Andersen's "conscience" finally came back.

On the other side of the battlefield, the Lake Knight Lancelot escorted the captives back to the city, but encountered an ambush by Lucius's army.

But Lancelot was very alert to find the traces of the opposite side and fought a classic battle against the ambush.

This made Claire and the others startled, from worry at the beginning to cheering happily later.

The readers finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's not a complete loss! There is still a chance! We must believe in Arthur, he will definitely lead Britain to drive away the invaders!

... Knight Lancelot evolved his martial arts to the extreme on the battlefield.

Lancelot's relatives witnessed with their own eyes on this day, the terrifying fighting skills that cannot be described in words, and he killed through the entire battlefield alone.

The silver-white armor staged a beautiful waltz in the blood.

Wherever there are many people, she will charge there.

When Rhine saw this, she couldn't help but tighten the pages of the book with her ten fingers, and a smile from the heart appeared on her face.

"As expected, Lord Lancelot is called the 'flower of knights'!"

I just don't know what the relationship is between him and the Knight Lancelot in the book? !

Rhine thought curiously.

She recalled the mysterious and handsome figure of the black knight in her mind again.

The Lancelot in the book should not be the same person she knew.

She has seen the true face of the black knight under the armor, and he is a very handsome boy.

Thinking of this, Rhine blushed.

And in the story, because Lancelot won a beautiful victory.

The Senate of Rome also held an emergency meeting, and they persuaded the Sword Emperor Lucius to withdraw his troops temporarily.

The Sword Emperor did not agree.

Afterwards, inspired by the great victory, the Round Tables fought more and more fiercely. After several battles, Lancelot and Arthur's army gradually formed an encirclement and finally trapped the Sword Emperor Lucius in the Sassoon Valley.

Something that surprised the surrounding small countries that did not participate in the war actually happened.

Britain, with a military force of less than 200,000, actually fought back and defeated the Roman army, and finally surrounded the Roman Sword Emperor in a dead end.

Even the evil giant guards could not protect Lucius.

They all knew that Arthur defeated the Constantine "giant".

That was the strongest among them. No one wanted to touch the brow of the invincible great king when they knew they could not win.

So... the Knight King, who could no longer be stopped, rushed to the front of the people with a broken steel sword in his hand.

The light of the holy sword in his hand inspired countless knights to follow fearlessly and rush towards the powerful Roman soldiers.

Even at this time, Lucius was unwilling to escape.

"Warn my compatriots. Today = we must fight hard. Even if we die in battle, we must never forget the glory of our Romans who once dominated the world. I will never allow Rome to surrender to the feet of Great Britain."

The Sword Emperor was not afraid of death. He hated another thing that was more terrifying than death - that is, the spine of the Romans was about to be pierced by the British!

In order to save the last blood of the Romans, Lucius's blood-red eyes looked at Arthur, who was at the forefront of the enemy.

The murderous intent in his eyes was so full that it seemed to overflow.

"Is it time for a decisive battle?" Rhine's expression tightened, and countless readers began to pray in their hearts when they saw this.

'You must win! Arthur! '

'You can do it, you have become the king who can bring happy smiles to everyone. You will definitely not be defeated here. '

The Sword Emperor suddenly slashed at Arthur with a sword.

"Lucius...!" After Arthur found out who was coming, he took the sword slashed by the Sword Emperor with a solemn and serious expression.

Amid the shouts of countless soldiers around them, Lucius and Arthur only had the sound of swords clashing and the figures of each other in their ears and retinas.

At this moment, it seemed as if only the two of them were left in the center of the world;

--'a red dragon' and 'a ferocious wild boar that was about to hit his chest'.

"Arthur Pendragon!" The Sword Emperor muttered the name that made him extremely disgusted viciously.

At this moment, the same illustration as the cover appeared in front of people.

On the battlefield covered with dark clouds and smoke, the magic sword and the holy sword clashed, and the swords were close together.

The handsome red-haired man with fierce wolf-like eyes was looking at Arthur.

Fierce sparks collided in their eyes.

"That is a strong enemy that can bring pressure to the great king like us." Across Avalon, Merry whispered softly in the Tower of Paradise.

'But he can't win. …The sword in Arthur’s hand is not a man-made weapon, but a divine weapon forged from the planet, a treasure standing at the top of the holy sword! ’

‘God-made, weapon! ? ’

People hadn’t had time to recover from the surprise of ‘Merry’s’ reappearance, and Merry’s words made them confused and stunned.

And the next sentence made their pupils shrink.

‘Using people’s beliefs as raw materials, it is one of the ultimate divine weapons that crystallizes inside the planet as the strongest fantasy. ’

Such a setting that people dare not imagine at all shocked everyone!

They had always thought that the ‘holy sword’ was also a kind of ‘magic weapon’, but the ‘strongest fantasy’ in Merry’s mouth broke their guess!

An unknown and powerful feeling instantly enveloped these readers.

‘It sounds so powerful, it seems rarer and more powerful than the magic weapon! ? ’

Peng! ! Sword Emperor Lucius suddenly held the sword with one hand, and punched Arthur in the face with his other free hand.

"Ahem!!" He coughed a few times, and Arthur was knocked away, with a slightly swollen wound appearing on his face.

‘What a strength! ’

When it comes to swordsmanship, the two are equally matched.

The opponent's magic sword was made of who knows what, but it could actually cut against his broken steel sword for so long.

Arthur, who had the heart of a red dragon in terms of strength, could not completely suppress Lucius.

If you want to defeat the opponent, then you have to try that one!

By transforming the owner's magic power into light, he then swung a sword from below.

Boom! ! In a thunderstorm, under a gloomy sky...

The two slashed at each other again, and the sound of metallic fireworks filled the air.

Lucius and Arthur stared at each other, even though they were hit by each other's sword several times, they still didn't scream.

These two people are the first-class heroes in the world, possessing a strong and determined will that is far beyond the reach of ordinary people. If they had not met here, both of them would have had the qualifications to leave a profound mark in history.


‘Kill him, I will definitely be able and must kill Arthur. ’ There was fire dancing in Lucius’s eyes.

He is strong, confident, aloof, and fierce...

He believed in his own strength and bravely attacked Arthur again, but——

He definitely didn't expect what was waiting for his next blow!

...At this time, Arthur on the opposite side was not rushing towards Lucius.

Looking at Lucius who was charging towards him, Arthur pressed the sword with both hands uncharacteristically, pointing the tip of the sword towards the ground.

"EX——" Arthur's firm voice rang loudly on the battlefield, even the noisy shouts of killing could not cover it up.

The dragon factor roared in the body, and the magic power in the body boiled completely.

Countless readers followed it closely until this point, not daring to make a sound, and started reading quickly with their eyes wide open.

"Magic?! Inject magic into the holy sword!?" Looking behind him, Rhine stood up abruptly after knowing what Arthur was doing.

‘How is that possible! ’ The girl’s eyes widened in excitement, and her beautiful eyes were stunned.

Her heart pounded.

This, this is the combination of 'magic and sword skills'! ! !

That skill that once only existed in human fantasy and was difficult to realize is about to be realized in Arthur!

Chapter 116 The ‘ideal savior’ really exists!

"——calibur!!" Arthur shouted the term loudly.

"Roaring light" roared past people's eyes.

Lucius used his five senses to capture this arrogant and unreasonable light that wanted to invade the world in front of him.

"—Not good!!" Lucius.

boom! ! !

In the shining torrent of light, the sky that should have been shrouded in clouds was instantly reflected white.

The light cannon struck Lucius mercilessly, and the magic sword blocking him broke into pieces without any buffering effect. Bang!

Then came the pillar of light that seemed to connect the sky and the earth!

Boom! ! Amidst the muffled thunder, under countless sights...

The Romans and the Britons, together they witnessed the light that seemed to burn everything, even piercing the retina, and finally completely penetrated the battlefield and the Roman Sword Emperor.


It’s so unreasonably powerful!

The Holy Swordsman of the Stars! ’

With this final unwilling thought, Lucius fell with the light, leaving a devastated world behind him.

Not only Lucius fell with that blow, but also the giant army standing behind him and countless Roman armies.

The Roman army, which was still fiercely resisting Britain, finally lost the will to fight under this all-consuming light cannon.

The Roman survivors who survived were all frightened by this god-like terrifying power and did not dare to be enemies with Arthur.

And Arthur's blow achieved the same glory as Baling's blow.

However, Baling's tragic blow harmed three countries, and the Knight King's blow completely defeated the Roman Empire. It not only drove away the invaders, but also released countless small countries controlled by Rome.

It's almost like a 'savior' figure.

That pale silver figure has become the only one on the battlefield.

The battle with Lucius ends here.

People were reminiscing about Arthur's last blow, but they still looked at that page of illustrations in shock.

Just the description between the lines made Claire and the others have countless reveries.

The girls looked at the illustration, the beam of light that went straight to the sky and the earth, with blood in their minds constantly boiling, imagining that grand and magnificent scene.

‘So does this world really exist? Is there a hero who can save the world by himself? ’ At this moment, even many warriors who had long lost their childhood fantasies couldn’t help but tremble as they looked at the illustrations in the book and thought.

That kind of truth will definitely be defeated by reality when you grow up, telling you that "heroes" are not as ideal and beautiful as you imagined.

Especially in Andersen's Dark Souls, this principle is infinitely amplified by the "Flan Undead Team" and "Ashes".

Now they seemed to have found the original touch in Arthur.

The ‘ideal hero’ actually exists.


He did it, Arthur really did it. And this strike was far beyond their expectations.

A man full of brilliance, as gentle and shining as the morning sun. A king who loves kindness, believes in justice, and is extremely gentle.

This is the knight that gives readers such an impression.

The holy sword knight who punishes evil and promotes good and believes in justice, which only exists in fantasy, is here.

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