man named Kisinamu...

Their mission today was to help Kisinamu track his wife who was suspected of having an affair.

Catch, catch the adulterer!!

They actually let the heroes and warriors who saved six singularity worlds and saved humanity several times do that kind of thing.

Everyone's face twitched, and they felt that their hearts were about to burst out of fear. They could only stare at Siduri with their eyes wide open in disbelief.

Although Siduri couldn't see that these outsiders were "them"...

The head priest Siduri still gave an explanation: "Kisinamu is the foreman of the weapons house.

He can't leave his work post on weekdays.

But because he cares too much about this matter, his work enthusiasm has decreased.

I hope it can be resolved as soon as possible.

In addition, evidence will be needed when going to court.

So it would be great if we can catch him and find out the adulterer's personality and experience."

Even the work enthusiasm has been arranged properly...

Everyone has a stomachache!

Obviously, the king has already calculated everything behind the scenes.

Without the approval of King Gilgamesh, Siduri dared not give orders on her own.

God! ! Could it be that the transformation of Shanshan from a warrior to a magician is so thorough?

A tyrant has now become more diligent than any low-income person, and he is just short of devoting himself to this country until his death.

In everyone's eyes, the meticulous work attitude of the wise king Shan was too enthusiastic!

Then, Ushiwakamaru expressed his interest in the task of tracking down the adultery and was willing to help while patrolling.

But Anna planned to act separately because she was asked by the old woman on the avenue to help.

Mashu: "Oh, it's the woman in the flower shop.

It seems that they are indeed recruiting employees for the store."

Mashu said that they have the help of Ushiwakamaru, so there is no problem, so Anna can do what she wants to do with confidence.

Anna also nodded.

Everyone was powerless to say anything about this scene-

Compared to the previous one catching the adultery, just going to the flower shop to work as a hired worker is already a very serious commission.

But Anna actually remembered the old woman's request so clearly and took it so seriously, which surprised everyone a little.

Merlin was right-

Anna didn't hate humans as much as she said.

Even for all the kindness shown to her by the Uruk people along the way, she felt like a helpless child.

‘She just doesn’t know how to face these people…’

Thinking of this, the little princess’ eyes softened when she looked at Anna.

As the perspective followed Mashu and the others as they left, everyone had to retract their gazes from Anna and followed Mashu and the others.

Later, as the plot developed, they unexpectedly and surprisingly discovered that the lady who was suspected of having an affair was actually a mysterious race living underground.

They were planning to invade the world above ground…

But her love was real.

After the battle…

In order to prevent such a tragedy from happening again, Ushiwakamaru hoped that the king would make laws to regulate the relationship and marriage issues with other races.

And then they talked about the situation of the Three Goddesses Alliance again.

When talking about the goal of the goddesses, the Holy Grail, Ushiwakamaru and the others revealed a shocking news.

The Great Holy Grail of Uruk owned by the Wise King Shan was a treasure in his treasure.

In other words, it should have nothing to do with the Holy Grail brought to this era by the Magic King.

But the king and the flower magician must have known this, but no one pointed it out directly.

People who already knew how much of Shan Shan's personality was understood that he would not bother to explain these things.

However, the flower magician was different -

That guy was really a scumbag.

It was just that everyone couldn't see that guy for a while, so they could only keep their thoughts to themselves for the time being.

When the perspective changed, people soon realized that the plot had come to the third day.

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