
Pfft~! ! They know clearly that they shouldn't laugh, so they wouldn't laugh under normal circumstances.

(——Unless you really can’t help it.)

Leopard Man: "How outrageous! Ever since I met you in the jungle, I have worked so hard for you, and now I am treated like this! What on earth does Kukul want!?

If I'm lazy, you'll come and kill me.

As soon as I strike, you will come and kill me.

When I play, you come and kill me too!

You actually hate me, nya—! ? "

Quetzalcoatl couldn't help but show a bright smile and a kind expression: "Yes, it's the most annoying~!

All jaguars should be extinct~! "

Looking at that bright smile, people couldn't help but shudder.

Horrible~! They almost thought that Quetzalcoatl was going to show his previous shocking facial expression again.

Did he admit it so directly and head-on?

Later, people learned from Roman’s popular science that

In Central and South American mythology, the jaguar symbolizes battle and death.

The Leopard Man, also known as the Leopard Man, is considered to be one of the highest gods that appears from time to time in Central and South American mythology, and has a very deep connection with the Tezcatlipoca side.

When people hear the name Tezcatlipoca, it dawns on them and everything becomes clear in an instant.

"Isn't this Quetzalcoatl's old enemy?

Opposite to Quetzalcoatl, who is at the pinnacle of good, is Tezcatlipoca, who is at the pinnacle of evil! "Someone blurted out.

The evil god who forced Quetzalcoatl away and destroyed the civilization he had worked so hard to cultivate.

Hmm... No wonder Quetzal Coatl, a warm and kind-hearted goddess, dislikes the Leopard Man so much.

She didn't hate the Leopard Man and kill her because of this, which is already considered a good thing!

When people looked at the Leopard Man again, she looked like a poor little kitten being bullied by her owner. At this time, people almost forgot that she was still a god...

There was actually some pity in my heart.

It's so miserable...!

Later, the Leopard Man even cried out about the inhumane atrocities committed by Quetzalcoatl. Even the soldiers of Uruk were arranged to undergo devilish training every day.

It's also called wrestling.

"How much does Quetzalcoatl like wrestling!" the little princess was a little stunned.

She thought that Quetzalcoatl was just having fun on his own, but he actually let the soldiers do this kind of exercise?

When the Leopard Man advised Guda not to be deceived by Quetzalcoatl and join any wrestling training,

But in the end, he was scared away by a look from Quetzalcoatl.

Quetzalcoatl "returns to the topic.

Regarding your purpose, rather than destroying me, recovering the Ax of Marduk is the most important thing, right? "

Merlin, on behalf of the group, readily admitted, but said——

Merlin: "I didn't know this ax was that big.

We can't move it with our own strength. "

Fortunately, Quetzalcoatl said she could summon a flying dragon to help and tie both ends of the rope to the airlift.

Even after staying up all night for three days, I was able to arrive on the last day before Gorgon arrived.

But guarding the hand axes, some of the local defense mechanisms left behind depend on them.


After a lot of effort by Guda and others, they finally defeated a group of orc-like monsters that seemed to be a large wrestling army.

Just when Guda and others were about to leave, Quetzalcoatl asked them to wait.

Now that you are in Eridu, what would you do without taking a look at the legendary roller seal?

"What... seal?" Everyone's eyes widened in confusion,

When they arrived at the center of Eridu, they saw a huge golden pillar.

It's like a seal inserted into the ground and pressed into the earth.

Through Roman's description, people realized that it was the royal seal! The ‘Certificate of the King’ given by the gods of Mesopotamia.

Just like a contract——

Legend has it that the kings of Mesopotamia were chosen by heaven and would move between rulers.

The roller seal refers to the big pillar.

"...!" The blacksmith's son and the others said.

It’s really called... roller seal!

Is it so simple to name the Seal of the Dignified King?

People are speechless!

On the contrary, this kind of seal that symbolizes the identity of the king, with its strong mythological color, attracts people's hearts even more.

——Is it because it has been too long since the time when many gods still stayed on the earth?

Is that why you can’t see this kind of seal left by the king chosen by the gods now?

One can't help but think.

The kings of their countries don't seem to have that kind of thing.

Harut began to take notes—recording all the information he thought was important in the epic so as not to miss it.

Write this down and mention it to Your Majesty when the time comes. Your Majesty might be interested.


After that, there was a craze on the mainland to make the King's Seal and place it in the capital, but this was something people didn't expect.

It is unknown whether there are gods from other worlds behind this, or whether it is simply a craze born out of epics.

What the people (gods) in the other world never expected was...

Until one day, the Qin Empire came.

When I learned about the existence of the Imperial Seal and the Heshi Bi, I looked at the small and exquisite jade seal, and looked at the King's Seal as thick as a roller in the capital square...

people:? ? ?


After a long silence, the roller seal that had just been erected less than a few years ago suddenly felt bad again.

This is what happened later.

Chapter 967 Everyone: Mention Mom? ! ! Goddess: No, you heard wrong!


Now that I've come, I naturally want to see what's written on the roller seal.

Merlin: "Let me take a look. It seems difficult to understand this statement. Let me copy the space."

After a burst of golden light shined,

Guda and others looked at the roller seal and suddenly showed expressions of astonishment:

"This is……?

The city...and the dragon...? "

Merlin: "Hmm. It's really full of explosive content.

When the sky is covered with halo, the land of Mesopotamia will return to its origins...

It is the seal that predicts the situation at that time. "

Matthew: "...This city is Uruk.

Is that huge dragon the god Tiamat...or Gorgon? "


The Seal of the King was left by the gods of Mesopotamia.

Did the gods predict the birth of the singularity before they left?

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

But what does it mean to return to the origins of the land of Mesopotamia?

People are a little confused...

Subconsciously, like Matthew, they regarded Tiamat as a Gorgon possessing Tiamat's abilities.

"Is it a deliberately exaggerated description or expression?" Harut frowned.

Maybe it means destroying humans and creatures on the earth?

On the other side——

Ishtar also looked at the roller seal and said, "I want to exercise the goddess's right of silence.

That is to exercise the sophistication of the goddess. "

Quetzalcoatl smiled without making any sign...

They seemed to know something, but they didn't say it directly.


Among the three goddesses in the group, a traitor unexpectedly appeared.

The Leopard Man jumped out in surprise: "By the way~. Doesn't this refer to Ti Mawu!?"

Everyone was surprised: "Ti...Ti Mom?"

Quetzalcoatl hurriedly said: "No, Leopard.

This is just a tourist attraction and has no special significance. "

But Quetzalcoatl's attitude made people more sure that they had indeed heard correctly.

Did that leopard man say Ti Ma...?

Who does Tima refer to? Doesn't it sound like a Gorgon? …

What's going on? !

People who couldn't think of anything for a while showed confused expressions, but no one dared to think about the true arrival of Tiamat, the Mother Goddess of Creation...!

Generally speaking, shouldn’t creation-level gods be backgrounds?

Just mentioning Mom, this title is really too imaginative.

After all...well...

It seems that Quetzalcoatl and Ishtar can't get anything out of them, so people can only endure their curiosity.

On the other hand, speaking of tourist attractions.

Roman said that Eridu and Uruk were once large cities of the same size, which means...

The entire people of Uruk must have read the prophecies on the roller seal.

Ishtar said that because of this, she was surprised that Gilgamesh still formed an absolute defense line against monsters.

Even though they knew the terrible prophecy, the people of Uruk still chose to believe in their king and fight with him until the last moment.

As one of the top three goddess alliances, Quezal Coatl claimed that although he was not qualified to say this, he also felt that the people of Uruk were really tenacious!

Quetzalcoatl: "And their result is to postpone the destruction of this land for half a year and allow the Master to catch up."

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