Ereshkigal: "Give the intruders the punishment of our underworld!

Everyone, attack with all your strength——! "

boom! ! The next moment, bright red beams of light gathered from all directions, like a volley of thousands of swords, and directly bombarded Tiamat.

The huge momentum was not inferior to the previous scenes of the liberation of the other goddess's Noble Phantasms.

Seeing Tiamat being hit continuously by bright red beams all over the sky, and being covered by a rain of attacks for a while,

People's hearts trembled,

Ereshkigal: "How? It's not a big deal at all.

Even the god Tiamat is just an ordinary god in the underworld. "

Looking at Tiamat who was suppressed by her fierce offensive, Airei once again showed a confident smile.

Then she couldn't help but said: "In the face of the general attack of my Garula spirits,

It’s simply not vulnerable to a single blow—it’s not vulnerable to…a single blow—”

While talking, people noticed that Ailei's voice suddenly became softer, and her whole body was broken into a cold sweat in fear, and her pupils shrank... as if they had seen something extremely terrifying!

! ?

For a time, a strong and uneasy premonition surged into people's hearts.

What's wrong?

Chapter 1544: The underworld is full of flowers, and Ai Lei’s wish has come true!

Isn't it said that it is vulnerable? !

In that case, why do you still show that expression?

When people subconsciously turned their heads to look at Tiamat again, their eyes suddenly widened in horror and their mouths widened.

Wait, that-that's it? What!

Ereshkigal: "Wh-what-"

Roman: "The tide of chaos begins to invade the underworld!

Not good! If this continues, the underworld will be invaded! "

As Roman said literally,

At this time - the red and black mud of the Chaos Tide is constantly surging from under Ti Ma.

What scares people is the defensive shell formed by the huge black mud in front of them.

While the black mud wrapped around Ti Ma and protected it, it also began to spread, trying to erode the entire underworld!

This horrifying thing made people feel a chill and tremble all over their bodies.

Originally, they thought that with Ailei's final blow, everything would be over...

Who could have imagined that such a scene would happen again.

The goddess of the underworld dropped her chain at a critical moment——? !

For a moment, it felt as if someone had strangled their necks and throats. People were so frightened that their lips trembled and they could not speak.

Roman: “Not only that…what kind of reaction is this!?

Beast II's spiritual reaction expands further!

The spirit base returns to the age of gods and enters the Jurassic Period!

This is no longer divinity, it is undoubtedly the body of God! "

Ereshkigal was almost crying from fright. At this time, his face was haggard and gray, and a group of people panicked: "Hey, hey, hey—!?

What, what, what happened! ? "

"Did I mess up something——!?" When I heard Ereshkigal say this with lack of confidence, panic and fear.


Not to mention that the scene in front of me should be caused by the underestimated power of the Mother Goddess of Creation.

Even those humans with bad personalities were sweating profusely as they looked at the transforming figure of Tiamat, and their hearts were instinctively warning frantically - danger, danger, danger!

——Extremely dangerous!

At this time, people had no intention of blaming Ailei.

Roman's next words shocked people even more, and at the same time, their hearts suddenly fell to the bottom:

"The spiritual base expansion project has been stopped, and it is confirmed that the magic furnace heart has been continuously restarted...!

The damage suffered when falling into the underworld has gradually recovered! "

——Spiritual base expansion? Injury recovery? !

This is absolutely desperate news!

People cursed inwardly.

How to fight this? !

The plan has been successfully carried out to the last step.

After being introduced to the underworld, Ti Ma not only was not knocked down, but her injuries recovered instantly, and she also showed a tendency to get stronger the more she fought?

"Is the God of Creation really such a pervert?!" Gudong, Hermitus swallowed,

This powerful immortality and the power that continues to show,

It seems to be evolving endlessly——!

They never know whether the power they see now is just the tip of the iceberg deliberately displayed by the other party.

This feeling is really chilling and scary.

Roman: "——It's coming out...! That's——"

With Roman's words, people's tension increased to the highest level.

Roman: "That's what BeastII really looks like!"

The wind - suddenly stopped!

Then Tima’s depressing BGM sounded again,

Amidst the huge roar, everyone saw Ti Ma, who had completely transformed into the form of a beast. She stood on all fours and had an extremely good figure.

So, so big——! So white——!


The men all swallowed their saliva subconsciously,

However, when they saw Tima's head that had turned into a beast form——

...! ! !

Suddenly, the fire in their hearts was suddenly extinguished.

Xingxingtong's animal head, dragon-shaped posture...

Although her eyes were beautiful and her figure was not to be mentioned, people still couldn't accept her inhuman head.

Large-scale lovelorn scene——?

or? A small number of people are more excited?

For a moment, everyone was in mixed moods.

Ereshkigal said in horror: "Impossible! No matter how you look at it, it's impossible!

We can't defeat that thing!"

At the same time, Tima began to give birth to a large number of Lahmu in the underworld.

The Lahmu that rushed out of the tide of chaos were even more different from the Lahmu in the outside world, and even had a humanoid body shape.

This strange Lahmu made people subconsciously feel bad.

And Ailei also began to talk about the underworld being swallowed by the waves...

The whole person was panicking!

? ? ? : "Don't say discouraging words, you fool!

Does this look count as the god of the country of the dead, meow-!"

Accompanied by the familiar voice, the next moment people saw the leopard man descend and directly slashed a Lahmu with a knife.

Leopard man: "Anyway, it's really a pity that you can do this, Fujimaru Ritsuka!"

Rush to the rescue at the critical moment!

People were delighted at first, they didn't expect the leopard man to survive.

They didn't see Tiamat attacking the city before, they thought the leopard man was dead, right?

But when they thought of Tiamat's frightening beast form at this time,

even if there was one more leopard man, there was no guarantee that Guda and others could defeat him.

Who knows how much stronger Tiamat has become now? !

At this time, the leopard man urged Ere to continue to launch the Noble Phantasm attack,

although Ere said that the attack seemed to be useless against Tiamat.

Leopard man: "Even if it doesn't work, we have to fight!

Listen carefully, after all, the god Tiamat is now in the weakest state!

If he's not here! Rely on us! If you find a way, not only will humans perish, but even the planet will be destroyed!"

The weakest? ! !

Everyone looked at the leopard man in disbelief, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

You call this terrifying Beast II, this real beast form, the weakest state?

But after hearing Roman's analysis, if Tiamat returns to the surface, the black mud will engulf the planet——

People's faces turned ugly without considering Tiamat's current strength.

It's a dead end now!

Tiamat must be killed in the underworld, but...

Ereshkigal: "But the black mud is everywhere!?

How can we fight normally in this state——"

As Elly's words just fell,

A shocking change appeared in front of people...

Ereshkigal was suddenly frightened and opened his mouth and shouted: "What is that——!?"

At the same time, the whole piece of black mud suddenly turned into countless beautiful and dreamy flowers.

The flowers bloomed...

"This flower, could it be——!" Guda.

People also stared at the scene in front of them in a daze.

What, what? The black mud disappeared, but the underworld is now full of flowers? What is this?

The wish that Ereshkigal had revealed in his voice

was actually realized at this moment! People were stunned for a while, what's going on?

Roman: "Has the power of the Chaos Tide ceased!?

No, has it run out of power and turned into pure mud!?

Although it is unbelievable——

But those flowers are draining the power of the god Tiamat!"

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