
God is playing with the soul...

And it lasts for tens of thousands of years, and the number is countless.

How can any god be so bored and do such thankless things?

People thought about how the homes that Ailei had woven one by one for those souls to live in were actually described as such terrifying things——

Woo~! Angry!

If they hadn't known the truth from the beginning, maybe they would have really believed Ishtar's story.

The goddess of the underworld who likes to imprison human souls - this setting is indeed quite scary.

Ishtar: "Of course, there is no freedom for the imprisoned soul.

As long as humans have no body, they will feel cold. Very cold.

Therefore, when only the soul is in the state, the hands and feet will freeze.

Eventually it becomes a living piece of ice. It hurts so much that I would rather disappear.

But the soul imprisoned in that cage will not disappear.

Until Ereshkigal is tired of playing,

It will be painful forever. "

Put--you Peach!

The noble young men who were fans of Ailei were angry: "Obviously we made the cage because they were afraid of the cold, but quite the opposite... It was made to prevent human souls from dissipating and to improve the soul's residence!"

The most important thing is that every cage is woven by Ai Lei. Just the endless scenery makes people shocked and speechless.

It's hard to imagine how long she has been knitting...

This deep tenderness is unique... and belongs exclusively to the little angel Airei!

Matthew: "...that means,

Are the souls of those who languished and died on earth also here? "

Ishtar: "That's right. There are more gun cells than before.

It should have been added after joining the [Three Goddess Alliance].

...Does that guy want to build a kingdom of the dead?

But she probably wasn't such a cruel goddess before. "

The people on the side now remembered the conversation between Ailei and Guda in front of the bonfire that night.

"In any case, that feeling will not lie... Just like Quetzalcoatl, she is also waiting for humans in her own way." Everyone.

They remembered the unforgettable moment when Ai Lei smiled in front of the campfire.

As long as we communicate well, just like Quetzalcoatl, the goddess of the underworld will definitely be able to understand!

People thought nervously and heavily.

If possible, I really don’t want to treat her as an enemy!

Chapter 974: Who is more beautiful, Ishtar or Ailei? Send a proposition!

'How can I meet Ereshkigal...'

Guda didn't say anything more, just asked firmly.

Everyone looked at Guda nervously.

They all guessed Ailei's identity, Guda should be able to guess it too!

People are not sure what Guda is thinking in his heart,

We can only hope that Guda will not be led astray by Ishtar's words.

Don't really attack Ereshkigal then, there will be no room for turning things around.

Although Guda is still unknown, no decision or judgment has disappointed people.

But it’s like the college entrance examination, but I haven’t seen the test results.

Even after passing the prediction, people know that they should do well in the exam, but they still feel anxious and uneasy.

They can't rest assured until they see the last step of the matter...

I don’t want to see Ai Lei defeated or even killed.

That kind of future is definitely not a good future in people's eyes, and it is even a tragedy.

At this time, Ishtar said: "Over there. On the opposite side of the narrow cliff path.

After passing through the seven gates, there is the palace of Ereshgal. "

Ishtar showed the way for Guda and others.

“Ereshkigal is right there.

Because that guy is a goddess who can't leave that place even a step. "

Matthew was surprised: "In other words, she was... locked there?

The goddess Ereshkigal was also imprisoned? "

Ishtar: "Who knows? It seems to be decided by the gods,

But I can't control it. "

Mesopotamian gods?

This reminds people of the settings of Ishtar and Ailee again.

As sister gods, they have encountered two completely different gods since birth.

When I think that when Ishtar was held as a treasure by the gods, Elle was locked up in the deepest part of the underworld alone, with only loneliness for company, people's hearts felt a little stinging.

But those seven gates——

Everyone is impressed,

Could this be the seven gates that blocked Ishtar in the mythical epic?

Being able to participate in the question-and-answer test of the seven doors that could only be learned about in epics, everyone finally felt a different kind of expectation and excitement.

This is the real gate to the underworld.

When they followed Guda and others to the first door.

Door 1: “Answer—

Just answer-"

A voice very similar to Ai Lei's voice rose from the stone door, echoing with the various mysterious patterns that were faintly glowing on the stone door.

Everyone's hearts are tight, are you here? !

In the myth, even Ishtar fell to her knees here.

Everyone doesn’t remember the original question very clearly, but the impression seems to be that it was very difficult…

People were not sure whether Guda and the others could pass through the seven gates intact, and the more they thought about it, the more nervous and worried they became.

Then they heard the question from the first gate: "The living who fell into the underworld -

Answer the way their souls exist -"

Ishtar interrupted and said: "...There will be a choice between two, Ritsuka.

The gate to the underworld is a fair and rational gate that questions the good and evil of the soul.

Good and evil are equal. Only the value of humans who make choices will change...

So, no option is necessarily correct."

Everyone was slightly stunned,

'The gate of justice and reason? '

Since it was said by Ishtar herself, it should be...right, right?

They had only read the text version of the epic,

and they believed that they did not have the experience of Ishtar, who had already gone to the underworld once.

And this statement also made people feel relieved for Guda and relaxed a lot.

Ishtar: "No matter which choice you make, there will be an annoying test.

Just choose the option that you think is 'easy'."

Faced with Ishtar's eloquent speech, people couldn't help but nod. For the first time, I felt that this Venus goddess was quite reliable at critical moments!

At the same time,

the voice of the first gate came again: "Then ask the sinner Fujimaru Ritsuka--"

... Gulp (people swallowed)...opened their eyes wide in surprise,


Is it actually defined as a sinful sin right away?

Ishtar: (What? The answerer was actually designated...?)

Ignoring Ishtar with her eyes wide open,

the first gate: "Although the standards of beauty seem to be varied, there are still absolutes.

Black can beat white, and earth can beat heaven. In this case--"

Earth (the underworld) can beat heaven (heaven)?

If people didn't react to this wave of crazy hints at the beginning!

The next moment,

The first door: "Ereshkigal and Ishtar. Which one is more beautiful?"

Guda: "Huh?"

Ah! ?

People were stunned and opened their mouths wide, confused.

If it weren't for the naked and strongly suggestive words in front, people wouldn't think much.


The Mistress of the Underworld corresponding to the earth, the Mistress of the Sky corresponding to the sky,

Then the questions were asked in this order, who is more beautiful, Ereshkigal or Ishtar.

! ! !

This is a free point question.

People were a little woc in their hearts, and they were a little confused for a while.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or a secret operation.

"Goddess Ishtar just said that this is the door of justice and reason? It can judge the good and evil of the soul?" The little princess asked in a low voice with some confidence.

It should be... maybe...

This question is just a coincidence, right? !

Then they saw Ishtar getting anxious: "Wait a minute, this is different from before, isn't it?!"

Roman laughed heartlessly: "Come on, this is an irrational question!

Which one should I choose, Ritsuka!"

People looked at Guda, but found that Guda seemed to be frozen and stood there in silence.

Guda's face was covered with sweat, and he looked at Ishtar beside him...

Everyone was silent: "..."

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