Looking at Ishtar, I was so happy that my eyes were about to smile into a crescent moon.

After listening to the goddess' description, people noticed the appearance of those clay crafts -

Oh oh oh oh! How awesome... cough, such a rebellious thing can actually be sold directly in the market?

The people of Uruk are really bold,

Doesn't the king care about this kind of thing at all?

People cast their fiery eyes on those crafts. They were already quite interested in them, and after seeing those interesting kings, they wanted them even more.

This also led to many merchants seeing business opportunities, making and selling Gilgamesh's clay crafts in various countries, and they were very popular for a while.

In addition, other epic heroes also embarked on the path of being turned into clay. (The beginning of the birth of the oldest human figures in another world.)

Back to the topic,

On the other side, Guda also heard Ishtar's words.

"... He has already boasted about his glorious achievements to others." Guda complained helplessly.

"Of course, telling the heroic biography is an important duty of the king.

The priests will not let go of the day when he successfully returns from the underworld.

In order to record it, the king must have been forced to dictate for three days and three nights." Merlin.

? !

People looked at Merlin in surprise,

thinking that Merlin has always been suspected of being behind the current heroic epic.

When people heard Merlin's words at this time, they felt a strange sense of weirdness.

Could he -

have forced the heroes in the biographies to do this and that in order to write the epic?

But -

Merlin has the "strongest" clairvoyance that can see the past, present, and future (people think so), so it seems that he doesn't need to use this method to collect materials and information for the epic.

Thinking of this -

"Sure enough, clairvoyance is really useful." The blacksmith's son said enviously.

If he also had such a pair of clairvoyance,

he wouldn't have to wait so painfully for the epic to be updated every time!

How happy it would be to trace back one heroic epic after another from the history of this planet, and enjoy it all at once!

At this time, the blacksmith's son had no doubt that there were those wonderful heroes in the history of this planet.

... This may be the biggest scam in the history of this planet!

However, when everyone believes that it is true, in this world with a long river of myths and a belief that comes true, then it itself is true!


When the perspective changes again, it is time for Guda and others to go to the tower to meet King Gilgamesh.

At this time, the king has indeed been resurrected and is sitting on the throne.

Seeing this, everyone can't help but smile.

King Gilgamesh: "Very good, you are back, Chaldea!

Then start the Gorgon counterattack operation meeting! Siduri!"

At the king's call, Siduri stepped forward to express gratitude to everyone on behalf of the king, and then said that she would prepare a small celebration banquet at the embassy.

After the meeting, they can move to the Chaldean embassy.

Just when people thought that the battle meeting was about to begin, their faces showed solemn and serious expressions, waiting for the battle report from the front line.


King Gilgamesh: "What is this? I have never heard of it!

Well, this is a plan. Let me see it."

The king, who heard that there was a banquet, snatched the so-called plan slate.

Gilgamesh: "——My name is not on this list!

Humph, you confused guy. You must have forgotten to write my name?"

The king looked very angry.

People were also shocked and thought that the king was really angry.

But when people saw Siduri, they found that she was not panicked at all.

Siduri said calmly: "Wang can't go, because your schedule is full after the meeting.

Then everyone, please allow me to confirm and report the current situation."

After saying that, Siduri directly ignored and skipped the stage of Wang's speech, and continued to speak...

It seemed that Wang's words that wanted to struggle were strangled in the cradle, and he didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

Puff~! Hahahahaha~!

After being stunned for a while, the people who reacted realized that Wang just wanted to take the opportunity to rest.

Since he didn't stop Siduri and didn't continue to rage, the previous anger should have been pretended.

Thinking of Wang's life of continuous hard work, even he had to miss the celebration banquet.

People: "...Suddenly I feel that Wang is so pitiful. Siduri, if you keep doing this, your king may die of overwork again."

People instantly had a picture in their minds.

To purify those conversations and simply express them——

Isn't it like Siduri saying to the king: "King, you can't rest yet."?

As Siduri began to introduce the military intelligence of the north wall of Uruk,

people's attention was also drawn to it, and they stopped looking at the king's face at this time.

They were afraid that after seeing the king's expression at this time, they would want to laugh again.

If this continues, they will definitely laugh like crazy! Hahahahaha~!


After Siduri counted the combat power of the north wall and the number of monsters, people gradually stopped laughing.

Ten times the difference in military strength~!!

People got amazing news from the battle report from Siduri.

At this moment, the number of monsters in the cedar forest outside the north wall was about ten times that of the Uruk soldiers.

When hearing this news, even the Kingdom Sword Saint Harut's pupils shrank,

... The difference in strength is so huge? !

These monsters are stronger than humans.

Often one monster needs three, four, or even more strong Uruk soldiers to deal with it at the same time.

In the epic, the defense before the north wall was very difficult!

The strength of the troops was so different at once, can the absolute monster front still be defended?

Even if there are a few more goddesses here, Harut is not sure whether Guda and others are strong enough.

And everyone remembered the information revealed by Kingu on the battlefield of the north wall before, that the monsters had never launched a general attack,

and more of the monster mother goddess was preparing to deal with the troops of the other two goddesses, which is why Uruk can hold on until now.

People's faces became very ugly for a while--

The news is true! Now it has been verified.

Ten times!

Such a huge difference!

This must not be something that has been prepared for one or two days.

People originally thought that now that the goddesses have rebelled, Guda and others should be able to push this singularity.

As a result, the goddess of vengeance Gorgon——can there be such an amazing big move!

Chapter 994 The wizard is fully powered! A single arm swings 30 kilometers? !

Then people saw that even Quetzalcoatl said,

"Although she calls herself the goddess of vengeance, the strategy she adopts is very humane.

She (Gorgon) understands that mass production is the way to achieve absolute victory..."

For the first time, people felt the horror of the explosive flow.

Even before the war started, just imagining the scene of the monsters that were ten times more powerful than humans attacking the city made their breathing stagnate.

Just when they all began to panic,

Gilgamesh: "That's right.

Humans who are inferior in quality and quantity have no chance of winning.

Once the attack begins, the defense will not last long.

In this case, the only way is to try to raid the local base camp."

People looked at the wise king who suddenly spoke with a sharp look in his eyes.

? ? ?

The king recovered so quickly?

"Gilgamesh is worthy of it. I thought he would be quiet for a while because of the heavy work." Seeing this, Hermitos smiled happily.

He naturally knew that the king would not be so quiet,

but this did not hinder his fun of teasing the king in his heart.

Compared with others, the God of Alchemy at this time was not in a hurry at all.

As for the combat power of the monsters far exceeding that of humans by ten times,

this was something worth exciting for Hermitos.

The enemy is so powerful, how can Guda, Gilgamesh and others defeat each other?

Willn't that wonderful process become more delicious!

Hermitos couldn't wait to see that moment!

In the epic, the wise king quickly formulated a battle plan in which a large force would delay time at the north wall, while Guda and others would attack the enemy's base camp.

- First destroy the Blood Temple, and then directly defeat the goddess Gorgon.

To destroy the Blood Temple, which is as huge as a fortress, ordinary attacks are useless.

Facing this problem, the king also proposed to use the Axe of Marduk,

Siduri: "This morning, the mysterious servant who called himself the Black Panther Express delivered the Axe of Marduk."

Huh? !

People opened their eyes in confusion, 'Express delivery? '

What is that...

And that black panther... should be a panther man!

But if you only look at the literal meaning, express delivery... fast delivery of goods?

A flash of inspiration flashed through the mind of a young man, and he seemed to have discovered some business opportunities from it, well... this is a later story.

In the immersive epic world,

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