They thought that at least Ailei would be easier to talk to when facing Guda!

But now - there is no room for negotiation at all.

"The only way to go is to defeat Ereshkigal or fail." People remembered what Ishtar told Guda and others before coming.

Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists,

Is defeating Ailei the only path we can choose?

Ereshkigal: "I will imprison every human being on earth in the underworld.

Become my private property. "

As if she wanted to deliberately anger Guda, Ailei began to speak even more outrageously, words that were completely inconsistent with people’s impressions of the goddess’ performance.

"This is my choice.

The choice of the goddess Ereshkigal was the first decision made by her own will. "

At this moment, Ereshkigal pulled out a shining spear that burned like fire.

People's hearts sank to the bottom, their brains fell into chaos, and some were unable to understand the development of the situation in front of them.

‘It shouldn’t be...that’s right! ’ The noble young men shouted in their hearts.

“…Fujimaru Ritsuka.

If you try to get in my way, even you, I won't show mercy. "

Guda: "Ai Lei..."

Guda fell silent and called her affectionately, causing a moment of panic and hesitation on Ai Lei's face. She blushed and looked away uneasily.

"Anyway...anyway, give me some enlightenment.

Now that you have come to the underworld, everything here is up to me. "

"I'm sorry. I want to interrupt, Ereshkigal.

Please forgive me for not being able to read words and emotions. "Gilgamesh suddenly spoke.

The shyness and panic on Ereshkigal's face disappeared instantly. She looked at Shining with some dissatisfaction and said: "...What are you doing? I obviously didn't intend to kill you.

But he died of overwork and came to the underworld. "

! ! ?

At this moment, people who felt as if they had heard some terrible news were stunned and stunned.


Wasn't Wang deliberately killed by Ai Lei, but was he really trying to kill himself because of overwork? !

"I don't care about you. Even if you come to the underworld, I won't find it troublesome.

You'd better go and be killed by Gorgon. "

Seeing Wang being so disliked...

Everyone felt that they seemed to have made something wrong.

Isn't the reason why Guda and others came to the underworld because they suspected that the goddess of the underworld had poisoned the king?

The result was——

People think of Quetzalcoatl's solemn and majestic way of speculating on the cause of the king's death...

Wow, when they looked at the wise king slowly and stiffly,

There was sudden silence.

On this side, Wang said that she and Ishtar are as similar as sisters.

This caused the two goddesses who didn't like each other to quarrel again.

Ishtar thinks Elle is a shameful girl;

Ai Lei was dissatisfied. How could she be embarrassed? She was clearly the 'terrible goddess of death! ’

Everyone looked at this 'terrible' (cute) thing in front of them? To the girl who made their spirits recover a lot——

"How scary is this!"

At this time, Gilgamesh interrupted the quarrel between the two. He had more important things to ask now.

Gilgamesh: "O Ereshkigal!

As the city god of Kuza City, you are colluding with the [Three Goddesses Alliance].

The weight of this sin is beyond the reach of other goddesses.

Even though I am now dead,

But you can still be convicted based on royal authority.

The invaders need to be repulsed with strength;

The betrayal of compatriots is judged by the world. "

As Wang spoke like this, people subconsciously stood upright and tensed up a lot, and the surrounding atmosphere seemed to become more solemn.

People's breathing quickened slightly,

Is the king trying to convict Ereshkigal? !

Chapter 985 People above: Ailei is not wrong, it is the world that is wrong!

Convict the gods based on royal power!

This is the first time that people in another world have heard this statement.

Although it feels a little shocking, it can even be said to be treason...

But the shock and vague sense of awe in my heart cannot be faked.

Did the king of the Age of Gods still have such powerful power?

As humans, they dare not say anything out of fear of the power of the gods, but their blood is still boiling...

Gilgamesh: "That's what kingship is.

You should know this too. "

Ereshkigal: "Yes, a king with divine power can even punish gods as long as he sacrifices everything."

A king with...'divine power'? !

Keenly noticed the unusual aspects,

The equally frightened God of Alchemy, Hermitus, thought of something at this moment...

"Not all human kings should be able to convict gods. Gilgamesh has half the blood of a god. Even among the many outstanding kings of mankind, he is an extremely special one." Hermitos speculated.

Demigod King?

The king between gods and humans!

Hermitos suddenly remembered the pharaoh of ancient Egypt in the previous immersive epic.

Even though he is a king, he is also a god.

Not to mention the power of true name liberation.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath and thought helplessly...

If they were all such powerful kings, it wouldn't seem so unacceptable to be able to convict gods with a human body.

Ereshkigal: “These are the rules of our world (Sumere).

So what? Are you going to risk your life to kill me? "

Gilgamesh: "...It depends on your answer.

Then I ask you, the goddess Ereshkigal!

Why are you colluding with the Goddess Alliance!

Are you planning to deny the protection of Sumerian culture and people? "

Wang asked sharply,

What responded to him was Ereshkigal, whose eyes turned golden again, "What else did I think you were asking!

How disappointing, King of Uruk! "

The background music suddenly became faster and more nervous at this moment...

The battle seemed imminent.

Everyone shuddered, woke up from those shocking messages, and looked at the two people...

Especially at this time, the goddess of Hades seemed to be losing control of her emotions and became full of oppression.

As the mistress of the underworld, the powerful power that is invincible in the underworld seems to be beginning to appear.

If it weren't for this real fear that originated from the inner instinct,

People's impression of Ai Lei as being too gentle and kind may lead them to forget that this is still a very powerful god!

Especially now that we are still in the underworld!

King Gilgamesh calls her the invincible goddess in the underworld!

Ereshkigal: “My responsibilities and responsibilities have not changed at all!

I am Ereshkigal, the god entrusted to the underworld...! Take all humans and all souls into the underworld,

It is the meaning of my existence and my destiny!

I have no regrets or remorse for pursuing this wholeheartedly!

But those of you who dare to stop me should be destroyed under my divine authority! "

With that cry from the heart, Ereshkigal looked directly at the king stubbornly and firmly.

Gilgamesh didn't get angry but smiled, his bright red eyes flashing with sharp light: "Oh. How dare you say that.

In this case, there is no need to ask you for guilt!

Just hand over your head!

Use defeat as a conviction for your faults! "

Ereshkigal: “I can’t get it.

I will throw away all harshness and pierce you all with my spear.

But before that, I have a question for you, Fujimaru Ritsuka—"

At this point, Ailei's face showed an unimaginable look of weakness.

Her sad eyes moved people, and even at this moment, the terrifying coercion still exuding from her body was gradually forgotten by people.

Ereshkigal looked at Guda: "For a long time, I have been managing the souls of the dead here.

Without my own happiness, joy, sadness, or friends, etc.—"

Every time Ailei reads a word, people's hearts tremble.

She has none of these things that are very common among ordinary humans...

Whether good or bad, it has never happened before,

That void of nothing makes people feel an indescribable sadness and a heaviness that makes them feel uncomfortable.

They can't imagine how terrible it is in a world where they can't even feel sadness.

Can a life without these colors really be considered alive?

Ereshkigal said lonely and sadly: “I can only look at my own half (Ishtar) flying freely in the sky.

Are you planning to hold me accountable?

Now, are you still going to argue that collecting souls is wrong?

No one wants to praise——

Is this my effort to perform this job alone? "

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