What an incredible thing! Destined fate! The future!

People’s breathing could not help but become rapid——

For people, the so-called future...it should originally be unknown, mysterious and exciting.

But I always want to explore,

But once you really know it, you will feel scared again, worried that it is not the fate you want.

Regarding the incomplete fragments seen by clairvoyants, those desperate scenes made them even more breathless.


Although Tiamat's problem has not been truly solved yet,

But does it also prove that the future can be changed? !


The incoherent feeling is indescribable.

Gilgamesh: "I recognize the value of those who still struggle with the fate of death today.

Because those people have crossed the end of this era. "

People's hearts were touched by these words, and they became fans of Wangquan!


...King Gilgamesh, as expected...you have known this for a long time.

He knew that Uruk would be destroyed, but he still fought until now.

Afterwards, people heard Wang say that it was not just him...

After he saw that future, he told the people of Uruk,

“Uruk will be destroyed in half a year.

This is an outcome that cannot be changed. "

ah……! !

People were stunned at this moment.

If Wang is the only one who still fights and works hard despite knowing the established facts, people will only attribute it to Wang's strong and determined heart.

But everyone—!

Did he actually know the fact that he would perish from the beginning?

Taking a deep breath, they could not imagine what kind of determination they had to fight steadfastly for half a year.

Even a desperate future cannot crush the people of Uruk, this era... and the greatness of humanity in this era is touching,

Gilgamesh: "No need to say more about what happened next.

Because you have witnessed all of Uruk. "

After hearing this, people suddenly thought,


They, they... aren't they also witnessing the story of Uruk?

For some reason, they suddenly felt a different kind of deep emotion at this time.

Gilgamesh: "Yes, you should smile, Mash Kyriad.

If a look of pity appears on your face at this moment,

I will personally send you to that world (the underworld). "

Wang claimed that he originally felt that there was no need to defeat the three goddesses and that it didn't matter if they were left alone.

The goddesses will eventually self-destruct.

Once they were defeated, God Tiamat would appear, but in the end he chose to recognize the Chaldean Master.

...to find out the reason.

In the soothing background music of foul play,

Then people heard——

The king said: "But you helped the people of Uruk, loved this land, and chose to fight against the goddesses.

This choice leads to this result.

Saved five hundred lives that would have died. That's something to be proud of. It is by no means a wasted effort. "

Then while Roman seemed to be resting, Wang said another surprising thing.

So far——

Although the six singularities they experienced have been corrected, the dead lives will not be resurrected during this process.

To die is to really die.

What once the human body is solved,

All the things that happened at the singularity will be restored, and their activities will not live in anyone's memory.

All of the above...!

[——This is a lie! 】

Regarding the king’s assertion,

People's eyes widened in shock, and at the same time,

"No...it can't be. Doesn't that mean..." Everyone lost their voice,

It could have been that human history could return to normal, and those innocent people who had been sacrificed could come back, and use this reason to comfort themselves.

As long as human nature is restored, everything can return to its original happiness and happy ending——! !


Didn't that kind of future exist from the beginning?

When the facts were revealed and the truth turned out to be more cruel than imagined,

People were shaken.

That is real life, living human beings!

The dead will not be resurrected. How could this be like nothing happened?

And Wang also has an explanation for this——

Although human history is self-correcting,

But that's just treating the fact of being 'killed by an evil dragon' as 'being killed by a wild beast'.

The same goes for Uruk;

Even if the god Tiamat is finally defeated.

The First Dynasty of Uruk would still be destroyed.

The only difference is whether it was destroyed by God,

Or was it replaced by later generations due to decline? This explanation has just changed.

"So our battle so far..." Guda.

Everyone's mood became a little heavy and their hands were shaking.

The king suddenly laughed: "Yes. It's not 'disappeared into nothing'. Didn't I tell you to stand up and stand up?"

[You guys have indeed saved many lives. 】

In the text version of the epic, Wang's words are highlighted in bold and black, making people's pupils shrink involuntarily.

People were shocked——

They looked up at the king.

What's the meaning?

Then those who thought carefully about the king’s words,

Uh...! ! I seem to understand something.

Thinking of those who could not be saved,

But they never thought about the people who had been saved.

Isn’t this a huge undertaking?

The six singular points represent the six eras,

They saved Guda and others for several eras.

Wang told Guda that you were not deceived by the idea that everything could be repaired anyway, but instead stubbornly and clumsily tried your best to save one life after another...

This is how we are today, and so many people have been saved.

When Gilgamesh smiled and said these words,

A warm feeling flows in people's hearts,

People actually have a sense of pride,

It was like seeing their own children finally grow up and become talents. They also witnessed this great cause together, witnessed the last master of mankind, and witnessed the growth of heroes.

At this moment, people thought a lot,

For example, Guda and others once escorted refugees to Hassan Village.

It was clear that he was very stable with such a large number of people, and even if he had to fight Gawain, he insisted that he would not take the opportunity to escape.


This scene, which was originally an extremely ordinary scene, is now recalled, resurfaced, and reorganized one by one.

Only then did people realize how admirable these people (Guda, Mashu and the others) had done.

Those choices are not meaningless.

It turns out that it’s not just about simply pursuing peace of mind.

But truly, no less worthy of any hero’s great deeds!

Chapter 1,034: Reunion at Heavenly Hill, Hill of Oath!

Gilgamesh: “After all, there can be no prosperity in nature without sacrifice.

The profits and losses are always right.

Only when many things are lost can many things be built. "

Wang said that even if the Magic King did not use the Holy Grail to disrupt the world, there would be other negative effects of the same degree.

Therefore, there is no need to blame yourself too much for those who have failed to save the tragedy that has already occurred.

This reminds people of those final trials of mankind.

Why is this planet so troubled? Thinking of this, people couldn't help but shudder.

And why did the doctor deceive Guda and Mashu?

Can’t bear to act with the psychological burden on Guda?

However - I haven't thought about it for long,

People suddenly thought of Siduli's disappearance,

If it is true as Wang said,

Then Siduli can’t come back either? !

Wow! ! When I think of this, people feel like crying again!

And on the other side,

Gilgamesh continued: "The good and evil on this scale will be measured by the morality of that era.

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