Ishtar: "Obviously he is a god, but he is still so busy...

Are the gods in other lands so hard-working..."

Uh~! The words of the Venus goddess made people couldn't help but compare Quetzalcoatl and Ishtar and other known gods.

The conclusion they reached made their view of Quetzalcoatl much better.

They are a little confused!

It is a difficult enemy in itself, but now even the hostility seems to be... impossible to maintain.

After all, no one actually dies from it.

But a goddess who brings zero casualties in the true sense.

"Isn't there a normal goddess in this singularity?" the blacksmith's son couldn't help complaining.

At this time, Guda and others also thought about the possibility of communicating with Quetzal Coatl again.


If possible, it would be better to convince the goddess to avoid unnecessary battles.

However, the Leopard Man rejected it outright.

He even said that words that could not impress the other party with simple words.

"If there was something that could silence her,

It must be a head-to-head confrontation that puts your soul on the line. "

Oh, after hearing this, some young people who love adventure and fantasy got excited.

Isn't this the same story as a man who should scream like his soul and feel the collision of soul and belief in battle!

It is the nature of young people to love fantasy!

This kind of communication method that caused Hermitos, who was watching the epic, to think twice, was really unfriendly to a fw god like him.

He must have a very bad compatibility with that Quetzalcoatl——

However, there are still many human youths who are enthusiastic about this kind of thing.

This is something that the God of Alchemy would never imagine.

In a blink of an eye, time came to night.

Guda and others temporarily repaired in Ur City.

Although they have arrived in Ur, Guda and others still did not give up their vigilance.

After all, they were at the enemy's base camp, and I didn't know if Quetzalcoatl was aware of their arrival.

As he was warming himself by the fire, Guda seemed to suddenly feel something. He couldn't help but murmured: "...I have a sweet premonition...!"

Then, at the very next moment,

"Good evening. Are you keeping watch alone again?" A gentle voice sounded from my ears.

People looked aside,

I found the goddess Ishtar approaching the fire with a soft smile, and she was holding a small wooden bowl in her hand.

"Here, this is a comfort food. It's very cold juice."

…Gudong (swallowing saliva)…

Everyone looked at the goddess who handed the small bowl to Guda with envy and surprise.

It seems that because of the sun god, the temperature here in Ur is not generally high.

People have experienced it once before in the dense forest.

Even though it was already evening, it was still very hot.

At this time, someone can give you ice-cold and delicious juice - or the goddess will take care of it personally.


Both men and women were envious of the real-name system at this moment.

And because of the relatively high temperature, the goddess was not covered with a blanket this time. Well, the blanket…

This is a night with a strong sense of sight.


Everyone remembered that the night when Ailei and Guda came into contact was also at the campfire.

"This is not...Ishtar!" Some people blurted out, finally realizing this.

That's right——

How could Ishtar be so caring and caring?

At the thought of it, people's inner speculations became more certain.

ah. this? !

Ishtar was dropped again? Everyone's mood was slightly complicated.

But for some reason, he didn't feel too worried about Ishtar's current safety.

...On the contrary, they were slightly excited and excited because of Ai Lei's arrival.

Chapter 957: LSPs vying to make friends with Ailei!

"Thank you. You might as well sit next to me." Guda.

Ailei smiled and said: "Yeah, it's a rare opportunity, so I won't be polite. Oops."

After saying that, the goddess sat next to Guda,

This scene made people even more envious, "Why isn't it me sitting there?"

Everyone started thinking about Peach.

Ailei: "So Ur has become like this.

Although unlike Uruk, the residents seemed to have little energy.

...But, this is originally correct. "

After looking around for a moment, Ailei suddenly lowered his head and then said:

"Not all humans can stay strong. There are some who can't succeed no matter how hard they try.

This has nothing to do with lack of courage or cowardice;

It's just that as a biological function, there is a difference between what you are good at and what you are not good at. "

Her expression became a little depressed.

At this time, everyone who had calmed down from the excitement was slightly startled when they heard Ailei's words.

Thinking of what Ai Lei said last time,

This goddess seems to be very tolerant of humans, even with their bad natures.

However, that approach is to love human beings almost unconditionally.

It can be said to be doting.

Because she endured pain and abuse that she didn't have to bear.

As human beings themselves, those with noble character will only feel more and more ashamed when faced with such deep love and excessive kindness...

Harut's pride made it impossible for him to accept this! He couldn't accept this kind of grace from the gods.

But Elly continued to say——

...The king and Quetzalcoatl didn't realize this, or didn't prioritize this.

Elly: "If the world only recognizes the existence of the powerful and dazzling,

then the weak and dark things have no place to stand.

It's not that you need to protect the other party because they are weak,

but some things can only be seen from the perspective of the weak. I don't want to despise this.

I hope everything can be equal."

"...The perspective of the weak?" Harut was slightly startled, frowned, and then began to reflect.

If just now, he couldn't accept the goddess's excessive tenderness——

At this time, the sword master was silent.

He didn't experience the perspective of the weak, so he couldn't feel what choice the weak would make when facing hardships and pain.

And Elly's words that she didn't want to "despise" this thing also made Harut wonder if it was too arrogant to judge whether it was right or wrong based on his own thoughts.

"What a novel viewpoint! Whether it's the sun god or the goddess...

They are all watching over and loving humans in different ways." On the other side, Hermitos couldn't help but speak.

It's not that he hasn't seen good gods before,

but gods who love humans so deeply are unheard of in the past. Because of this, Hermitos saw in these goddesses a place that is far different from the gods, an unusually dazzling brilliance.

In fact, Ere just chose to tolerate humans regardless of their ugliness or their shining points.

This is what made Hermitos feel incredible and sigh.

Just like he couldn't understand Quetzalcoatl, who ended up self-igniting because of human moral concepts.


After a long-awaited reunion, they talked about such a heavy topic, and everyone was in a bad mood.

Fortunately, Guda and Ere started to spread dog food afterwards-

Or it could be said that Ere was just too shy. Although it was just some very ordinary topics, she always couldn't help blushing while talking.

The crowd became more and more excited as they watched.

Although from time to time, they couldn't help but show envy and jealousy to Guda.

This scene was like a date (tryst) with the goddess at night,

Ah! They dared not even dream of it!

This is too wonderful——! The identity of the goddess alone, the added sense of taboo, made these lsp unable to stop in fear and wonderful stimulation.

Aile: "But forget it.

Compared to this, I plan to give you a piece of advice tonight——Ah, ah, ah, sneeze!"

Aile sneezed and exposed her original appearance again.

This time the image was much clearer than the last time. Everyone could clearly see the clothes of the goddess of the underworld and every strand of soft blonde hair.


? ?

! ! ! In an instant, the people who reacted were shocked!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Faced with this sudden surprise, those male animals cheered excitedly.

‘Woc saw it, this time I finally saw it clearly!! Too... too beautiful! Not inferior to Ishtar’s beauty at all! ’

You have to know who Ishtar is, regardless of her character...

In terms of appearance alone, she is the recognized goddess of beauty in the Epic of Gilgamesh,

the favorite of heaven that all gods are fascinated by.

This beauty that is no less inferior is also one of the best among the goddesses in the entire Mesopotamian mythology system!

A group of young people were like epileptic madmen, dancing with excitement, and their enthusiastic appearance was fortunately in the immersive image world.

If they were outside, they would definitely be regarded as crazy.

People who don’t know would think that they saw something inappropriate for children.

(The noble young masters were the ones who were screaming the most at this time.

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