? ? ? Shouting: "——Looking for the way to the singularity of the end,

There, there is the throne of the Magic King.

The name of that cosmic realm is Solomon, the pinnacle of the end.

The altar of the time vortex, the hope of reaching the origin——"

'hope……! ’ When these last words are deeply imprinted on people’s minds,

The scene in front of me also lost its color and gradually returned to reality.

When people opened their eyes again, they had returned to the main hall of Uruk.


Are you okay? Your face is ashen...! ? "

At this time, Matthew asked worriedly from the side.

Everyone saw what Guda, who had just opened his eyes, understood...

Could what they saw just now be Guda's dream?

"——It seems like I had a very extreme dream." Guda also said at this moment.

Gilgamesh: "...Judging from your expression, it's probably not a clear answer.

But in this case, the causal relationship cannot be connected.

That clay tablet was from the king after he came back from the abyss.

The product of recording the scenes that were ‘seen’ unconsciously.

The one who can find the man who calls himself the Magic King...

Find rare clues about the man who burned humanity.

I'm sure one day, sooner or later,

You will understand the meaning of the scene you just glimpsed. "

The Magic King...? !

Everyone on the other side was surprised when they heard Gilgamesh speak like this.

What Gilgamesh predicted was about that king!

Doesn't that mean that the man they just saw... on the Pale Throne is——!

‘King Solomon! ’ Everyone shouted in their hearts, feeling like they had fallen into an ice cellar. Suddenly he shivered.

That's the man!

The one just now was the truly legendary demon king who burned away human reason!

Everyone took a deep breath,

Ahhhhh! I actually saw Solomon alive.

Oh my God!

They had just seen such a dangerous person at close range.

The blacksmith's son's neck turned red with excitement.

In the past, he could brag about this for a lifetime without stopping.

If I hadn't known that everyone would have the opportunity to see this scene,

Just by seeing the true face of Solomon,

His name is enough to be recorded in the biography of the kingdom!

‘On a certain day of a certain year, xxx saw the true face of the legendary Solomon as a mortal.

The man who possesses all the wisdom in the world,

The king who burns human reason finally reveals his true face! ’


What follows is the fantasy of the blacksmith's son.

After all, what is really awesome is this epic immersive experience!

'Merlin's' clairvoyance is at least on the same level as the Wise King's.

Even the predicted scenes can be reproduced...

The blacksmith's son even began to suspect that the magician's true magic level was no less than that of Solomon, known as the Magic King.

Gilgamesh continued: "Until then, hide this matter in the corner of your mind.

After all, one day, even if you don't want to, you will encounter it. "

After that, the king drove away Guda and Mashu.

And people are still thinking about Solomon——

Will Guda meet that king sooner or later? !

Everyone looked a little dazed,

The seventh singular point, if according to the original setting of the epic, after this singular point is completed, all the singular points will be solved.

So will the future be successfully recaptured?

If the Magic King didn't want to watch his plan fail, he would definitely stand up and confront Guda in the end.

'After all, one day, even if you don't want to, you will encounter it. ’ Gilgamesh’s last words echoed in people’s minds again.

A sense of fate arises in people's hearts.

For the decisive battle——

People felt a sense of urgency and a bit of apprehension.

No matter how much I try to comfort myself, humanity must be saved in the end.

Keep telling yourself that this is the prophetic epic of that guy Merlin,

If the recapture of Humanity failed, would that guy still be in the mood to write a story here?


The troubadour Andersen never admitted anything,

Nor did it claim that the end of the epic must be a beautiful future.

It is related to the future destiny of this planet,

It’s really hard to think of it as a story.



Since many of Andersen's epics have very stomach-churning endings, each protagonist is often more miserable than the last.

Perhaps tragic heroes are more memorable and fresh in memory.

But people don't want this kind of deep impression at all.

Don’t let this happen again!

Never let this be another tragedy...!

Definitely, no one will be sacrificed, and there will be an ending in which everyone can pass the level alive!

And the other side.

Because of reading the destiny clay tablet, Guda's condition was not very good, so the Chaldean group temporarily repaired it.

In the room, Merlin asked Guda and Mashu about meeting the Magic King.


--ha? ! ! "The crowd shouted in a circle.

Guda ever met the Magic King? !

Chaldea has already faced off against the Magic King once?

wow! When did it happen!

People who feel as if they have missed hundreds of epics,

Just a moment ago, they were still nervous and anxious about the possibility that Chaldea would soon encounter the final boss.

Now they were told that this boss had already appeared.

Everyone knows it, but you (you) don't know it.


Bako! When did he miss it!

I clearly read it very carefully! 嘤嘤嘤!

Feeling that her identity as a loyal little fan of Andersen was challenged, the little princess was in tears and opened her eyes stubbornly.

Want to see how Guda would explain it.

Chapter 904 There are only seven crowns? Merlin, you are lying!

I have seen Solomon before, and all of them escaped from him and survived.

Such a record is indeed unbelievable for those who have always imagined the Magic King in their minds.

It's like living in a dream!


Shouldn't the final boss (like the Demon King) appear only after the seven singularities are opened step by step!

Why now... just now...

People stopped thinking halfway.

They almost forgot that what they were watching was 'real things happening in parallel worlds or future timelines', not the stories of heroes fighting demon kings that used to fool children in the past.

In real battles,

there are actually things that happen halfway through the challenge and directly encounter the final villain!

People are a little scared just thinking about it.

They dare not imagine...how Mashu and others who have not grown up yet successfully resisted the magic king and escaped.

At this time, people stared at Guda in silence for a while, and said with a somewhat unpleasant face: "In London..."

"We were planning to recover the fourth holy grail.

That guy suddenly appeared from the darkness." As Guda recalled,

an illustration appeared on the epic.

At the same time, the immersive world also entered the fourth singularity of London.

People saw——

The king who laughed wildly on the throne before did appear...

Standing above Mashu, Guda and others.

Mashu yelled at the king: "Magic King Solomon, you don't know how to be grateful for life!

You are happy to play with humans and the fate of the stars!"


I haven't seen this part at all.

The plot of the fourth singularity? !

Ah, isn't that before the sixth singularity? That's fine.

Everyone once again felt like they had missed out on hundreds of millions.

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