“I hope you, no, hope humans will seriously hate her.

I hope you can face her revenge wholeheartedly.

What if I say Gorgon is just an impostor and the real threat is yet to come?

Everyone will despise her and pity her. "

Because he cared about Gorgon's feelings, he chose to hide it.

When the real reason for concealing the truth is known,

Everyone felt an extremely tender heart.

Thinking of that sad goddess who became a monster,

Thinking of the lovely Anna, the smile before her final departure.

——People who learned the truth were relieved.

‘Of course I choose to understand my big sister! ’

Quetzalcoatl said shyly, but in the end, Fujimaru Ritsuka discovered it!

What a shame!

Guda: “It’s not shameful at all.

Even for Gorgon, I have to thank you. "

Chapter 1,029: With this optimism, is it any wonder that he is favored by the king?

…Those gods who bear the name of evil gods but love humans deeply,

Those gods who are obviously at the top of their good nature, but belittle themselves and feel guilty about being evil.

To the gods,

People have gained a new understanding.

…Can you say that Quetzalcoatl is evil?

...Can you say that Ai Lei is evil?

From the first time we met, the fear and awe of them,

In the end, all that was left was full of admiration and love.

I am moved by these goddesses from the bottom of my heart...

It was also at this time,

People understand that the inside is more important than the outside.

You can’t see anything clearly by just focusing on the appearance.

It is Guda's persistence and trust that can unearth the kind and gentle side of those goddesses hidden deep in their hearts.

If they were allowed to come, there would definitely be a deep misunderstanding at the first meeting.

When the goddesses are regarded as the enemies of human beings, and they are highly vigilant and hostile, it will be even more impossible to convince the goddesses in the future.

All this must be based on considerable trust,

Everyone really felt how difficult this journey was.

What a miracle it is to be able to reach this point——!

I'm afraid any wrong choice will lead to different results.

People who felt a little sad for a while,

Not out of fear, not out of desire,

But I sincerely hope that Guda and the others can defeat the powerful enemy tomorrow, survive successfully, seize the future successfully, and save humanity!

That is a pure and heartfelt wish.

And on the other side——

Just when the leopard man and Quetzalcoatl were interacting,

...Guda said that Leopard Man really likes Quetzalcoatl.

The Leopard Man also said that if she died, it would be OK as long as Kukul (Quetzalcoatl) survived.

——Vice versa, if Kukul died, it would be better for her to still be alive.

This is the kind of relationship they have, even though they can't be together,

But it will be maintained in this way.

When the good spirit is strong, people will develop good nature.

When the evil god is strong, people will breed evil.


People have never thought that the two gods, who are in the camp of good and evil, would think so.

I originally thought that both sides would be eager to completely kill the other side.

And this kind of thought...as long as one of the two is still alive and well, it will be fine.

The Leopard Man cherishes this time very much.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for her and Kukul to appear at the same time.

For people, this is really surprising.

Just when Quetzalcoatl expressed surprise that he unexpectedly reached an agreement with the Leopard Man.

The Leopard Man shook his head and denied that.

She claimed that she simply wanted to defeat Kukul,


Leopard Man: “But Kukul is different.

This time you have been working hard to save humanity. "

Always to save mankind,

People were keenly aware of the unusualness of this statement.

Does the Leopard Man mean that Quetzalcoatl has been working hard to save mankind from the beginning?

This...but? !

Quetzalcoatl smiled and denied,

She should have said that she only joined an alliance that could fight humans because she liked fighting——

However, the Leopard Man directly exposed her,

"It's not~ it's~!"

Those goddesses are restless, after all, they are masters who will not listen to advice no matter what.

The Leopard Man said that this is why Quetzalcoatl joined the Goddess Alliance.

The original plan was to get the Holy Grail of Uruk first.

No other goddess can destroy all mankind.

"Miss Koyatel is such a good sister." Guda couldn't help but say.

Quetzalcoatl: "——This is too foul.

I haven't been able to be a good sister at all..."

However, she claimed that she would get along well with Gorgon next time.


People were slightly stunned, and then thought of Quetzalcoatl's tolerance and kindness towards Gorgon, which they had revealed before.

Thinking of Quetzalcoatl's true form, and thinking about the appearance of Gorgon,

Hmm... I seemed to understand something for a moment, something similar...

Do you think of Gorgon as a younger sister?

Before anyone could react, the vision in front of them changed and they came to an open space outside the house.

At this time, Mashu and Ishtar are staying here.

Matthew: “Miss Ishtar?

Are you taking a break? "

Ishtar smiled and said, "Yeah. Looking at Uruk while blowing the evening breeze.

Where is Matthew? Not with Fujimaru Ritsuka? "

Ishtar was very peaceful at this time,

His eyes were deep, and he didn't look as bad as during the day.

That Ishtar who showed off her beauty from time to time because of embarrassing things,

That Ishtar who was dumbfounded because of the treasure,

And this upright Ishtar with an unpredictable smile in front of me, which one is her original nature?

It’s so confusing for people.

When Mashu replied to Ishtar, Guda was tidying up the room and cleaning.

Ishtar smiled and said: "Ah. That's nothing, it's really strange.

Very much like that guy.

Obviously Uruk will disappear tomorrow,

Or maybe I can defeat God Tiamat and return to the original era. "

Everyone was a little confused after hearing this.

Cleaning the room?

Well, if it were them,

During this time, I don’t have the inclination to do anything else.

Just the immense pressure of facing Tiamat could crush them;

What about inner anxiety? No?

People thought of Guda who was just talking and laughing with Quetzalcoatl and the others.

In the blink of an eye, he ran to clean up the house again.

Some of them are incomprehensible, and the mood is complicated——

Matthew: "This... no, although I don't want to say unfounded things, but I feel that not only did the seniors not think about the future where Uruk will be destroyed,

I don't feel empty because I have to leave here.

It's just a matter of course and courtesy.

Because we have never been stuck in a city for such a long time. "

Ishtar said that she probably didn’t have feelings anymore.

Is it a natural thing for humans to do?

What's the meaning?

Everyone was slightly startled.

Then I heard Ishtar smile and say, it seems you have experienced a lot of partings.

Don't look at separation from a pessimistic perspective.

“Parting must come.

If you feel sad about this, you will not be able to go on in life.

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