The heavenly locks suddenly tied Anna's limbs, just like the time in the cedar forest, and dropped little Anna again.

But this time it wasn't an illusion performed by Merlin.

"!!!Anna!" Everyone couldn't help shouting anxiously.

when? !

There was absolutely no sign of the fake Enkidu taking action.

But at this time the impostor had indeed arrived next to Anna.

Everyone: Damn——

I was just paying attention to the battle between Anna and the monster.

The same goes for Guda and Mashu.

No one noticed the actions of the fake Enkidu!

Even though they know it makes no difference whether they pay attention or not, people still can't help but blame themselves and worry.

Enkidu: "The sword of death, plus those eyes of yours.

It seems you are a troublesome being.

You are much more dangerous than Chaldea.

So please just exit. "

Eye? !

What eyes?

No one felt that Anna's eyes were any different from ordinary people.

If I have to say it——

The strange eye pattern on her little black hood that looks like cat ears is really eye-catching.

Before anyone could think about it, they saw the fake Enkidu controlling the Lock of Heaven and piercing Anna's abdomen directly!

"Ugh, ah...!" Anna made a painful sound.


Seeing Anna's lower abdomen being penetrated and blood spurting out of her mouth at the same time,

Everyone: A——AAAAAAAAA!

"Anna!!!" Guda shouted heartbreakingly,

"It's so noisy!" The fake Enkidu fired the Heaven's Lock, and Mashu immediately used his shield to fly away.

On the other side, people's consciousness fell into sluggishness. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Too much...

How dare you treat Anna like this.

Wuwuwu... The little princess desperately covered her mouth with both hands to prevent her from making any sound.

But the widened eyes and violently trembling pupils still betrayed the intense emotions in her heart.

how so?

So suddenly——

Although there are various unacceptable tragedies in epic poems,

But in the immersive experience, I directly saw my favorite characters being treated in such inhuman ways.

This kind of impact is still too strong.

It is much more emotional than ordinary words.

--lament! It comes from the inner voices of countless people who like Anna, a cute, sensible, and kind-hearted girl.

If it were in the text version of the epic, everyone would be excited by now, thinking how to kill the fake Enkidu.

But it’s immersive – seeing a scene like this in a real setting.

The blacksmith's son put it into practice through personal experience,

At this time, the silence is better than the sound, just like the silence before the storm, how uncomfortable and terrible it is.

Merlin: "Oh no, this is a fatal injury!?

Hey, Kathy Parlu, please think of a way. "

Everyone was attracted by Merlin's words.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he would let Fufu come up with a solution.

For a moment, the anger, trembling, and despair were all forgotten;

People looked at Merlin in confusion.

‘? ! he out of his mind? ’

This kind of injury would only be effective unless it was the kind of extremely powerful healing magic or even divine magic.

If Merlin mounts his own horse, people still have some hope.

But Fufu? !

Even though Fufu has revealed many unusual features, people speculate that its strength may be very terrifying and it is a hidden boss.

But what is needed now is not pure strength, but healing ability?

Everyone looked at Fu Fu’s adorable appearance——

I really can't imagine it saving people.

Forgive me, my brain is really limited...

Merlin was still conversing with Fufu on his own: "You must have accumulated a lot of magic power anyway, right!?"

Unexpectedly, under the ghostly gazes of everyone, Fufu nodded seriously with a small expression and jumped off Merlin's shoulder.

"Fufusang?!" Mashu.

"Use it to your heart's content here."

With Merlin's last words,

In the shocked and dumbfounded eyes of the people, they saw the cute creature in their eyes that had always been showing off its cuteness let out a high-pitched cute cry,

The body twisted like a flame, and finally turned into a beautiful blue and pink light band,

——Just like Merlin, full of dreamy colors.

"Woc!!" Everyone.

They stared at this scene with their eyes wide open, not knowing whether they were more horrified or confused.

W-what the hell? !

Everyone couldn't help but become nervous when they saw those strips of light forming a balloon surrounding Anna.

"Fufu, you..." Anna's eyes were blank, with a pitiful expression on her face and bloodshot eyes at the corners of her mouth, and she murmured weakly.

That look was extremely distressing.

Everyone's heart was in shock:! Bastard fake Enkidu! ! As expected, go to hell!

It is inhumane to bear to hurt such a cute little Anna!

But if you think about it carefully, the guy himself looks inhuman.

What about human nature...


‘I understand everything! but--'

The people who had come back to their senses now looked at Fufu showing off her power and felt that Anna should be fine...

At the same time as he heaved a sigh of relief,

then it was time to settle accounts with Enkidu.

That damn bastard! Ahhh!

The crowd finally reacted——

and fell into a mass of excitement!

If it was a male servant like the King of Sparta who was not very popular and injured, people might still be able to remain rational.

But the cute girl, such a small Anna was almost killed.

You can understand it by looking at the people who were screaming more excitedly and heartbroken than Guda just now.

Die for me (crawling)~!

Chapter 916 Ahhhh! The Mother Goddess of Creation is here in person? I was fooled!

"Fu, Fuwu——~!" In the high-pitched cry, it seemed that Fufu was responding to little Anna.

The next moment Fufu disappeared, and was replaced by Anna who also disappeared from the bondage of the Heavenly Chain.

Fake Enkidu said in disbelief: "It disappeared... not retreated, but moved!

It actually escaped the Heavenly Chain!

What on earth is that animal--hmm?"

Everyone reacted after hearing the words of fake Enkidu.

Anna broke free from the Heavenly Chain...

Wait? !

Merlin seemed to have said that Anna had divine nature.

According to the Heavenly Chain's restraint on divinity, how could it escape?

What did Fufu just do to Anna!

This is the first time that people have seen the Heavenly Chain being directly broken free.

At least before this, the Heavenly Chain still maintained its value in people's minds.

Think about the terrible beasts it was used to deal with in the Epic of Gilgamesh...

No one has ever doubted the binding power of the Heavenly Chain.

This certainty has made people even more surprised now.

Although this surprise will become less and less valuable in the future,

it will make people numb in the end——

(‘Isn’t the Heaven’s Chain used to break free?’ In the future, people will become numb after seeing the Heaven’s Chain being broken free for the Nth time.)

But after all, it is still a very powerful treasure in people’s eyes.

At this moment——

There was a tremor, and people fell to the ground one by one, not expecting this sudden situation at all.

‘? ! ’

“What’s going on?”

The blacksmith’s son and his friends who got up from the ground in a panic were stunned.

Why did the earthquake suddenly happen!

Uruk soldier: “What…what was that just now!?

Is the earth shaking!? Did Mount Ebifu erupt!?”

Merlin’s expression changed slightly and he gritted his teeth and said: “No, that’s not right! This is——!”

What the soldiers trapped in the city couldn’t see at this time was…

The city was collapsing. From a distance, the tall outer city was constantly collapsing, and a lot of dust was rising.

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