Maybe she didn't even notice it herself.

——The nature of Medusa, which stems from the original desire for happiness,

But in Anna's body when she was young, it has already been revealed.

This innocent goddess was turned into a monster by human greed and the so-called brave men who pursued honor.

It's really sad and pitiful.

In the last scene of the epic, people see Guda sadly placing floral ornaments on the edge of the cliff.

The gift that Anna didn't dare to accept until the end,

People's hearts became clogged when they looked at this garland, and their eyes turned red.

When Ishtar also showed a sad expression: "Farewell flowers... although it is very sad, but for that girl, this little thing is okay."

Matthew also closed his eyes and said in a low voice: "Well... I think this is very suitable for Miss Anna."

When seeing this,

Whether it is a written epic or an immersive world, people can no longer bear it.


In the royal capital and in the world of consciousness, countless sad sounds shook the sky~!

Wow~! Those sensual girls suddenly burst into tears.

The shrill sound lasted for a long time, and the birds in the sky were so frightened that they chirped and fled the airspace in fear.

Even if you spend a long time with small animals, people will develop feelings for them.

Not to mention such a kind and lovely girl.

The girl named Anna has already conquered people's hearts and minds in the epic.


But--! Now it’s gone!

When thinking of this, the eyes of those who felt sad inside became even redder: "An...! Na...!!"

Another shrill roar!

The people who were in deep sorrow at this moment subconsciously thought that the Three Goddess Alliance had completely collapsed when they saw that Gorgon had been defeated.

This singularity should also be saved.


The people who were shouting Anna's name did not realize that the immersive epic world was still going on and that a long time had passed.

And the text version of the epic...

Chapter 1000 The real mother wakes up!

--miserable! Too bad!

This scene,

Think about the sacrifice of Bedivere that you have seen before,

Knowing his 1,500-year persistence and witnessing the burning moment of life, people felt so uncomfortable and their hearts were cut like a knife.

Even if there is the sixth singularity as a precedent,

Even if people know that it is normal to make sacrifices...

But ah. When the knife comes, they still can't help but burst into tears like a heartbroken child.

Why don't the people who deserve happiness the most not get it?

Why is it that everyone is saved, but she (he) is not saved!

Just watching them seem to have obtained spiritual salvation in the end, but this is not enough for people!

The knife is always one step ahead of them, and they are caught off guard!

Although people believe that at the last moment, those people left with a smile and contentment.

But for people, what they want to see most is that they get a happy ending.


If you think of knives, you're right.

The so-called desire to advance must first be suppressed——!

People at this moment are still unaware of the true seriousness of the matter.

The real peak has just begun, that is the tsunami that engulfs the world~!

And in the royal capital,

At this time, Hermitus, who was touching the thick pile at the back of the epic book, fell into astonishment and contemplation.

There are so many?


It is a bit premature to define the end of the epic now.

Is the epic of the Seventh Singularity still going on?

On the other side——

In an immersive epic world,

The noble young masters looked like children who had lost their favorite toys, squatting down and sobbing softly in aggrieved manner.

Although I am not paying attention to changes in the surrounding environment,

But the surrounding sounds can still reach their ears clearly and accurately.

Roman: "But... why is there no Holy Grail reaction...?

The Holy Grail of the Magic King should be held by Gorgon..."

When they heard this sentence, people were stunned.

Even if Gorgon is defeated,

However, the singularity has not disappeared.

People who are in pain, although there are still two lines of tears on their faces, countless doubts arise in their hearts.

A certain aristocratic young master muttered in confusion: "The singularity is not over yet?

The Holy Grail was not recovered? "



I couldn't catch up. "At this moment, a swift white light suddenly broke through the temple and floated above the crowd.

When everyone subconsciously raised their heads, what they saw was Jin Gu who should have been on the battlefield on the north wall.

"He's back!" People were slightly stunned and then reacted.

Then Jin Gu said some more words,

Based on the speculation in Jin Gu’s words, people discovered that Jin Gu seemed to be the real holder of the Holy Grail.

Gorgon was unable to receive treatment from the Holy Grail because Jin Gu was no longer around.

Everyone's hearts tightened, they were a little surprised, and then they breathed a sigh of relief——

Should I say it's good luck? ! But no matter what, Gorgon has been defeated, even if Jin Gu comes now, it won't help!

Jin Gu: “Although she is called a goddess, after all she is just a product of the old world.

It’s not beautiful enough to stay in the new world. "

Merlin: "Oh. What does beauty mean? Jin Gu?"

The exterior styling? Or is it the inner essence? "

Jin Gu: “…Stop talking nonsense to me, Merlin.

I'm very angry now.

Really, I can say that this is the first time in my life that I am that angry.

Although I have been destroying humans, it is only an obligation.

But now, it’s not obligation that drives me.

You are truly disgusting.

I must now kill for the first time out of hatred. "

The aura on Jin Gu's body suddenly gave people a very dangerous feeling, full of oppression.

Ishtar said that this guy is nothing like Enkidu.

Enkidu carried out his identity as a weapon until the last moment, and he had never done anything like killing someone based on emotion.

It was also the first time for people to see Jin Gu losing his temper like this, and they were a little surprised——

Jin Gu: “The battle is over.

You have won the warcraft front. but--

I will not allow you to taste the joy of victory.

O kind man who tramples upon terror and revenge.

Are you satisfied with saving many of your compatriots?

Then——as a price, you will die here. "

When Jin Gu spoke like this,

It was obvious that that woman was not the real God Tiamat to her, but he still had real feelings for her.

——This is something people never expected.

Angry Jin Gu's eyes shrank and turned bright red, and his entire face seemed to be shrouded in a shadow of terror.

In Roman's horrified voice, it was detected that his spiritual profile had also changed, from lancer to avenger.


Change spiritual base, change job introduction? !

How is that possible? people thought with horror.

This is no less than changing the essence of life by relying on one's own will!

For humans, it is too exaggerated and unbelievable.

Jin Gu: “For this time only, I will fight as an Avenger.

This is the only farewell flower I can give her...! "

The farewell flower that Guda gave to Anna was the old woman's wreath.

But is the farewell flower sent by Jin Gu a bloody revenge?

Stimulate! Comparing the two contrasts, it brings a deeper impression to people.

Immediately afterwards——

The chains of heaven fell like rain, hitting Mashu's shield,

Ishtar's sky boat also continued to emit light beams.

Bang~! ! !

After a fierce battle, Jin Gu did not achieve good results.

Just when people thought the battle would continue, they regarded Jin Gu as the real boss.

It is speculated that this singularity will not be repaired until Jin Gu is defeated.

"...Is that the end?

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