That black mud is a real problem.

When the flower magician crawled back from underneath, I wonder if Guda and Mashu were all swallowed up by the black mud.

"..." Everyone.

Is this considered extreme joy leading to sorrow?

And at this time——

Just when Roman was anxiously persuading Guda and Mashu to distance themselves first,

To avoid being completely eroded by the tide of chaos!

Guda said firmly: "But I can't retreat at this time...!"

Now that the matter has come to this, it doesn’t matter even if it gets corroded...! "

People were dumbfounded when they heard this,

Although I also knew that Guda wanted to seize the only opportunity to defeat Tiamat before she left the underworld,


What if Guda was eroded and turned into Rahmu.

A terrifying scene of Chaos Evil Rahmu appeared in people's minds.

The image was so strong that it made them shudder!


——This is absolutely not possible!

That outcome is really too bad...!

Fortunately, when people started to panic, Mashu stood up in time: "...Then let me be the master's shield!

If you are swallowed alive by black mud, you will turn into other creatures...

Then he is no longer a senior!

But as a follower of Ya,

It should be able to hold on for a while!

doctor! Since the Master plans to stay, I also want to stay! "


When people think of Mashu’s Noble Phantasm, their eyes light up!

Yes, the defensive power of Mashu's shield is not ordinary.

If the true name of the Noble Phantasm is liberated now, it should be able to hold on for a while?

However, people heard Roman say in a deep voice: "Matthew...!"

But based on your body, it’s already——”

? ? ? : "What are you talking about?

If the battle cannot last for a long time, then the winner will be determined in one breath.

Or are you worried about the lack of firepower?

If so, there is nothing we can do. Let me give you a helping hand. "

A familiar voice suddenly came from above behind people,

Everyone was shocked, and their eyes showed disbelief.

——Then, that voice is...? !

Matthew was also surprised and said: "You... are -"

When people look up,

The golden king appeared in people's eyes with his bare upper body, tattooed with bright red lines of the Age of Gods, and his hair as if it had been re-erected with hairspray.

When the corner of the king's mouth slightly curved, his bright red eyes looked down invincibly.

People opened their mouths in shock.

"King Gilgamesh?!"

Chapter 1600: The existence of growing up and embarking on a journey - Mother, the child has grown up

"No, it's impossible... shouldn't the king have already-" The little princess and the others were a little confused.

Didn’t Wang get trampled to death by Ti’s mother in the end? But cheating death...

He hid aside and fixed himself, then went back to the throne to apply hairspray and then came back?

Seeing the king who was supposed to be dead reappear in front of me,

People were shocked in many ways.

Gilgamesh: "Servant, Archer.

Hero King Gilgamesh,

Because it's really noisy, I'm here to help you. "

No matter how confused people are, how excited and palpitating their inner emotions are,

At this time, the slightly outlined corners of the king's face had completely turned into a smile.

That expression seemed to say——

‘Unexpectedly, this king is back again!

What a joyful reunion. ’

Gilgamesh: "It's no big deal, we've come this far.

This level of violation of common sense (rules) is still within the allowable range, right? "

Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck!

People held it in for a long time, and their hearts felt like a herd of grass and mud horses galloping past.

Guda: "Gold...!!!"


In fact, compared to the wise king whom we met again at the seventh singularity point,

The king in front of me is probably more familiar to the original Guda.

——The attitude of Gilgamesh when he first met him!

And people who hear the word gold,

At this moment, looking at the glittering skirt and armor, the completely changed attire,

People could not help but gradually widen their eyes.

This gesture is unexpectedly - visceral! ?

This is the first time people from another world have seen this kind of skirt-style male armor.

Surprisingly handsome!

But in their perception, shouldn’t that kind of flat style be worn by women?

Do all truly strong men like to wear skirts? !

Are they too outdated or... well, hemline = a symbol of strength? (Liked by Kamen Rider Wizard and Kamen Rider Cronus,)

No matter how shocked the people on the side are,

The epic plot continued, and Mashu couldn't help but said happily: "You are safe and sound, King Gilgamesh!"

Gilgamesh: "Humph. This king is just more aware of current affairs.

After all, this is the underworld. There is still some leeway. "

Underworld? !

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then came to their senses.

Those related to the underworld are naturally the undead.

Did Gilgamesh catch some loophole in the underworld?

Only then did people remember that Wang claimed to be Archer when he appeared on the stage just now.

That's a job agency for heroic spirits!

Could it be that the current king came back as a servant after his death?

Everyone looked at the king in shock,

It turns out that this can be done! Even if it is theoretically correct, but people who should have died can be reborn in this way and continue to fight...

Wow~! People trembled in their hearts,

It still feels incredible!

Awesome, too awesome, should I say he is worthy of being the king.

Gilgamesh: "Also, God Tiamat.

After sensing death, he finally turned back into a god."

The king looked at Tiamat, and then his eyes became sharp.

Gilgamesh: "I don't have any hatred towards you.

Although the people of Uruk are angry at you, they don't hate you.

It's just that we are destined not to understand each other."

Speaking of this, the king closed his eyes slightly: "You are the existence of production and management,

We are the existence of growth and journey.

No matter how deep the feelings of the child are,

Sooner or later, they will leave their mother."

Gilgamesh suddenly opened his bright red eyes and shouted: "Let me prove it to you here!

Don't worry, I don't intend to insult your remains.

We no longer need the foundation of the world!

This time you will sleep completely in the kingdom of the dead!"

Since Gilgamesh appeared, he has been paying close attention to the development of the plot,

or rather, the originally concentrated mind has become more concerned!

Hermitos and the God of War watched Gilgamesh's speech in shock--

At this time, the hero king just fulfilled the story of humans and gods parting ways that has been emphasized in this epic.

This is the farewell between man and God--!

And those humans...

The blacksmith's son, the young nobleman, the little princess, and even other races, elves, vampires...

Any soul that has intelligence and is reading the epic was stunned at this moment.

They have always known that according to the future direction of the epic, humans will soon bid farewell to the gods.

But how to say goodbye, why to say goodbye——

For that definition, for that concept, let alone other races,

even those humans in other worlds who are humans themselves feel confused.

Even if you have thought of many reasons and seen many descriptions, you still feel a little empty in your heart.

One or two sentences, no matter how beautiful they are, are difficult to leave a deep impression on people.

And until this moment——

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