The god Jingu was a failure who ran away because he was afraid of the god Marduk.

There is no need to be used again.

But I'm different. I am a perfect being modeled after Enkidu, the greatest masterpiece of the gods——

Designed as the perfect next generation of humans. "

No one expected to hear such breaking news.

To understand it the other way around, isn’t it to say that although it is not the Jingu God in myth, it is more perfect and terrifying? !

Then he looked at Jin Gu, who claimed to be the ‘perfect next generation human being’, in front of him.

Everyone was somewhat frightened~! His face looked horribly ugly.

Immediately afterwards, people saw Jin Gu suddenly approaching, smiling at Guda and saying: "So I promise you,

Humanity will not be destroyed,

Humanity will start over. "

Wow~! Jin Gu's face suddenly came up to him and he whispered: "I will inherit your history!"

This whisper made everyone get goosebumps, their whole bodies trembled, and they took a deep breath~! Hiss~!

"This...this kind of thing!!"

People saw that Guda, who had reached the limit of his patience, suddenly angrily wanted to punch Jin Gu in the face, but Qing Qingyun calmly turned sideways and dodged him.

That weak and pitiful look was like a child being bullied by an adult and trying to fight back with soft fists. It was a desperate and funny scene.

But when the position of the party being laughed at is consistent with your own.

ah! ! !

Everyone found themselves even more desperate, and could only let out incompetent and furious sounds.

wow! Fuck fuck fuck! (a fragrant plant)

They seem to have seen themselves go up and punch you in the chest with a small fist, and even act more aggressive.

at the same time--

Compared with powerful force,

This kind of 'replacement' is even more frightening to humans! Who can accept this?

In a fundamental sense, even the past will be erased by the enemy.

"The joy of returning to nothingness is the final salvation that can be given to you." Watching Jin Gu mutter, he finally floated into the sky, pulled an afterimage and disappeared in an instant and flew into the distance.

Everyone was still immersed in his last speech,

A huge shadow was looming over them.

Never before have people felt such a strong sense of crisis.

If in the future, those guys are allowed to live in the world after the incineration of humanity under the name of 'perfect next generation human beings', everyone will feel like they are going crazy just thinking about it!

It's too much, it's too much!

That’s great~! People are completely relieved~!

No, no, we must not fail, absolutely! !

Everyone was already shaking with anger...

Perhaps this is the most serious they have ever been about saving humanity!

Chapter 929: What is the color of the bright soul that blooms from the flower of evil?

Although Jin Gu and Goddess Gorgon have already left.

But because of Leonidas' death,

The soldiers who had been defending the north wall under his leadership seemed to have lost their spiritual support, and their fighting spirit was completely lost.

"The number of monsters is increasing...

The enemy is still the god Tiamat..." Uruk's soldiers murmured dejectedly,

"It's finally over...

In ten days, Mesopotamia will collapse...".

Everyone watched this scene in silence, unable to correct the other party that that person was not Tiamat, but Gorgon!

In everyone's opinion, the situation couldn't get any worse.


Worse things really happened.

Musashibo Benkei bid farewell to Guda and others, and asked Guda to apologize to the king on his behalf. He could not respond to the king's expectations.

He said he could no longer hold on.

After that, Benkei even blew himself up——

His real name is actually Hitachibo Kaizon.

Although he was a subordinate of Yoshitsune, he escaped from the battle between Yoshitsune and the real Benkei...the master and his slave.

Deeply ashamed of this, he became the disseminator of the story of Yoshitsune and Benkei, embarking on a journey across Japan to spread the name of Musashibo Benkei's bravery.

In the past, when faced with crises, he was timid and chose to escape.

This time when facing the Gorgon Goddess of Warcraft, he still chose to retreat, knowing that he could not defeat that kind of enemy, so he chose to save his life.

At the last moment, he retreated with the soldiers,

There was clearly time to take the step of assistance, but when Leonidas stood on the front line, he hid in the safety of the rear out of fear and gave up the support.

"I can't see any point in continuing to fight."

"A stupid person like me only deserves to be exposed in the wilderness with the monsters." The man said dejectedly,

Afterwards, people could only watch as his figure gradually faded away.

This makes people who are already heavy-hearted because of the sacrifices of Ushiwakamaru and others lose even the slightest hope of victory——

People are not familiar with the stories of Musashibo Benkei and Hitachibo Kaizon.

But this does not prevent them from being able to clearly understand the relationship between the two.

"Because of shame... Do you want to be different from your timid self, so that Benkei's reputation can last forever? He gave up his real name and continued to be active under the name of Benkei.

But when it came to the second choice of fate, he backed down again..."

Everyone hesitated to speak, feeling a little complicated.

Speaking of which, they were also a little ashamed——

Don't look at how excited and angry they were on the battlefield before.

But if they could really go to the singularity, they wouldn't dare to take action against the Mother Goddess of Warcraft.

Fear is human nature——

They all understand Benkei's psychology and have no right to complain about the other party's behavior.

It was even this timidity that allowed him to save his life.

On the other hand, this is also a kind of wisdom.

...just like although they admire and admire the figures of heroes, they also clearly understand in their hearts that they cannot be heroes.


Faced with this ‘realistic’ situation in front of them, people began to reflect:

Is ‘Hero’ really as good as imagined?

Leonidas and Ushiwakamaru as heroes are gone,

But Benkei, who didn't want to be a hero, survived.

Even if there are no two people to stop him, Jin Gu will stop Gorgon in the end.

Inevitably, people think -

If those two people had not come forward, they would not have died.

But soon everyone felt relieved again,

Who knows that Jin Gu will eventually help mankind.

If no one stood up at that time, maybe humanity would really be doomed?

Whether you are a hero who bravely stands up,

Or people who can only do what they dare to do and what they can do from behind.

Their contributions are indelible!

The little princess put her palms on her chest and took a deep breath, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes.

At this time, Merlin also said: "It is foolish to let the soulless dead people fight.

Now instead of worrying about warriors who can't fight, it's better to find some warriors who can fight.

Don't look that scary.

I can also understand Benkei-dono’s mood.

But look over there..."

? ?

Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction indicated by Merlin.

An Uruk soldier, who seemed to be a squad leader, was sternly scolding his companions:

"You bastard, why are you so depressed?

Although God Tiamat is gone, the monsters are still there!

In this case, there is only one thing we should do!

Confirm survivors, rescue the injured, and reorganize the troops!

Defend the city walls, prepare weapons, and exercise your muscles!

This is the daily routine that His Excellency Leonidas instilled in us! "

The face is very ordinary, the body is very ordinary, although he is now menacing, but it is incomparable to the pressure brought by a real strong man.

It was such an ordinary Uruk soldier who couldn't be ordinary and was thrown into the crowd, similar to them.

Such a little person said these shocking words at this time,

This made people open their eyes slightly, and they were a little dazed for a moment, and a soft place in their hearts was touched.


Uruk soldier: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

That gentleman has never shown weakness at any time!

No matter what desperate situation or disadvantage we are in,

They have never given up on ‘what they can do’!

‘I’m not letting you fly into the sky. Just pick up the bricks and line up here. ’

‘That’s the most important thing anyone can do. ’

That adult! Keep this belief until the very end! "


As that gentleman's subordinates, what reason and shame do they have to remain depressed here.


Bang~! Everyone's hearts seemed to have been pierced by sharp arrows.

The last sentence spoke directly to their hearts.

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