Guda also wanted to say something.

But Twinkle said that what should be investigated has been investigated, what should be seen has been seen, and now it is time to return to Uruk.

And I remembered a lot of things.

‘Have you seen what you should have seen...? ’

Sure enough, I came here for Enkidu from the beginning.

Hermitus thought with a sigh.

On the other side, there is the blacksmith's son.


As soon as the vision fades, it changes to another area.

It was in the mountains where the sun had already set, and under the night sky dotted with stars, the fake Enkidu was struggling painfully with his head shot.

His eyes turned bright red for some reason, which was so weird and scary.

‘Enkidu! ! It's him! ’ Everyone.

‘What’s wrong with him? ’

"I'm stronger." His body couldn't stop shaking, but he still spoke.

At this time, people were paying attention to the fake Enkidu who was kneeling on the ground and holding his head. The sound just came from his mouth.

"I am stronger than that king!

However...why should I retreat! "

People looked at the figure who was moaning in astonishment.

It was really unexpected that the monster who was so powerful and powerful who blocked Mashu and the others was so fragile at this moment.

The picture before my eyes blurred,

People found that their vision had changed again,

In the bright sunshine, A flash was sitting next to stones and flowers, shirtless, with only a few bright red stripes on his body. Gilgamesh was looking up in their direction with a smile.

"...!" Everyone.

‘No, that’s not right. Not looking at us, but...'

‘——Look at the owner of this body! ’

Soon everyone discovered that they could not control their bodies now, but instead entered the perspective of others.

A strong intuition tells people that that is Enkidu's perspective!


The next moment the scene changed,

People's bodies can move.

Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief when they found themselves in a cedar forest.

Not far ahead is the scene of Enkidu and Gilgamesh walking together.

It’s almost like——

"It's like the memory of our adventure together during the expedition against Humbaba. Those broken trees in the forest must be the beginning of the disaster!" Harut murmured, stroking the scenery in the illustration with his fingers.

Is this the memory review of the fake Enkidu now?


If it's the fake Enkidu, why does he have Enkidu's memories!

This astonishing discovery made Harut even more solemn.

"Memory cannot maintain order...

Always browsing past memories. "At this time, in the immersive world, among the broken trees in the forest full of heavy fog, although everyone could see the backs of the two Shin and En,

But the voice of fake Enkidu can still be heard in his ears.

"Remember!" the little princess responded.

The next moment, the picture returned to reality, under the starry sky.

Enkidu still kept covering his chest,

Enkidu: "I don't understand what this malfunction in my heart is...

...That guy is the one who deserves to be killed. "

Wow, on the new page, Hermitus saw two perspectives.

One is the same as Enkidu's location in Immersion,

The other one showed Gilgamesh sitting silently in a carriage.

"But... we still need to talk...?" Enkidu's hands fell to the ground weakly, and he said in a hesitant and complicated tone.

But immediately, "No, there is no room for negotiation at all, we just need to kill...kill him...kill him." The voice became smaller and smaller, smaller and smaller,

Then he suddenly raised his voice: "We must kill! We must kill! We must kill!"

For the sake of my mother, I must kill her! "

The crazy tone made everyone tremble, and then they saw that the fake Enkidu looked like he was broken, and looked up to the sky with a broken smile on his face.

The bright red eyes make people dare not look directly into them.


Everyone heard it,

What a sad tone that was.

"Because I'm not Enkidu at all."

Just when the fake Enkidu looked so painful and heartbreaking,

If others didn't understand his identity, they would definitely feel heartbroken when faced with that haggard and beautiful face.

at the same time--

On the other side, the wise king who had returned to Uruk also stood high in the city, looking into the distance in silence.

‘King, why are your eyes so sad? ’

‘They are all so sad. ’

Everyone who was deeply touched by this scene,

Bi Guda, Ma Xiu and the others saw the inner emotions of these two people more intuitively, and saw everyone on the other side,

He couldn't help but fell into silence.

In the blink of an eye, the epic world soon came to the next morning.

And in front of the throne in the temple,

Gilgamesh gave Guda and the others a new mission.

Go and bring him the destiny clay tablet.

Everyone seemed to have some impression. Some people went to the front of the epic and found out——

That's right, it's the mission Gilgamesh gave Merlin before.

Before meeting Guda and the others, Merlin was ordered by the Wise King to search for the stone slab.


We didn't look for this guy seriously at all, and everyone was very suspicious.

Merlin, who has clairvoyance, followed Anna and Guda from the beginning.

In the end, this matter still had to fall on Chaldea.

At this time, Gilgamesh and Guda were explaining the reason for the existence of the Destiny Clay Tablet.

“I remembered that when I was returning to Uruk from the underworld, I ‘saw the future’ in Kusa on the way.

This king entered into meditation in that city,

After writing down the destiny on the clay tablet, he left.

Since it is done in meditation, there is naturally no memory of what happened before and after.

If you don't read it again, you won't know what kind of destiny it is. "

'--future? ! ’

Everyone couldn't help but feel slightly excited,

This is Gilgamesh's clairvoyance activated during meditation!

It actually appeared in this form.

Someone suddenly thought about the epic they were looking at now,

There are also previous speculations that Andersen and Mellie (Lin) are related.

“It turns out that this tradition of keeping a diary is not limited to Meili (Lin)?

Do all clairvoyance owners have the habit of taking notes? !

Whatever you foresee, write about it! "

Everyone: Shocked!

In an instant, they seemed to understand everything!

ps: Let me tell you, the one between Jin Gu and Shining in the previous two chapters was not a battle between Noble Phantasms, no.

The word "" used to write the Noble Phantasm Liberation is not "".

It just means it looks like the Noble Phantasm liberation scene. Both of them are just level A, and the actual damage caused is not great.

Chapter 890: The goddess who dyes her hair in one second, the little princess: Am I color blind?

"In other words, you write a diary while sleeping...?" Guda's words were too straightforward.

For a moment, the new chefs didn’t know what to say——

Meditation = sleep, nothing wrong with that!

He is worthy of being a king!

Gilgamesh was very calm: "Occasionally. Although destiny refers to something sent down by God,

But this king came from clairvoyance.

Sometimes I suddenly learn about the [future] that has nothing to do with me,

And recorded unconsciously.

Although it is meaningless to me,

But to others, it will be a priceless treasure. "

Knowing the future is indeed a very scary thing——

If it could be exchanged for wealth, I don’t know how many kings and nobles would be tempted.

When people see the future that may be priceless to them, but are treated as worthless by Gilgamesh,

This makes people's psychological gap very uncomfortable.

Could it be said that this is the difference between heroes and mortals?

Most people who think they are just ordinary people understand what they need.

If it were them, they would definitely not be able to resist the huge temptation of having a glimpse of the future!

Not only can you do anything you want after knowing everything.

Just the sense of satisfaction and vanity that only you know everything can make people flock to it.

Gilgamesh suddenly laughed: "Speaking of which, it's impossible for the Warcraft to know the value of that thing.

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