Just then,

People heard Ma Xiu’s voice: “… By the way… Senior.

Although this was felt when fighting the god Tiamat,

But the restraint that bound her,

Could it be that she generated it herself? "

Guda: "What do you mean...?"

The people who had originally relaxed were startled when they heard Ma Xiu’s doubts and raised their heads to look at Ma Xiu.

"Tiamat... tied herself up...? How is that possible?" The blacksmith's son waved his hands, subconsciously wondering who would be so stupid as to tie himself up and beat others.


The conversation between King Solomon and Jin Gu was reflected in people's minds again and again.

From Solomon's words, people have learned that the creation mother goddess does not seem to want to come.

Could it be...that it was true? !

People were stunned for a moment,

Thinking about it carefully, Tiamat did not launch any substantive attack just now.

Even if the body is restrained, it is impossible for such huge magic power to be without any means of attack.

That is the God who created the gods! The Mother Goddess of Creation! Mother of Mesopotamian Gods.

Matthew: “...Although there is no clear evidence, I can only think so.

Because God Tiamat...that...

Take the initiative...withstand our attacks.

It's like trusting us with your life.

But we can't feel this...

Although God Tiamat was awakened by the power of the Holy Grail...

But if you join Rahmu and don't get the Holy Grail,

Maybe she will stay in the sea forever? "

Matthew's guess was extremely bold.

Everyone looked shocked and opened their mouths but stopped talking.

But Solomon also said something similar,

No, it won't.

Could it be that she has always been passively——

He appeared passively and created such a disaster. In fact, he had no ill intentions towards humans and Mesopotamia?

Everyone was shocked,

If this is really the case,

Wow——What kind of emotion does it take to do such self-restraining behavior.

Quetzalcoatl suddenly frowned and said: "Even if this is the case, the result will still not change, Mashu.

The very existence of the god Tiamat is enough to pose a threat to humanity.

Whether he was pulled up by the Magic King or instigated,

As long as she appears in this world, we can only defeat her——"

How come...

The little princess and other young girls with soft hearts and sentimental hearts became a little depressed when they heard this.


Whether it's Quetzalcoatl, the goddess of Venus, or the goddess of the underworld...

As long as we find out that they are still kind in nature, understand them with reason and move them with emotion, we can win them over.

The result is only...

Didn't you give the Creation Mother Goddess a chance to stand on the side of mankind?

If the god Tiamat is really as they guessed,

Isn't this kind of thing too cruel to Tiamat?

For a while, although the god Tiamat seemed to have been "crusted", people could not show too many smiles on their faces.

In the end, this topic is too heavy.

At this moment——

There was a violent earthquake, and the waves on the sea suddenly became more turbulent.


"Doctor, what happened!?" Guda asked hurriedly.

"What...?!" Everyone looked at the sea in horror,

Especially in the depths of the sea, something seems to be coming out,

A sense of danger and horror is coming.

At the same time, people heard Roman's response and finally understood what it meant!

"——Confirm that the spiritual base has been restructured.

No, it is a change from diffusion to super structure, and there is an increase in scale——

impossible. How could such a creature exist?

This is no longer a living thing. This is...this is-"

"God Tiamat...!!!" Hermitus and Harut blurted out.

They thought victory in the battle was too easy.

At this time, the true identity of the underwater creature has been guessed. Could it be that Tiamat is not "dead" yet? !


In the dull and frightened eyes of the little princesses,

The water level in the Persian Gulf rose rapidly, almost visible to the naked eye, and soon swallowed up the earth and even the tower of the observatory...

Following this momentum, it swallowed straight towards Uruk as if with intention!


There seemed to be thunder in everyone's minds, and their minds went blank with fear.

For those who witnessed Tiamat's defeat, the situation before them and the shocking disaster were completely incomprehensible.


Tiamat, who was defeated, will still——


In the midst of a chaotic conversation, people heard a horrifying message from the doctor.

Roman: "Yes, but we made a mistake!

That god Tiamat is just a head body!

Everyone, evacuate that airspace quickly!

The real target is coming up from below...! "

head? !

Before the frightened people had time to think about it.

The next moment——

Boom~! ! ! ! First came the horns. The huge horns on Tiamat's head suddenly broke through the waves and rushed upward.

Bright red—incredibly huge.

The size of the horn alone is similar to that of several previous Tiamat.

As the vast and huge figure gradually stood up from the shore.

Everyone trembled——

... From the obvious visual contrast, people finally understood the meaning of the sentence "What is the head?"

Chapter 1,022 The entire Mesopotamia combined could not hurt her in the slightest

"What a joke...

head? The one before was really not that, just a hair? ! Ahhh. Ahhhh! ! "Facing this endless shadow, people spoke in panic.

The so-called snake god Gorgon, who once frightened them, seemed insignificant in front of this size! !

Tiamat: “Aaaaaaa——

aaaaa————……! "

The loud sound spreads in the atmosphere,

Roman: "...a complete monster."

Ti Ma, who appeared in front of people at this time, was completely in the form of a beast.

Even though I can still vaguely see some of my beautiful faces from before,

But the physical characteristics also became more ferocious.

And too large a body,

Beyond the scope of people's vision, this is already a beauty that cannot be appreciated! !

The tense background music of the decisive battle sounded again,

But people’s backs were already wet with sweat——

Facing such a god Tiamat, they were almost suffocated.

Roman: “A mobile biological factory.

Enough magic power for interstellar navigation.

The huge source of life stored in the body——

The Ark of God that will take humans hundreds of years to realize——

This is—is this...the true face of God Tiamat! ! "

I don’t know how powerful I am, I don’t know how powerful I am——

People who were so palpitated that their hearts were about to jump out of their throats didn't know how to describe the scene in front of them.

As for the doctor's description, although they couldn't understand it, they felt it was very powerful inexplicably, and it resonated somewhat with their voices.

That's like-

For the power in front of me that neither heaven nor earth can contain, this powerful and majestic figure, it can't be overstated!

At this moment, people finally understood...

——The Mother Goddess of Creation, human evil, and what terrible creatures Beast represents.

Ishtar: “Didn’t look at us at all…

Staring straight at Uruk...

To be honest, although we have been saved, what are we going to do? ? "

Ishtar couldn't help but seek advice from Quetzalcoatl,

And the answer I got was quite disappointing: "Absolutely - you can't win!

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