Roman showed a solemn expression: "Yes. You guys are like this just after you come back. I'm really sorry.

The time has finally come, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

This was interference from Solomon... no, it was pulling.

We analyzed the Holy Grail of the seventh singularity, and the result was a singularity that does not exist in human history——"


Everyone was dizzy and showed some confused expressions.

What does the doctor mean...? Because of the analysis of the final Holy Grail, a new singularity was born?

How is this possible?

Everyone's hearts were in turmoil.

Roman continued: "We derived the coordinates of the singularity where the Magic King Solomon lurks.

But, the same goes for the other person. The moment we know it, Solomon also knows the coordinates of Chaldea.

In other words - Chaldea is gradually merging with the Magic King's singularity. "

Guda: "Do you mean we are heading to the enemy's base camp?"

Hearing Guda's words, people's pupils shrank, the enemy's base camp——

Is this the time to finally face the mastermind behind the Burning of Humanity?

Da Vinci: "That's right. Another tricky thing is that in terms of spatial intensity, the opponent has an advantage.

If we continue to be pulled by each other, we will be destroyed, just like a star being sucked into a black hole. "

What is a black hole? What is a star? These two concepts have long been described in epics.

Even people who were prepared from the beginning heard such shocking and shocking news.

There was still a sense of fear in my heart.

... Gudong... (swallowing saliva)

Even if they haven't seen the scene at that time, people have already imagined a bizarre scene in their minds.

There seemed to be a huge, terrifying, despairing darkness. The image of easily swallowing up the light.

Swallowing the sun, its warm radiance, all in shadow.

Even the gods on this planet became insignificant before him.

Roman: "That's right. We need to hit Solomon before then. The coordinates of the singularity there have been determined, and the spirit particles can be transferred at any time.

...Although we also hope to complete the full combat test before challenging...

But it seems that this is not possible. ——We have no time. Neither do humans.

Solomon's purpose, the true face of the light belt, and what is the so-called burning of human reason.

All questions should be answered in this battle. "

People's mood is also as uneasy as before riding a roller coaster.

The nervousness also made my heart jump to my throat.

...The solemn feeling also infected them.

Is the epic story of saving humanity finally coming to an end?


The little princess and the others think about it, after the end of the first singularity point, they directly crossed over to the sixth singularity point.

Then all the way to the current seventh singularity point.

Her face twitched slightly, and her mood suddenly became very complicated, and her tension was much less.

The little princess suddenly felt that she had missed a lot of wonderful epics.

Damn it, most of the anticipation, nervousness and excitement about facing the final boss have disappeared, and now there is only a lot of dissatisfaction left.

Why not release all the epics in one go?

It's okay to just show the beginning and the final part.

What about the second, third, fourth, and fifth singular points in the middle?

ah? Where are her many epic poems?

Sure enough, since all the old thieves just skipped it,

They might as well skip the process and go straight to the result - vowing to fight the old thief An Tusheng sworn to death! Come out epic! ! Give birth to me! Work hard to survive!

As a mature rooster, he should learn to lay eggs by himself.

And those who regard Merlin as a true bard feel as if they have seen Merlin's evil face.

Big fire!

At the same time, in the immersive epic world,

Guda: "...finally...

At the end..."

Roman: "Yes. As the acting commander of Chaldea, I declare that we will enter the first level of combat status.

From today onwards, the lives of all Chaldean staff are entrusted to me, Romani Achiman. "

At this time, it is difficult for people to find the gentle smile on the doctor's face, and some are just extremely solemn.

The atmosphere in Chaldea at this time also made people feel a little heavy and breathless.

This is the first time a doctor has said the words asking others to give their lives to him.

He's not the type of chess player to sacrifice others;

When it comes to last resort, people have reason to believe that

Even when it came time to sacrifice someone to move forward, Roman would have the courage to step up.

If he hadn't been the master, and if he had to control the rear, maybe he would have followed Guda and others to the singularity to save humanity.

People have also learned about some previous epic dialogue plots,

The logistical tasks that doctors shoulder may be even more stressful and dangerous than those on the front line.

It has also been mentioned before that even a slight mistake in his mission may cause Guda and Mashu to be completely lost in the era of the singularity and never come back.

Carrying the heavy responsibility of two people's lives and saving humanity,

In such a tense state, calculating and working under a high load,

It would be difficult for any normal person to do this.

Chapter 1,772 If humans no longer need gods—!

But what kind of terrifying enemy is worthy of the doctor's seriousness.

Is King Solomon more terrifying than God Tiamat?

Everyone was a little worried,

but think about it, in the seventh singularity, at least there is the help of the goddesses and the king.

If it is to deal with King Solomon, they will probably have to rely on themselves.

Even if King Solomon is not as good as God Tiamat, without the help of others, this battle will only become more difficult.

In the end, the doctor gave the two a day to rest, and when they returned to this control room again, they started the final battle of Chaldea.


Roman: "The singularity to go to is called Solomon, the final singularity, the Grand Time Temple Solomon——!"

Roman left these last words in the epic.

The end——

Grand Time Temple!!

When people's appetite was fully whetted, the epic suddenly ended.

Yes, it was over.

There was no sign, or the content of the epic had been told, and it should have ended.

The suspense left at the end is probably the last story. The story of the final singularity that transcends the 7 singularities.

When people's consciousness exited the book,

they stood there in a daze, for one second, two seconds, three seconds, and so on--

until their pupils shrank slightly, and they reacted and made crazy sounds.

That's it?

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ~! ! ! !

At this moment, people finally recalled the fear of being dominated by Andersen.

Why didn't the final singularity come immediately after the story of the seventh singularity?

Wouldn't it be better to finish it in one go?

It left such a big suspense.

People can already foresee what kind of torment they will spend next, and it will be an extremely unpleasant time.

On the other hand--

when the Absolute Warcraft Front completely became popular on the continent.

The impact of this epic on humans is far more serious than the gods and humans imagined.

If the original epics would make humans alienated from the gods and lose their memories.

This time, the three goddesses have attracted countless fans, and even Tiamat, the final boss, is liked by many people, who love this poor mother.

Looking back at the seventh singularity, there is not a goddess that people really hate.

Even the Gorgon, who has not yet been fully transformed, has a pitiful past, and she has an inseparable relationship with Anna.

People do not have much disgust towards her.

If it were just that, it would be fine.

The most important thing is that in addition to this, there is the shocking farewell between humans and gods at the end.

Relying on their own strength, humans who even defeated the gods of creation not only let people see the possibilities of humans themselves, but also let the gods see the terrifying potential of humans.

Will such humans really need them, the gods, in the future?

Not to mention Hermitos, even the god of war was silent. No longer able to maintain their self-confidence.

Even if the mystery will not fade, one day, humans will develop to the point where they no longer need gods.

This is an inevitable trend.

So what role do they play in it? Do they force the bond between humans and gods like the gods of Mesopotamia, or do they choose to respect the choice of humans like the three goddesses who were persuaded...

Choose to let go -

Choose to return the path of growth and the future to humans themselves, no longer guide humans, and let them choose by themselves?

Absolute Warcraft Front is popular!

Even people in the distant East have heard of this story and regarded it as a legend.

And the farewell between humans and gods reflects more of a kind of growth and progress, rather than simply resisting and disrespecting gods.

This also allows people to look at this epic more rationally.

Even humans who have been blessed by the true good gods, those who have firm beliefs, have fallen into confusion and hesitation after seeing the final ending of the immersive epic.

If words on paper are ultimately shallow, then what about the legends happening before your eyes?

Witnessed with your own eyes that buried magnificent history, a myth that does not belong to formal history!

The shock of seeing it with their own eyes made them feel confused.

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