Even looking at Ishtar now,

Thinking of her willful appearance in the myth, I wonder if she would have thought of her changes today.

There was a knowing smile on people's lips.

The conversation in front of the city gate of Uruk was just a brief episode, but it made them feel the gravity and tragedy of this era even more.

When Guda and others set off towards Eridu,

Everyone finally took a deep look at the river in the dark world in front of the city gate of Uruk, and their hearts were touched——!

After walking for who knows how long, the vision in front of everyone slowly changed.

Some familiar scenery comes to mind.

late at night--

In front of a city, Guda and others stopped.

Matthew: "We have arrived in Ur City, Master.

But no one was seen..."

...Ur? I thought I would arrive directly at Eridu!

People looked around, but it seemed like they didn't see anyone.

At this moment, they suddenly heard Quetzalcoatl's voice.

Quetzalcoatl: (The breath of the Servant...? Is it the residual smell?

Since no one is seen, does it mean that he has left or been killed...? )

Everyone was shocked, and immediately remembered the scene of Musashibo Benkei's death in battle when Lahmu invaded.

Come to think of it, Musashibo Benkei was here before...! Well!

‘Ushiwakamaru! ’ People thought about the figure of the black servant with ugly expressions.

They were not willing to believe that the figure was Ushiwakamaru himself.

How could the heroic spirit who fought on the north wall to the end of human history transform into such a dark form and wield a weapon against his former compatriots!


The words Jin Gu once said to Ushiwakamaru in the Blood Temple seem to still be echoing in people's ears, and the scene is still vivid in their minds.

Tide of Chaos——

Becoming a mother’s child.

Could it be...really——

Everyone was silent.

"Quezal Coatl...?" Guda seemed to have noticed something strange about Quezal Coatl, and turned around with a confused look.

Quetzalcoatl: "No, I'm just in a trance.

I'm sorry, Master, Mash. "

Quetzalcoatl did not tell Guda about his discovery, but he also reminded Guda that there was no breath of living people in this city.

That is to say——

"Zero survivors?" people thought sadly.

The Leopard Man then said that this was no longer the way the beast killed.

This kind of killing without reason——

Leopard Man: "Not based on hunger, not based on anger,

It's not based on territorial awareness.

He was killed just because he ‘wanted to kill and see’.

This is something that would never happen in nature—"

Simply based on happiness and joy, even if there is no reason to attack someone who has no ability to resist, he will still kill him...

It's hard for Mashu and the others to accept this...

Roman even said: "...That's right. Rahmu didn't have digestive organs in the first place.

They have no reason to attack other animals.

Activities for survival can be accomplished entirely on one's own.

But they attack other animals, which means-"

Before Roman could finish his words, a group of Rahmu attacked.

After a battle, Mashu and the others destroyed these Rahmu.


"Monsters who kill simply for the love of killing and continue to evolve are simply the most terrifying weapons of war." People looked at the corpses of Rahmu in horror. Even though they were already dead,

For this anti-human creature, I still instinctively feel chills all over my body.

"..." Would such a monster really leave prisoners behind?

Is it really possible that the humans of Eridu are still alive?

For a moment, people's faces became extremely ugly.

And in such an uneasy mood, after an unknown amount of time, people finally got through this epic night.

They prayed in their hearts that the people of Eridu would be okay.

Although I said this, I already had some hopelessness in my heart.

When I think that the lovely priestess Siduri has been killed——

Their hearts were cut with a knife.

In an immersive epic world——

When the sun rose, they followed Guda and Mashu to Eridu.

As soon as everyone entered Eridu, they heard noisy human screams.

Human voice? !

So, maybe Siduli is still alive?

This unexpected commotion gave people a glimmer of hope.

Matthew: “We’ve arrived at Eridu!

Signs of man—that's what this commotion is all about! ? "

Roman: “There are so many reactions to life!

Five hundred, no, six hundred people! It’s the people who were taken away! "

Then Quetzalcoatl said that everyone should be gathered in the square in front,

But Rahmu's magic reaction was also searched by Chaldea.

More than two hundred, although it is very small compared to the whole group, it is still a hopeless combat power gap for Guda and others!

"At least we saved Miss Siduli!" the blacksmith's son couldn't help but said.

Even though I know my own voice, I can't convey it at all.

But that’s what he really thinks now——

As for the other Uruk people, although it would be unbearable to give up on them, for people,

Still prefer Siduli who already has feelings.

When you can only save a few people, of course you will choose a more familiar and favorite character.

Then, just when the blacksmith's son called out Siduli's name,

Quite coincidentally——

A Rahmu happened to appear in front of Mashu and others.

Mashu: "! There is one Lahmu in front of us! It has found us!"

Roman: "Is it just a single target? Then you can fight with it!

Knock it down before it calls its companions! "

hateful--! !

Everyone looked at Rahmu in front of them with hatred.

It’s this kind of monster, the people of Uruk, and Miss Siduri who—

What surprised people was that Rahmu didn't take any action, just stood there and looked at this side silently.

However, people who were dazzled by hatred and anger quickly put aside this doubt and continued to glare angrily, not to mention killing the monster with their own hands.

Rahmu: “——.

——,——…………! "

Just when people were dreaming about Mashu and the others killing this Lahm, suddenly the Lahm fled away into the distance;

Leopard Man: "What a strange Rahmu?

It ended up running away without doing anything. "

Mashu: "That's right. It's different from the previous Rahmu...

Are there individual differences in Rahmu’s personality..."

At this time, people finally showed confused and dazed eyes, and they didn't know where to direct their anger.

What's going on with this strange rahmu?

Chapter 1009: The monster that won’t fight back no matter how hard you fight, the ugly humanity in the square


When people in the future look back and re-read this epic, when they see this place again...!

How heartbreaking is it?

How much they hated themselves for ignorantly throwing their anger and hatred at this Rahmu.

After all——(That’s Siduri!!!)

Guda murmured: "It just raised its hands to threaten..."

But if you think about it carefully, raising your hands is nothing more than a threat.

From a human perspective, such a physical expression would be more like surrender.

The movement of waving hands,

There is a sense of familiarity in people's eyes,

The goddess Ishtar once asked Siduri to kick the white chess piece when she was ready to welcome her arrival.

At that time, Matthew once told Siduri, who was puzzled by this, that in the future, that would be a gesture of surrender for people.

But that familiar posture was not recognized by people at this moment...

Subconsciously, people cannot associate monsters with cute, amiable people.


If that really is a monster.

...a monster that would never fight back even if it was kicked by Quetzalcoatl or beaten by Mashu and the others... It was just a monster that tried to get close to them again and again...

Is it really a monster?

Several times I was confused and puzzled...

Even people who came later could no longer feel angry when they saw that unique Rahmu appearing again and again and constantly trying to get closer;

Extremely confused——

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