Humanity is evolving——!

Evolving at an unimaginable speed!

Farewell to the age of gods, the era after the age of gods has completely faded away, is so prosperous and prosperous that it no longer attracts their attention all the time.

The first time I saw the steel city and skyscrapers in the immersive world...

The first time I saw the smooth, flat cement road and the beautiful street lights with a dim halo, I was surprised and moved.

It’s impossible not to be curious, delighted, and envious!

Even after leaving the world of God, there are still many flaws, but the new and strange future satisfies all people's fantasies.

They sincerely look forward to that day.

But since when did people not realize...

They no longer have the same awe and humility towards the gods as before.

Roman: "No matter who your opponent is, you are still alive now!

And you have the world's most powerful fraudster, Merlin, by your side!

Anyway, escape to the north wall now!

It's too early to give up! "

Poof~! Everyone was still in the mood to laugh at this time.

First there was Merlin breathing through his gills, and then there was the words of being regarded as the most powerful fraudster by a doctor.

What the hell is going on!

Merlin was really badly programmed.

But how did the doctor know that Merlin was a fraud?

A trace of curiosity flashed through everyone's hearts.

They have read many epics about Merlin, and gradually understand Merlin's character better and better, but what about Roman?

Where did you learn about it?

At this moment, some people couldn’t help but think——

‘Roman wouldn’t have been deceived by Merlin at some point, right? ! ’

At this time, everyone didn't think so much, but they accidentally guessed the truth.

On the other side——

Looking at the Chaldean group who regained their composure in a short time,

Goddess Gorgon: "Oh. It's quite good to be full of energy.

……All right. My child, step aside. "

The fake Enkidu was startled, and his head that was originally looking in Guda's direction also turned around hastily.

"But mother...!"

He was about to say something, but was interrupted by Gorgon.

"Like picking snake berries, crushing the hope of mankind——

This ending is quite sweet and pleasant, right? "

Looking past the fake Enkidu, Gorgon smiled happily.

Facing the huge black shadow that covered all the white clouds in the sky, everyone swallowed hard, feeling as pitiful, weak, and helpless as little sheep.

The battle that followed was almost one-sided.

Soon all the Sumerian soldiers were crushed to death and knocked down by the gravel.

Apart from Guda, Mashu and Merlin, there were basically no human beings standing on the battlefield.

It was a desolate scene like a wasteland!

Goddess piled on top of human corpses.

Killing a human is as easy as crushing an ant.

Facing the despairing and powerful force of heaven and earth,

Is the goddess Tiamat really invincible in everyone's heart?

This thought couldn't help but deepen a little bit.

Everyone was still unaware of the fact that the goddess in front of them was not Tiamat at all.


This is the first time I have experienced an incredible feeling. "Gorgon.

"With this fragility, this vitality,

He was able to keep his limbs intact. It makes absolutely no sense. "

"Too strong...

Is this the Mother Goddess of Warcraft, Tiamat? ! "Ma Xiu's voice trembled.

"Stupid, with this little strength, you still want to save humanity.

Human history is coming to an end. "

Guda and the others gritted their teeth and retorted loudly, that's why they came here.

Gorgon's expression was not moved at all. She looked down at everyone and just declared: "Accept destruction."

Just when Guda and Mashu were ready to fight to the death,

When everyone watched this desperate scene in silence——



I'll keep this guy in check. "Merlin.

Everyone looked at the flower magician who stood up at this most critical moment and was stunned.

At the critical moment, he actually became reliable? !

Merlin, who was paddling behind Xiang Lai, actually planned to do it himself this time.

At this time, the little princess stared blankly at Merlin, her eyes widening in disbelief.

Hiss~! Why does it feel like this guy suddenly became so much more handsome!

Chapter 919: The Flower Magician’s secret efforts? The immortal enemy - petrification.

“I’ll keep this guy in check.

You take this opportunity to escape. "Smiling, the flower magician's dreamy purple eyes stared at Guda.

Guda was a little surprised: "Merlin?!"

Merlin: "I'm best at dealing with difficult beauties."

Although this beauty is a bit big...

But it's not in the way.


I am immortal! "Smiling, Merlin suddenly raised his wand, and a pink dreamy beam of light shot out to the sky.

! ! !

BGM - Flower Magician sounded at the same time.

A destructive purple beam of light was simultaneously ejected from one of Gorgon's snake heads.

Two beams of similar color clashed together.

Everyone raised their arms in front of themselves, their hair bulging in the strong wind.

But now people's attention is only on the Flower Magician!

They looked in Merlin's direction with wide eyes.


Gorgon's beam pierced through Merlin's abdomen.

At that moment, the little princess and the others almost screamed out.


"Unbreakable!" Gorgon laughed contemptuously.

However, she exclaimed in the next moment.

At this time, people finally noticed that the wound that pierced Merlin did not bleed,

but a stream of light composed of golden particles that seemed to be transformed into spirit particles,

but the gap was constantly closing under the filling of countless pink petals emitting faint fluorescence.

"Immortality?!" The blacksmith's son opened his mouth in shock, thinking of what Merlin had just said.

Oh, oh, oh, wwoc!

Is Merlin telling the truth! ?

At this time, the BGM Flower Magician also came to the exciting moment.

Against the background of music, Merlin was so handsome at this time,

that reliable, dreamy, and gentle temperament, even the men of the same sex could not help but stare,

let alone the girls.

Mashu: "The wound is actually..."

Not only that, everyone found that even the clothes were repaired.

Guda was a little bit unbelievable: "Are you really immortal?"

Merlin: "After all, half of you is a dream demon.

Yes, it's like a dream."

Everyone looked a little dazed-

For them, the current Merlin is indeed as mysterious and beautiful as a dream, full of charm.

Full of unknowns~! Ah, he is worthy of being the flower magician.

In the future, I don't know how many young people and children will be fascinated by this scene and have the idea of ​​learning magic and swordsmanship.

I want to be a dream magician.

Huh? Why do you have to learn swordsmanship to become a magician?

The person who asked this question must not be a real magician. Not professional at all.

Merlin: "The moment this body is 'destroyed', I will escape into the dream world!

But it will take some time to come back,

So let's decide the meeting place! Let me think, it's at the king's-"

Just before Merlin finished speaking.

Suddenly a beam of light shot out from Gorgon's eyes and swept past.

Merlin hurriedly dodged.


Hmm!? Wait, what was that just now..."

"Is that so?

Is it because of powerlessness that one has immortality?" Gorgon said coldly.

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