Even if the tide of chaos comes in now, it doesn't matter anymore!

Buildings that once held precious memories have also been swallowed up.

Guda and Mashu must also be feeling sad and uncomfortable, right?

And has the tower under their feet become the last symbol of this era?

People at this moment can't help but be distracted by the scene of the end of this world.

That is another alternative beauty called desperate beauty! Incomparably poignant!

The people fought and died to protect the last glory and dignity,

In order to prove to the gods that they could open up the possibility of the future, their bones were buried on this land.

Everything is gone...

But mankind will not stop and will continue to look to the future.

At this moment, the people standing on the tower in the breeze seemed to feel something——

Everyone couldn't help but shed tears from the corners of their eyes.

The blacksmith's son murmured: "Is this the last scene for mankind to face the end of the world!"

He knew that everything before him was the common choice of all the people of Uruk.

The path that has been decided long ago——

They really fought to the last moment,

Even though the entire army was wiped out, he still felt proud and proud inexplicably!

for a moment,

It seemed that he understood why Wang wanted to take a good look at the scene in front of him.

He opened his mouth slightly, but couldn't close it anymore. He was full of words but didn't know where to start, and he stopped talking——

In the end, people chose silence, but their bodies were still shaking.

The anxiety that Timayat had surpassed Nabistin disappeared in everyone's hearts unconsciously.

And on the other side,

Although it was only a written version of the epic, Harut seemed to feel the unspeakable loneliness.

Although he failed, the enemy is the Mother Goddess of Creation...

Being able to do this as a human being is already a great achievement worthy of praise.

Harut took a deep breath,

At the same time, I also felt a huge pressure for the future and atmosphere in the epic,


At this time, no one has the courage to bear this despair alone.

"One day, our world will come to an end and the same situation will appear!"

This heavy heart cannot be relieved in the slightest.

It’s so…powerless!

In the face of such a disaster, everyone is as weak as an ant.

And at this moment——

In the epic, Ishtar also begins to condemn that this is too much.

Does the god Tiamat really hate humans so much?

Gilgamesh said that the beast's voice cannot be conveyed to us.

And maybe that guy has no self-awareness at all?

Gilgamesh: "That is an organization that will destroy the world as long as it exists.

From the moment she became one of the evils of mankind,

She is no longer the God Tiamat you heard from your father. "

Ishtar couldn't help but complain, how could she stop her mother?

If there is no object to release hatred from, there is no way to stop it.

This statement makes people feel powerless in their hearts——

Gilgamesh said, "That's right. The many beings bred by the god Tiamat——

As long as ancient Mesopotamia disappears, this evil will end. "

As soon as Wang said these words, the entire atmosphere became even more deadly in an instant.

Want all of Mesopotamia to disappear——!

This is no different from asking people to just finish playing.

This kind of thing is even more unacceptable!

Boom~! At this moment, there was a loud noise from the city gate,

The tide of chaos completely crossed the walls of Uruk, and the god Tiamat finally descended here!

People all looked in the direction of the sound,

——You actually caught up so quickly?

They looked at the huge figure with trembling eyes,

Gritting his teeth tightly——

The city gate is broken! That means that the last eight people also died in the battle...

At this time, everyone seemed to be equipped with clairvoyance, and suddenly found that they could directly and clearly see the distant scenery.

And the figures of those soldiers have been swallowed up - they can no longer be seen.

Not to mention humans, even Servants wouldn't be able to survive in that kind of purgatory.

Faced with this desperate scene,

King Gilgamesh's figure still stood upright, becoming the only thing that could make them feel at ease.

He stood directly at the front of the crowd and began to conduct the final battle command.

The king spoke to Ishtar: "Fly to the dome of the sky and wait directly under the sun that passes through these dark clouds!

I will give instructions soon! "

Ishtar: “...I understand.

Fujimaru Ritsuka, I’ll leave this guy to you.

He is obviously a human being, but he is extremely confident.

Keep an eye on him for me and don't let him do anything random. "


Listening to Ishtar's words,

...People suddenly realized that the king was only a human body!

That reassuring majestic body,

It is not tall, nor does it have the strong body of a Servant.

But as long as his figure has not fallen,

It’s as if the country of Uruk still exists!

This strange feeling is really...


Chapter 1,049: The King's Cannon, this is Uruk's last tenacity! Look, stars!

Guda: "Leave it to me!"

It's probably because Wang's aura is too strong and he always looks so calm.

Affected by it, infected by that spirit,

People have never doubted whether Gilgamesh alone can represent the whole of Uruk.

Ishtar: "Thank you. Having you following him makes me feel relieved.

That's it, see you later! "

After saying that, Ishtar flew into the sky.

Gilgamesh: "Idiot, it's not Fujimaru Ritsuka who follows me!

Instead, I should follow Fujimaru Ritsuka! "

Everyone was a little surprised: they refuted it almost subconsciously!

And Gilgamesh: "Huh? That's not right. Hey, we'll talk about details like this later!"

Wang, who sensed something was wrong, became a little unhappy.

With Gilgamesh's attitude towards his Master...

It would be even more absurd for the king to follow his minister (master).

Rarely, after this incident, people's moods relaxed a lot, but they still looked nervously in the direction of Tiamat.

At this moment, Gilgamesh suddenly reminded: "You must not relax, just watch carefully here, Fujimaru Ritsuka!"

People were stunned for a moment, but they didn't take this sentence too seriously at this time...

Although the king's clairvoyance can always see those bad endings in advance,

But Wang also said before that he couldn't even see the subsequent scenes...

Immediately afterwards, the background music in people's ears changed,

The magnificent BGM that belongs exclusively to King Gilgamesh sounded, making people slightly absent-minded.

Then they heard the king’s cry in their ears!

Under the spotlight,

At the end of the world, on the last tower of mankind,

The king of Uruk shouted loudly: "Let Tiamat see Uruk's last courage (tenacity)!"

people:……! ! ! !

They saw the king summoning a magic book from the void, and then a halo formed by dazzling golden lines floated and flowed on the pages of the book.

Gilgamesh: "Keep your eyes open!"

At this moment, people’s vision changes rapidly,

They saw the divine seals rising in the distance!

"That... that's... how is that possible!" The blacksmith's son turned pale with horror.

The doctor's shocking words directly touched the hearts of countless people, "There is no lapis lazuli, not even soldiers.

Dingir’s theocratic seal was actually moved! "

In response to this exclamation, the king shouted majestically: "Who am I, the king!"

As if questioning in reverse,

People suddenly woke up...

yes--! He is the king! It's King Gilgamesh!

Although this kind of scene seems incredible to others, it is completely impossible.

But any miracle, as long as it is related to the king, is a matter of course, right?

Such a proud and proud tone made people shocked and convinced, and their bodies and minds seemed to be inspired and jumped for joy.

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