Even for the goddess Ishtar, it would take a few seconds to break free.

As long as I have this little time, she will not remain silent behind me. "

As he spoke, Merlin stepped aside and made way for Anna.

And people suddenly realized...

No wonder Guda and the others are not worried at all.

It turns out that the material of this rope is so special. Is it almost comparable to an ordinary Noble Phantasm? !

Chapter 899 Isn’t she her? She or she? ! Everyone was stunned

Merlin was very good at saying evil words at this time,

Anna on the side was also very cooperative.

"...Yes. My sickle is designed to kill.

If you can't just die, it will be very painful, Ishtar. "Anna.

‘Ishtar’ calmed down: “…Really?

Looks like I really got caught.

Then, what?

Is there anything you want to ask me before you kill me? "

"We don't intend to kill you, we just hope you can tell us about the [Three Goddess Alliance]." Guda also said.

‘Ishtar’ sighed, as if accepting the fact:

"That's what happened.

Yes, as long as I can answer it. "

Consider it a reward for these two stupid little fools giving their real names.

When Guda's first question was about the goddess... why did you attack Uruk?

It's 'you', not 'them'.

There is no Venus goddess among the three goddesses...

However, regardless of whether it is Mashu or the others,

Still a goddess, she didn't notice anything was wrong.

One asked, and the other subconsciously answered.

Watching Ishtar talk about the three goddesses fighting for the Holy Grail in Gilgamesh's hand,

Everyone looked stunned for a while.

It's not because of the goddess's purpose. They already knew this.


Ishtar is one of the three goddesses? ’

Stop kidding me. There is no one among the three goddesses whose appearance matches the appearance of Ishtar.

But looking at the other person's appearance, it didn't look like he was lying at all.

Her pride and self-esteem as a goddess would not allow her to deliberately pretend to be someone else, right?

"The first goddess to obtain the Holy Grail of Uruk will take this land as her own...

This is our reason, it's very simple.

However, I intend to dominate humans,

There are differences in details such as the Northern Goddess intending to dominate the earth.

Another pillar of the Southern Goddess... what should that guy say.

Because the culture is different, I can't figure out that guy at all.

No matter what, we are competing according to our own rules.

See who can destroy Uruk first and get the Holy Grail hidden by Gilgamesh first.

The other two pillars either leave or stay and become subordinate gods. "

Everyone subconsciously connected the method of destroying Uruk mentioned by Ishtar with destroying the ranch and pretending to be a robber to steal the gems.

No way? No way?

There can't really be such a mean goddess who wants to destroy the earth by robbing wealth.

But think about the money-grubbing nature that the other party has exposed so far——

Everyone felt a little weird in their hearts.

If you look at it this way, this woman might be able to do something like that.

But according to the order of events, what happened to those resentful spirits wandering underground in the city of Uruk? !

The goddess Venus has never been heard to be associated with powers such as Hades and death.

...Her sister god, the enemy in the epic, is the god of Hades.


Everyone couldn't help but think - the Three Goddess Alliance is indeed four people!

When Guda wanted to ask the real names of the other two pillar gods.

‘Ishtar’: “This is beyond praise.

The [Three Goddess Alliance] has a commandment of ‘no attacking each other’.

We must not infringe upon each other, and we must not get in each other's way.

It is against the commandments to tell the true names of the other two pillars. "

As he said this, Ishtar suddenly laughed.

"the same as you,

You wouldn't spread the secrets of close friends everywhere, would you? "The goddess looked at Guda,

"Talking about good and bad things behind the person's back,

This is shameful behavior for a goddess who values ​​rules.

Even if I am killed, I will not tell the real names of the other two pillars.

——Do you understand? "

People who heard these remarks were a little surprised and looked at the Venus goddess again.

Unexpectedly, she was unexpectedly trustworthy in this kind of matter.

If you think about it carefully, although this goddess is very arrogant, she has her own set of rules for doing things.

Uh-but I remembered the jewel robber thing.

Everyone feels that this principle is also quite unreliable.

"Yes, that's true. Then I'll give up on the real name issue." Guda nodded calmly.

"Master?" Mashu was surprised.

Everyone and Merlin also looked at Guda in surprise.

...To let this great opportunity pass so easily,

I understand the logic, but is it really just like this—forget it...?

The smile on ‘Ishtar’’s face couldn’t help but grow: “Good answer. I like noble human beings.

And [Who summoned us? 】This question——

I was summoned by the witches of Uruk.

But the goddess of the north and the goddess of the south are different from me.

Those two pillars are goddesses attracted by the Holy Grail. "

Miko? !

Ishtar's words obviously reminded people of the scene they saw before their trip to Kutha City.

The strange tone of voice of the goddess summoned by the witch, and the final scene of her hair color changing,

Everyone couldn’t help but think: ‘Isn’t that the time Ishtar was talking about! ’

Because of the scene where the hair color changed at the end,

Many people are not sure whether it is the ceremony of Ishtar's advent.

After all, there are four goddesses——

Counting the Leopard Man, there are five! A whole five! It can be called the epic with the most named gods that have ever appeared in the epic so far.

Maybe on the day of the shrine maiden's ceremony, it's not Ishtar who descends, but other goddesses happen to descend together.

In the case that the disaster in Kuza City may be related to the new goddess, (the disaster started after the goddess came)

The goddess of Venus previously revealed that she had unconditionally helped the civilians of Uruk, which also made people understand her arrogant heart but cold and kind heart.

That is a new personality completely different from the bad-tempered Ishtar in the epic—it can be regarded as a good god.

It seems that there is no need for Ishtar to do anything extra, in the event that the entire people of Kusa City are "sleeping".

If it was really her doing, why did she bother to help the rancher drive away the monsters?


At this time, 'Ishtar' admitted personally that she was summoned by the witches.

Things suddenly became confusing.

People were vaguely aware of something, but they were not sure and could not grasp the fleeting light.

Everyone: "What the hell is going on!! Ahhhhh!"

"I can't figure it out, I'm going crazy!"

“There are too many contradictions.

The goddess Ishtar—oh, it’s like having two ‘hers’.


Which Ishtar is the Ishtar I recognize. "

People are already a little confused.

After all, Ishtar and ‘Ishtar’ now share the same body.

‘Ishtar’: “As for whether there is any intention of the guy named the Magic King,

It's not something I can know. "

Merlin said everything was as he expected,

The reason why Ishtar's attack is relatively mild is probably because it is different from the summoning method of the other two pillar gods.

'mild? ’ I didn’t realize what Merlin was referring to (the underworld).

People's first thought was Ishtar's berserker-like melee fighting style that put ladies to shame.

No no no! That kind of offensiveness and gentleness are not hooked at all! Merlin might have misunderstood the word gentle!

Chapter 900: Will that goddess be shy? Stop being ridiculous!

Everyone shook their heads desperately,

I want to shake away the image of the goddess laughing and fighting hand to hand in my mind.

Although the disaster of Warcraft is terrible, even though the living sacrifices from the Southern Goddess are also cruel...

But now, those two goddesses have not ended up in person.

Not to mention fighting in close combat with others——

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