Ishtar was furious: "Who said I would take refuge in your service!

I signed a contract with that Master as a business partner,

The prophetic goddess Ishtar! "

"It's Ishtar!" the little princess said.

"Ishtar is alive... Huh, it's okay... It sounds like it's genuine." The blacksmith's son finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Although people don’t think that a kind-hearted goddess like Ailei would do anything too extreme to Ishtar, but what if?

What if the two have a grudge?

Even though Ishtar is a little embarrassed, her Bull of Heaven still smells good!

Everyone agreed - that is an indispensable fighting force!

Ishtar: "Just wait and see. Before this guy becomes the most powerful Master, whether he has his hair cut off or blown to pieces, I will resurrect him!"

She said that Gilgamesh will definitely say, "Oh, Ishtar is really the goddess of victory!"

So unwilling. Okay, I will die now. "Such words!

The two most ancient tsunderes directly faced each other.

Looking at Ishtar, it was as if he was talking in cross talk, raising his arm with one hand in an exaggerated manner and putting the other on his chest, as if he was singing a great poem.

Everyone was almost laughing crazy when they saw the cute gesture of slitting Gilgamesh's throat that Ishtar made at the end.


What's going on with these two people?

Ahem, it was an unusually peaceful meeting...

Seeing such a energetic and lively goddess, and King Gilgamesh's gloomy face at this moment.

Oh, this feels as interesting as hearing the king's devilish laughter.

King Gilgamesh: "Who is going to die, idiot! Fortunately, I opened your dormitory (Ianna) to you, but you don't even show any signs of introspection!"

Ishtar said angrily that it was originally hers!

Everyone was eating melon with gusto,

Although there were some problems with Ishtar's character, the king was so happy as soon as he came along.

No wonder this goddess is so furious! People said that no one would take advantage of this wave, just follow Guda and eat melon.

"Why are you banning without permission!?

Ah, I really shouldn't have come here! "At this time, Ishtar said angrily.

Although the little princess and the others thought it was quite interesting, it seemed that the two parties were just joking because of their personality differences and were not serious about it.

‘Ishtar who dances with her hands and feet is also... quite cute~! ’

Some people thought that maybe it was because of Ai Lei that those young people began to have a favorable impression of Ishtar, and they were no longer so repulsive and resistant.

As girls, the little princesses are also happy to take this opportunity to relieve their tense mood.

However, Siduli, the chief priest on the side, seemed to be unable to stand it any longer.

Siduli: "You two, please stop here."

"No matter what the reason is, the city god can come here,

As a priest, there is no higher honor than this. "Siduli closed her eyes slightly and said in concentration,

"[The Ranch Owner's Damage Report] Let this matter be forgotten, let us celebrate the return of the goddess Ishtar."

"Well..." Ishtar.

Facing this most pious and arguably exemplary priest in all of Uruk, even Ishtar could not stand up in front of him.

Huh? Huh...? Huh!

People's eyes widened in surprise.

If the king restrained himself under the advice of the chief priests, people would have seen such a situation.

In addition, Gilgamesh is still a wise king in people’s minds.

But Ishtar was restrained so easily.

At this time, people couldn't help but look at Siduli!

The little princess couldn't help but fantasize wildly——

"This, this...could it be said that Siduli has some hidden identity? She is the most underestimated boss in the entire epic?!"

Chapter 948 Alien God? The most practical eye for clairvoyance chat rooms? !

Mash: "Looks like this, maybe King Gilgamesh and Miss Ishtar can help each other!"

Gilgamesh: "Okay, forget it. Let's put aside the matter of teaching you to abandon evil and do good.

Because there is another problem to solve. "

Guda: "Speaking of the next question...the goddess of the jungle?"

Everyone's attention also shifted,

The second in the alliance of three goddesses!

Ah, if we can solve her problem, we can deal with Gorgon with all our strength.


Gilgamesh, with a confident and calm smile, raised his hand and slowly made a chopping motion: "The sacred tool that once cut the throat of God Tiamat - [Marduk's hand axe]!

This is the biggest secret skill that can defeat Gorgon. "

Ever...slit the throat of the god Tiamat?

…Gudong (swallowing saliva)…

People looked at Wang in shock.

King Gilgamesh is talking about Tiamat, the real Tiamat!

The Mother Goddess of Creation——!

Even Gorgon, who has acquired Tiamat's abilities, is so powerful. Needless to say, people know that the power of the Mother Goddess of Creation must be very, very strong.

But with such a powerful setting and a god of this level, there is a legend that his throat was slit!

What level of treasure is that axe?


As the plot develops, people see Gilgamesh saying that this key weapon that can restrain the enemy is now kept in Eridu.

That is, a city deep in the jungle surrounded by the Jungle Goddess...

In Sumerian mythology, it was the city where royal power first descended from the sky.

In this way, the problem is back to its original point,

Still had to face the mysterious forest goddess.

Gilgamesh: "I said that you need to follow the order to defeat the goddess.

First Ishtar, then the south. Finally there is the north. "

Gilgamesh asked if Ishtar knew the goddess’s true name...

Arriving at this field, Ishtar frowned slightly, but still revealed the true identity of the forest goddess.

"The goddess who lives in the south of Uruk is Quetzalcoatl... She is also the goddess of Venus like me, and she is the big bird of the sun, the wind of South America, Quetzalcoatl."


South American style? !

Everyone looked confused, it was a goddess they had never heard of.

Just because I haven't heard of it, I can't judge its strength.


At this moment, Merlin's voice came to people's ears: "Quezalco Atel...!

The conqueror of the Mayans and the sun god of the Toltecs! "

Conquer...the conquering king, or the sun god?

Even people who have never heard of the legend of this god are shocked.

Just by hearing its name, I can feel that it will be a very difficult opponent.

However, Roman shouted anxiously and gave them another heavy blow!

"Isn't that the main god level?

That guy might be higher level than Gorgon! "


At this time, everyone's mood was as thrilling and exciting as a roller coaster, and they almost jumped out of fright.

Main god level...

Maybe even stronger than Gorgon!

These two comments alone are enough to make people gasp.

A goddess Gorgon is so terrifying,

In the previous war on the north wall, the heroic spirits were almost wiped out...

It was the other party's initiative to retreat that temporarily saved his life.

Now a stronger one will pop up? !

Even if there is no immersive experience, some people can feel the tense atmosphere just by watching the text version of the epic, and a slight cold sweat breaks out on their foreheads.

Harut also fell silent,

With a singularity of this level, even if a group of heroes and magicians join in, it won't be flattering.

The movement is the main god level——

Take the very conscious god of alchemy Hermitus as an example.

If someone asked him, what is the difference in strength between him and the main god in the epic?

He will definitely tell the other party,

‘It’s not much, it’s about the same as 100 of me exploding on the spot! ’

Roman: “But then again, isn’t Quetzalcoatl a male god!?

Why did you become a goddess? ? "

Ishtar said that among the gods in South America, it is said that divinity is not something born on this planet, but something descended from the sky.

"The asteroid hit the earth's surface. 'Some kind of being' attached to the asteroid parasitized the plants and survived——

Later, it turned into a microorganism that could transform local animals into "gods" and established the civilization of that land.

South American divinity is a being 'transferred from man to man'.

There may also be female ‘containers’ among them. "

! ! !

Divinity descending from the sky? !

Can animals become gods?

Can you even change genders and transfer containers at will? !


People were shocked,

For the other world, this news is no less than the discovery of a new large-scale plane.

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