Looking at Enkidu below... Gilgamesh spoke calmly but domineeringly: "Did I remember it wrong?"

At this time, Enkidu also slowly raised his head and tilted his head slightly, but his eyes changed the moment he saw the figure on the top of the cliff...

What a sad, pitiful and sad look,

At this moment, Enkidu's purple eyes seemed to be turning back to emerald green. He looked sadly at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure.

Huh~! Jumping down from the sky, the figure came to Enkidu.

Gilgamesh: "When I conceived this new method of warfare, I was criticized as [extremely wasteful]."

"No, that's because of you..." Enkidu said in a tone like a friend, waving his hand dissatisfiedly,

That subconscious retort was all based on instinctive reaction, a quarrel engraved in DNA.

This pair of Gilgamesh seemed to be extremely familiar, which made the little princesses on the side widen their eyes when they saw it, and they were a little stunned and stunned.

He...he is this? !

At this moment, Enkidu, who was mid-sentence, suddenly reacted, with a sad and struggling expression. He stooped back a few steps in pain, as if he was confused, shook his head helplessly like a puppy, and covered it with one hand. Shut up.

His pupils shrank and shook violently as he looked at Gilgamesh, as if his spirit had been greatly shocked.

"You are just...

Gilgamesh. Enkidu murmured shakily.

There was no joy at all on Gilgamesh's face at this moment.

In people’s eyes…

You can't see the joyful smile he had when he was treating the goddess and the Chaldean people fighting before. He smiled and scolded so gently and spoke in a deep voice. It was so gentle that people felt like they were in a dream.

Gilgamesh: "Who do you think it is, you idiot?"

And this unprecedented gentle tone made Enkidu lose his voice for an instant and raised his head suddenly.

Everyone also stared at this scene in a daze.

Not only one of them was captured by the king's sudden tenderness.

Hiss~! ! This is... too gentle, as if my heart will become softer.

When thinking of the story of Shen and En in the Epic of Gilgamesh,

Looking at the shocked Enkidu in front of him and King Gilgamesh whose voice became extremely gentle,

This is only tenderness given to you alone. Woohoo!

People who thought about thousands of possibilities and how furious Winky would be in trying to kill this fake Enkidu,

What I didn't expect was that this was like a real friend, spanning life, death and time, finally meeting again.

An inexplicable heaviness hit people's hearts.

Looking at the two people in front of them, everyone suddenly felt distressed for no reason and wanted to cry!

I didn't realize it until tears rolled down the corners of my eyes.

‘Wait, isn’t it just an impostor?

But looking at Enkidu's reaction...could he be real...? ! ’ People clenched their fists, and some didn’t dare to think about it.

At this time, Gilgamesh showed a gentle smile, as if there was a different kind of hopeful emotion contained in that sadness. "As a calm and composed weapon, where is your capable style?"

In the music and songs that are gradually full of memories, Wang Na seems to be deliberately sarcastic, cheering and encouraging words, which makes people feel full of doting on Enkidu.

‘Oh my God! ! Ahhhhhh, I can't stand it anymore, I really can't stand it this time. Gilgamesh and Xiao En, awsl! ’ The girls screamed inwardly.

Gilgamesh: "You actually enjoy fighting...

This isn't like you, Enkidu. "

It seemed like an old friend reunited after a long absence continued to say hello, while summoning golden particles to form a slate-like grimoire, the king slowly walked towards Enkidu.

Everyone held their breath when they saw this scene, their hearts trembling, as if they were expecting something to happen...

They stared at the two of them intently, getting closer, closer! !

Enkidu has not yet attacked Gilgamesh at this time.

People who saw this scene became inexplicably excited and clenched their fists.


When Gilgamesh was about to reach Enkidu,

Enkidu, however, was like a wild beast that had been stimulated. He waved his hand violently and was thrown towards Gilgamesh by thunder.

It seems like he wants to smash everything in front of him!

Kill the man who brings you wrong thoughts and feelings that you cannot understand! That's good!

Kill him and the pain will disappear naturally!

Everyone couldn't help but shout,

I was saddened by the tragedy of meeting this dear friend in this way.

This made them all subconsciously forget the power of the king...

Of course Gilgamesh would not be killed so easily.

The King's Treasure Portal suddenly opened from the sand, and then a staff cast a wall of flames from the inside to block the golden thunder.

Enkidu's strike again was like a signal.

The meeting again after an unknown length of time actually started with a battle again!

Chapter 887 The battle between heaven and earth, a scene that is difficult to recreate in a lifetime

"King Gilgamesh!!" Guda shouted anxiously.

Matthew also spoke: "That's an impostor, not the real Mr. Enkidu!"

At the same time, people saw Enkidu trotting all the way, surrounding Gilgamesh and firing barrage attacks on the beach.

Although he was walking at a trot, his speed was surprisingly fast, and people couldn't catch the specific figure at all.

The nervous little princess and the blacksmith's son were also worried that the king would be merciful to this counterfeit.


Deeply immersed in the immersive experience, they lost the reason to look at the epic objectively.

Just like people had more or less the feeling that Enkidu might be 'real'...

Who knows what a bloody story happened behind the scenes?

Could it be that he has lost his memory?

People who heard Guda and the others claiming that Enki was a fake never thought that the king didn't know all this!

According to people's eyes, Gilgamesh has already seen through the future and knows everything very clearly. He may understand the identity of the 'god-made weapon' in front of him and what his true face is than anyone else.

Even if he knew everything, he still had this attitude, so the identity of the fake Enkidu is somewhat intriguing.

Hermitos narrowed his eyes slightly and thought deeply...

It seems fake but not fake. If it is genuine, there are many unexplainable loopholes.

What exactly is this Enkidu?

At this time, Gilgamesh calmly dodged the barrage and said: "Huh~?

That's pretty cool. "

Wang's tone changed, and his eyes finally became sharper.

The wand protruding from the king's treasure fired a beam of light towards Enkidu, but it was blocked by the earth wall rising from the ground.

"You...shut up!" Fake Enkidu shouted angrily. His hands looked like thunder turning into sharp blades. He gave up his defense and rushed towards Gilgamesh quickly.

"You seem to have gained quite good magic power." Gilgamesh recalled his beloved ax without haste, and then asked sternly: "Did the three goddesses instruct you to come?!"

"Shut up!" Boom!

The hand blade clashed with the ax blade, but the flesh and blood body clashed with the precious phantom like a real weapon.

In other words, Enkidu itself is the most perfect weapon.

The clouds were shaken away, and the sea line was forced to be as narrow as a lake.

That is the scene in people's retinas, a picture distorted by powerful magic waves.

ah! !

People couldn't help but close their eyes. This terrible scene was too shocking for most people just to look at it.

Like a natural disaster——!

'This is...

A mythical battle? ’ The blacksmith’s son murmured in shock. Tears continued to burst out of his eyes, but he raised his hands to block his eyes, desperately trying to see clearly the two people colliding inside.

Excited and passionate, it seems like I have returned to the distant age of the gods.

The battle between the heroes shakes the world, and each strike is like a shining era of divine starlight.

Also that——

I remember the two figures who may be the last heroes of the Age of Gods.

Although he is a hero, he is not the hero that people have understood in the past. It is not the kind of title awarded to those who are stronger than ordinary people to a certain extent.

Rather, he is a hero who has truly completed the epic poem, the poem of blood and fire, and can be admired and praised by thousands of people, and will be forever remembered in history.

This is--! At this moment, people remember the heroic figure!

Thunder was crackling, and in the center of the pale thunder, he looked at Gilgamesh, whose eyes were complex and staring at him, opposite the ax blade.

Enkidu pretended to be fierce and said in a deep voice: "The most powerful creature on this earth is me!!

There is no need for a half-baked product like you! "

As Enkidu continued to strike several times, the powerful and terrifying magic power that could make any magician's heart tremble was constantly gathered at one point in huge quantities, and the quality was frighteningly high.

But in the face of such a ferocious attack, Gilgamesh just raised his ax and kept defending, without any thought of attacking.

The blacksmith's son who was watching was sweating all over and anxious.

Do it! Fight back! king!

"Foolish King of Uruk,

Mother's enemy..." After Gilgamesh jumped back to avoid the next blow, Enkidu lowered his head and gritted his teeth in a hoarse voice, as if he could no longer hold back.

He desperately wanted to kill Gilgamesh,

It seemed that just having Gilgamesh standing in front of him made him lose control of his emotions.

This is completely different from what people have seen before, the counterfeit who is good at conspiracy, disguise and deliberate.

It was as if he had lost all the calmness and calmness he had in the past!

"I must kill you...!" Enkidu pressed down on the ground with one hand.

The next moment——

‘O people, I hope to bind the gods with chains! 'X

The sky-wide beam of light rushed into the sky, just like the scene of the liberation of the true name.

The vast scene made people feel small, and the floating and undulating space twisted with the golden light beams, as if it would sweep towards the earth at any time.

Noble Phantasm Liberation? !

No, this is just a flat A to show friendship! At most, they are somewhat similar.

Seeing this, Shining also unfolded the magic book and pointed his hand at the sky.

The next moment, magnificent music sounded,

Contrasted with this is a huge golden halo that covers the entire sky.

In the sky, countless magic wands slowly stretched out and pointed at the earth,

Countless chains on the earth slowly stretched out towards the sky.

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