Only then did people notice the bottomless environment under the surrounding roads that they had previously ignored.

And this subconsciously reminded them of the 'abyss' of their world.

Is it a coincidence? ! Just because of circumstances, the names are the same.

But are there really so many coincidences in the world?

When Guda asked the king, what is below, is there really an abyss under the underworld?

Regarding this issue, people were shocked and paid attention.

Gilgamesh said casually: "Yes. Mesopotamia is composed of the sky and the earth, the underworld under the earth, and the deeper abyss.

The so-called abyss is the sea of ​​nothingness22.

It was from that sea of ​​darkness that the gods Abzu and Tiamat emerged and created the world of Mesopotamia. "


Everyone was shocked. The creator god of the Mesopotamian world was born in the abyss? ! !

A vague concept suddenly formed in people's minds.

In the past, heaven and earth, gods and the world were not completely separated.

Going up, if the building is high enough, it may lead directly to the divine world.

Dig down, as long as you keep digging, you can step into the underworld.

And below, is the legendary abyss!

People who have always known little about the mysterious abyss are now making crazy assumptions.

Could the dark sea in Mesopotamia be related to the current abyss?

Just when they imagined what a dark and scary place it must be,

Gilgamesh: "To put it simply, it is the Sea of ​​Dawn before the birth of life.

Now that Enki, the god who governed the abyss, has also disappeared,

Once you fall, you really can't come back. "

It is obviously an abyss, but it is connected with life.

People were slightly startled,

I never thought that there would be managers in such an abyss in the past.

Later, Mashu mentioned that that should be the place where Wang once searched for the elixir.

And speaking of the underworld——

Enkidu also has a connection with this place. She remembers that Enkidu came to the underworld under the orders of King Gilgamesh and was responsible for reporting on the situation in the underworld, right?

These are things that people have never understood.

Even in the epic, these trivial things are brushed aside.

Only the results are highlighted.

And did Enkidu ever go down to the underworld?

Did he go to the underworld not after death, but before he was alive?

When people couldn't help but look at the wise king's face, wanting to see what kind of expression he had now.

Roman's voice suddenly appeared in people's minds: (This is something that is not good for him, so he is planning to stay silent and get over it with a smile!)

ha? !

Chapter 979: Enkidu’s body is buried in the underworld?

Gilgamesh: "..."

Everyone looked at the silent king and couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

When it comes to the issue of Enkidu, the king's only friend, the king will become like this!

People think of the one who died in the arms of the king in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the only person who witnessed Gilgamesh's tears.

For a moment, they were so heavy that they couldn't breathe.

However, what people don’t expect is that

Sometimes there is not only one reason for silence, but it may also be——

Ishtar: "Oh, you know it very well, Mashu.

But the truth is indeed more hopeless, right?

Actually, it happened when King Shining was obsessed with new inventions (musical instruments) and held a banquet for three days and nights in a row. "

invention? !

Musical instruments——!

People's eyes widened in shock and they were at a loss.


Then they learned a secret from Ishtar that was not described in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

“Ereshkigal, who felt the noise was too noisy and was furious, slightly opened the gate to the underworld.

And this king had already drunk until he was drunk.

I accidentally dropped the instrument into the hole. "

Holding a party, and then being so noisy that it even disturbed Ai Lei who was in the underworld deep underground?

Then Airei secretly opened a hole and took away the new musical instrument he had just invented——! ?


Afterwards, the expressions of people who gradually sorted out their thoughts became extremely wonderful.

Huhahahahahahahahaha~! Hermitus, the blacksmith's son, and the others couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

Especially those who are immersed in the world, smiling and laughing, as if there is a picture in their mind, and the laughter is getting closer and closer to the twinkle.

Could it be that the devilish laughter of the king was so devilish that it disturbed the goddess of Hades?

When I think of the king laughing "hahahahahahahaha" at the banquet, the so-called invention (instrument) suddenly fell into the hole (the underworld) and his angry and shocked look!

Poof~! Hahahahaha!

People couldn't help but laugh a few more times.

If the fantasy sparkling among people now at least maintains the last trace of calmness and grace,

Ishtar suddenly broke the news: “This guy looked so panicked at that time that I have never seen him before!

As a result, Enkidu, who couldn't stand it anymore, offered to go to the underworld himself. "


People's mouths opened in surprise, and their eyes didn't even blink.

They listened with their ears upright, like a group of well-behaved babies.

...In fact, not only Wang's heroic side, but also Wang's embarrassing and panic side also made them excited.

...People like these! No matter good or bad, it is Wang’s truest expression!


The little princess suddenly thought of something and was thoughtful.

"How come Ishtar knows so clearly? He speaks as if he has witnessed it with his own eyes.

Could it be that she was hiding aside, peeping, and laughing wildly at that time? "

Thinking of this, a strong visual sense of Ishtar's laughter came back, no less than the devilish laughter of the wise king.

Little Princess: Uh~!

It's over, brainwashed. The gods and kings of Sumer were all poisonous!

Ishtar: “Finally Enkidu saw something in the underworld,

He paid tribute to Ereshkigal and returned to the earth. "

When they heard that Xiao En was finally back, people were completely relieved.

It seems to be a legend that has never been heard before——

When Enkidu went to the underworld, it was not the time of life and death.

Although it is stated that something will happen to Enkidu in the future, they can't help but care about the gentle man as the story progresses.

Gilgamesh suddenly said dissatisfied: "Damn it! In the final analysis, it's not because of what you said, 'There are snakes in the Harup Tree (Tree of Life)~, save me~!"

The final result!

If I hadn't cut down that tree, I wouldn't have been able to make any musical instrument (Ellag)! "


People's eyes lit up, as if it was indeed mentioned in the epic that Gilgamesh once rescued Inanna, a fragment of Ishtar, the goddess of Venus.

After working on it for a long time, Ishtar was also a party involved and the source of everything!


Mashu was surprised and asked King Enkidu about the "courteous treatment" of the goddess Ereshkigal.

The Wise King said that Enkidu disliked Ishtar, but treated Elle politely.

Even after Enkidu's death, the king gave Enkidu's body to Ereshkigal to be taken back to the underworld for safekeeping.

After all, even if a divine weapon dies, its body cannot be left behind on the earth.

Gilgamesh: "I thought that as long as I was placed in the underworld,

"You can rest in peace without being touched by anyone. But..."


People were shocked in their hearts,

I vaguely guessed something from Gilgamesh's words!

Without even giving them time to think about it, Gilgamesh angrily said the answer: "There is still some time before you arrive.

So I went to Enkidu's cemetery, but the guy's body disappeared. "

Boom~boom~! Everyone's hearts suddenly started beating faster,

Huge horror and astonishment enveloped their consciousness, and they were all stunned.

The king died of overwork, and after his soul went to the underworld, he discovered that Enkidu's body was missing.

However, a divine weapon appeared in the outside world before, and even the king found it difficult to tell whether it was real or fake——

The man who called himself Jin Gu, but when he met King Xian for the first time, he frequently showed a sense of familiarity and pain.

Mashu and Ishtar naturally thought about whether the king thought that Jingu was the form of Enkidu, the divine weapon that had lost its soul, after it was restarted.

But Ishtar pointed it out directly: "It doesn't matter that I am a servant.

But as a person living in this era, it is impossible for that guy to be resurrected. "

Gilgamesh: "That guy Ishtar is right.

That Enkidu is not Enkidu.

Even though he was buried, there was still something inside the body he left behind.

That's the way that guy exists. "

People watched, even though they didn’t admit that the other party was Enkidu, they still called Jin Gu’s Shining as Enkidu.

Suddenly I felt an indescribable feeling of loneliness and heaviness, which was very uncomfortable.

But Roman said at this time: "...Although he was buried, there is still something left in the body...?

...Is this really possible?

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