So thoughtful! I just said how could Gilgamesh be so boring as the King of Heroes! ’

"King Gilgamesh, do you have one too?" At this moment, Guda couldn't help but ask.

Gilgamesh was a little surprised: "Huh?"

Guda: "It's just travel memories, or things like what I saw."

Gilgamesh, who had not yet become a Heroic Spirit at this time, would naturally not mention the memories of encountering various difficulties in the future.

If we talk about this era, there are still things that can best be called travel memories, experiences and the like...

The one who impressed Wang the most——

'Isn't that just...'

At this moment, everyone almost remembered the same legend.

The only time in the king's life that he shed tears, the beginning of the final journey,

Everything starts with the death of one person.

The goddess Ningsun, the mother of King Gilgamesh, predicted that your love for him (her) will surpass your love for your wife.

Like the death of a half-life friend——

Their friendship was so deep that they could not distinguish each other, but they were forcibly separated by the distance between life and death. This was the only time that Wang ever felt despair and pain.

At the same time——

People's perspective changed, and they found themselves in a familiar and terrifying purple-black flesh passage that resembled the intestinal tract of a creature.

‘Is it the flesh and blood temple of the Mother Goddess of Warcraft? ’ People were shocked, looking at the scene in front of them, their faces instantly turned pale and they thought with disgust.

But after seeing a familiar figure again, his consciousness was completely attracted to it.

The long emerald hair, the white and loose robes, the beautiful figure walking barefoot on the ground,

‘Well... Enkidu! No, it’s that fake! ’

In the passage, Enkidu is slowly walking towards the darkness ahead.

But Wang Jingjing sounded in people's ears, as if they were caught in a long memory, the faint voice,

It was a silence that made people feel a little sad, "I remember everything..."

Chapter 884: Enkidu by the sea...the upcoming reunion of friends?

Gilgamesh's words lost the joy he had before, and his face lost the smile.

As if telling an ancient story that had nothing to do with him, his bright red eyes looked ahead quietly.

Slightly furrowed brows, absent-minded eyes,

It gave Wang a touch of sentimentality that shouldn't exist,

"Whether it's a glorious heroic epic, or a boring itinerary, and disputes between each other."

As he spoke, Gilgamesh sat sideways on the carriage, his head slowly lowered, and he looked at the carriage board in trance.

'He remembers everything clearly...'

Such a lonely look moved everyone.

They couldn't help but lose the smiles on their faces and fell into silence.

‘What the king said about the quarrels between them was referring to the only friend. ’

‘——Enkidu! ’

One is reminded of the beautiful illustrations in the epic of the king traveling with Enkidu.

They left countless footprints together in the forest and on the streets. At that time, they always accompanied each other with a faint smile on their faces...

This emotion has nothing to do with any desire,

It comes from the original and unreserved trust and closeness of two hearts.

They had fought side by side to defeat the magical beasts and divine beasts, raising the banner of rebellion against the gods.

But now there is only one person left...

Even though there are thousands of words to say, there is no one worth talking to, and there are no more like him in the whole world.

Hermitus recalled the final description of the Epic of Gilgamesh,

The King of Heroes holds the body of his friend and tells him that no matter the past, present, or distant future, there will always be only one friend - Enkidu.

Before Enkidu died, what he worried about was not the passing of his own life, but that no one would be able to accompany the king anymore, and how lonely Gilgamesh would be.

A friend who will miss and worry about him until his death.

For such a person, no one believed that Gilgamesh would forget that feeling.

What kind of unforgettable pain that must be.

Looking at Gilgamesh's silent expression,

Knowing that he didn't want to continue talking, Guda and the others also had a good face and started on the journey again.

Soon they arrived at the observation station next to the Persian Gulf.

When they entered the observation station, the scholars inside were as surprised as everyone else and Guda and the others when they saw the Xian King...

Or rather frightened!

The king actually came in person!

An old man got nervous and couldn't help asking the king if he didn't have to deal with government affairs in the capital?

Fortunately, Gilgamesh didn't show any anger about this.

Gilgamesh waved his hand easily: "Nothing, just some small things to deal with."

"Huh?! Aren't you here to take a break (skip work)?" Guda asked in surprise.

Gilgamesh had a murderous smile on his face and raised his brows slightly: "Are you looking down on me?

Or are you treating me as a fool? "

"No, it's nothing...!" Guda said decisively.

But the blacksmith's son on the side had an expression that should be like this,

As a loyal fan of Wang, I naturally believe in Wang’s integrity throughout the whole process!

Behold, the great King, doesn’t every step he takes have profound meaning!

Don't understand?

Feel like you just want to play?

idiot! ! That's because you are too short-sighted, and I, too, have been confused by this appearance.

On the surface, Wang is playing, but in fact - maybe Wang is really playing?

"Senior, senior. Wang must be pretending to be idle, but he is actually here to complete some important work. How amazing!" Ma Xiu whispered to Guda loudly, with a smile on his face.

Gilgamesh laughed happily: "That's right Mashu, praise me with awe."

After speaking, Gilgamesh looked at the scholars at the Persian Gulf Observatory: "You guys should also learn from this little girl."

The scholars quickly said yes, but they just said that they were a little frightened by the king's sudden visit.

Guda: "The king suddenly appeared in front of me, and my heart really couldn't bear it."

She has a lot of say in this.

Perhaps it was because of this kind of "sympathizing with each other" that Guda quickly became familiar with the scholars.

After finishing filling the water bottles,

Guda and Ma Xiu took the scholars' well-meaning condolence drinks and went to watch the sea and the sunset.

[It’s not easy to indulge the king’s whim.]

Thinking about what Guda and the scholar said when they separated just now.

Gilgamesh's idiot saw this disdainful expression——

Why do these people still think that Wang came here to play on a whim?

The king must have something important to do! fanaticism!


That's what I haven't seen yet.

Later, when the two of them were sitting on the beach chatting, they were told shocking news by Roman.

According to Chaldea's observations, the area affected by this singularity is unexpectedly large.

Far beyond all previous unique points.

Not only the plains of Mesopotamia, but also the entire sea connecting the Indian Ocean in front of them.

Roman: ‘The ocean must be an indispensable element for Mesopotamia. ’

'ha? ! Does the ocean area count as a singularity? There is no way there are any potential dangers in the sea. Guda and the others will have to deal with them when the time comes, right? ! ’

The little princesses and the others, who had always subconsciously believed that the source of the singularity crisis was the three goddesses, were not aware of the seriousness of the problem at this time.

The beautiful weather and beautiful ocean scenery in front of them confuse their vision and heart very well.

Coupled with the leisurely appearance of Guda and the others, people really don't feel the slightest sense of crisis.

...the sea...

At this moment, Fufu, who was playing in the water at the beach, seemed to suddenly sense something. She jumped up and down anxiously, and then ran to Mashu and kept signaling something.

Matthew finally stood up,

"Doctor, check the nine o'clock direction quickly."

Seemingly sensing something, Mashu hurriedly shouted.

"Something is flying straight towards here."

The doctor looked at the golden sign on the screen that was quickly approaching the safe zone——

"I did detect it here!

With the concentration of magic power in the Age of Gods, can the speed still reach 500 kilometers per hour? ! "

Wha-what the hell? !

Everyone was also frightened by Roman's nervous tone.

Da Vinci: "3, 2, 1 left before contact!"

The horizon was almost far away a moment ago. As soon as Roman and Da Vinci finished speaking, the detected thing was already approaching.

"Matthew! Set up your shield!" Da Vinci shouted immediately.

In a race against time, almost at the moment when Ma Xiu raised the shield, the terrifying blue thunder rode the wind and waves directly from the ocean and hit the shield.


Terrifying sandstorms rose all around,

The moment the explosion rang in their ears, everyone's ears rang in the face of this natural disaster-like attack.

'ah! ! ’

"I'm really convinced...

Your crisis awareness is too weak. "After everyone put down their arms in front of themselves to resist the wind and sand, a familiar voice slowly sounded.

People looked in front of them and found a figure on the seaside, looking at them with a calm smile as if looking at prey.

"Xiao En?!... No, it's that impostor! Why is it him again?" Everyone said in surprise.

The sudden appearance of Enkidu is seen in the epic——

Harut's heart also skipped a beat, as if he thought of something.

Wait—couldn’t the real reason why King Gilgamesh came here be...

Chapter 885 Heroes and Magicians: Poverty limits our imagination!

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