People who somehow understood the meaning were stunned.

"Is this... hell!" A person who couldn't believe the scene in front of him said in a dry voice, and suddenly reached out to cover his mouth.

Chapter 1002: The seven kinds of beasts are not the evil that destroys mankind, but are destroyed by mankind.

"Hell is coming -" the same thought flashed through people's minds,


Regarding the future after the destruction of human nature, what kind of terrible future will it be?

People seemed to see a possibility.

That is, the monster named Rahmu replaced humans,

That plan was named New Humanity by Jin Gu and others.

fear--! It's like someone's heart is being strangled,

The panic instantly spread to people’s limbs——

‘Absolutely, absolutely cannot let that future become a reality! ’ They were all thinking this at this moment.

I have never felt so panicked and frightened about the future.

"Woc, wocc!! What the hell is this! Stay away from me!" Some people with poor psychological quality looked at Rahmu and waved their hands, desperately trying to stay away from those monsters.

Not to mention humans, at this time——

"It's like an evil god!" Hermitos looked at the twisted species in the illustration, his expression not very good.

He thought of the Cthulhu Mythos, which was only briefly described and showed only a few illustrations.

The evil gods among them are also so twisted, as if they are mentally polluted.

After seeing that look,

Especially at this time, people in the immersive epic world felt really uncomfortable when they saw the jumping and twisted figure.

Too much food...what a ghost!

What a joke!

"Jin Gu actually calls these monsters new humans? Will they eventually replace us humans as the rulers of the planet?" People gritted their teeth, finding it difficult to accept this kind of thing.

Who wants to be replaced by this disgusting monster! So disgusting, so disgusting, so disgusting! Say important things three times.

At this time, people who are alert for danger in times of peace,

He even began to consider whether to find King Solomon's location in advance and form a group to kill King Solomon.

Rather than allowing that kind of monster to continue the so-called human history in the name of a new human being, it would be better for the entire world to be completely destroyed.

Everyone’s mentality is a bit broken! ! !

If this is also expected,

That King Solomon is totally disgusting.

After that, everyone couldn't stand it anymore and closed their eyes, leaving only their ears that could still hear the sound.

It wasn't until the epic fast-forwarded and they came to the sacred tower and people saw King Gilgamesh again that things got much better.

At this time, the king was making an announcement to the people——

For those who want to fight, stay and become the cornerstone of Uruk. Those who don't want to fight and want to survive can retreat to the north wall first.

Looking at the pile of refugees, people felt a little heavy in their hearts.

People who originally wanted to say something subconsciously finally lowered their raised hands and thought...

'Perhaps the king is right;

Rather than leaving behind those who have lost their will to fight, it is better to move these people to a safe place first and allow those who can fight to free their hands and feet. ’

People looked at Uruk, which was already short of troops, and it almost made things worse.

The fewer people left in Uruk, the less likely it is to protect humanity's hope in the coming decisive battle.

Thinking of this, everyone felt heavier and heavier.

Afterwards, Gilgamesh met with Guda and others alone.

I also learned everything from Guda's mouth, including the death of Merlin.

When people heard King Gilgamesh say: "He was so arrogant in reality, but he was defeated in the dream.

This ending is indeed very his style.

And, human beings are evil—that’s what Merlin really said, right? "

The king's eyes suddenly became so sharp that no one dared to look directly at him.

Only then did people have the energy to pay attention to the term "human evil".

Merlin seemed to have mentioned this word when he was 'dying' before, but they were not in the mood to think about those things at that time.

Regarding that...they are a little concerned now!

Matthew: "Yes. It is said to be one of the seven human evils awakened by the Magic King in this land."

Later, Gilgamesh also told Guda and others who did not understand what he meant: "The so-called human evil, just as the literal meaning means, is the stain of human beings, referring to the various disasters that destroy human beings."

Gilgamesh: “The more humans develop, the stronger they become, like a cancer that eats away at the body from within society.

In other words, it is the mud that has settled in human history. "

The faces of those who saw the annotation for this metaphor and understood its meaning changed.

The seven human evils represent the seven beasts,

If it is said that human evil has such difficult characteristics.

"...!" As humans, they began to panic.

The stronger human beings are, the more evil they will be. What a joke!


There seem to be seven more of this thing?

Except for the god Tiamat who is about to awaken,

Are there six more people who represent human evil sleeping somewhere in this world?

For a moment, everyone suddenly felt that the world had become a lot stranger and scarier.

Oh my god~!

They were screaming and trembling in their hearts...

What if one day human evil appears in this era?

People began to gradually come into contact with the existence of the seven crowned knights and beasts, but...

People didn’t have a very clear idea of ​​how strong the Seven Crown Knights and Beasts were, until they saw the popular science of the Wise King!

this--! That's too much! Isn’t it true that Tian conquers mankind?

People were so anxious that they were sweating profusely, but there was nothing they could do.

At this moment Leonardo da Vinci asked: "Do you mean an Avenger like Gorgon?

In other words, something that destroys humans based on hostility? "

This question also attracted everyone's attention.

Such a malicious description of human beings, what Leonardo da Vinci said is very consistent with people's suspicions.


Following Wang's next words, they showed expressions of astonishment.

Gilgamesh: "No, you beautiful one.

Human evil does not mean the evil that destroys mankind.

But evil destroyed by human beings. "

In the text version of the epic, the last sentence "evil destroyed by mankind" is directly blackened and bolded.

When they saw that sentence, countless people gasped and their pupils shrank in shock.

Evil destroyed by humans...?

This... what does this mean?

The little princess also looked at Twinkle in confusion,

There are so many thoughts in my heart——

It’s puzzling! confused!

Her expression gradually became weird, and she couldn't help but think: "Isn't it usually the evil party that destroys everything?

It can’t be the other way around! Just like a human being like Guda can also become a human evil! Isn't this kind of thing a fantasy? "

The words of the wise king are extremely contradictory!

But what future humans didn't expect was that what they thought was extremely contradictory and absolutely impossible would be slapped in the face again and again.

Gilgamesh didn't explain too much, he just said: "Now you just need to remember that they are disasters that threaten human history.

It is the human self-destruction mechanism and safety device that serves as the origin of the summoning of heroic spirits.

Seven human evils. They also exist and manifest as spiritual bases.

Seven disasters born from human nature——

That is Beast employment agency.

It must be this beast that the Magic King awakened. "

Human animality?

The human evil that corresponds to the seven kinds of beast nature and the seven kinds of disasters made people who were vaguely aware of something suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Almost subconsciously, they began to think,

What seven kinds of animal nature can give birth to such a terrifying monster!


"How come God Tiamat is involved with Beast? Is there also a manifestation of human animality in the Mother Goddess of Creation?"

Chapter 1003 Mass-produced Enkidu? Rahmu

Ishtar said nervously: "Wait a minute. Speaking of the Sea of ​​Origin, I am referring to the mother.

Isn’t this anomaly our mother of gods…

Wasn't it caused by the god Tiamat? "

King Gilgamesh: "Fool. I said that God Tiamat is Beast.

The opponent we want to challenge is a genuine primitive world divine body. "

God Tiamat——!

Beast——! People's hearts were shocked to think of combining these two terms.

Whichever one is taken separately originally has an extremely terrifying concept of existence. When the two are combined,

The superposition of that sense of awe is not just as simple as 1+1=2.

Matthew: "Beast Job Agency...Seven Human Evils...

Is that the name of our enemy? "

Gilgamesh: "That's right. It's also the general name for the beasts of disaster.

The Beast appearing in this land seems to have not yet fully awakened.

After all, there is no response yet. Right, Chaldean? "

The king's words cast a shadow over everyone's bodies and minds.

In addition to the deep background music in the epic,

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