So the old king began to read those epic poems.

Chapter 1,778 What if there really is a god born from the faith of those two people!

It is worth mentioning that the wandering businessman not only brought the Absolute Warcraft Front, but also brought other epic works by Andersen.

Although he has not chased all the epics,

But thinking that since they were all the works of the same bard, they might have some similarities, I brought them all over in a hurry.

And when the old king finished reading the Absolute Warcraft Battlefront epic,

He froze——

Even after experiencing the immersive epic, his mood completely changed!

Before, I thought in despair that human beings were too weak to resist the gods.

In the blink of an eye, I saw that the legendary God of Creation had been stabbed? (Guda’s last dagger)

——The old king was stunned! ! The whole person was frightened for a long, long time.

...The final scene was so shocking that even the Mother Goddess of Creation was defeated. Even if I finally exited the immersive experience, I still couldn't recover for a long time.


His twilight body, which was originally filled with lifeless and unwilling energy, suddenly stood up, and his cloudy eyes regained their brilliance, as if his consciousness had just suddenly awakened from a state of confusion——! !

His eyes were finally fixed on other epics! ! Revealing the emotion of hunger and thirst!

He saw——!

He saw what the wandering merchant wanted to tell him!

That seed of hope for mankind to expand its future!

The day of farewell to God will indeed come!

Even though he couldn't actually save the country, it gave him a strong spiritual support.

The old king burst into tears and felt a sacred feeling in his heart. He began to read other epics crazily.

After reading the Epic of Gilgamesh, he became more profound about the thoughts of King Gilgamesh and the concept of the farewell between humans and gods. He became even more hungry and thirsty in his joy.

And after reading the epic of the Pharaoh, the beautiful steel city of the future, and the human urban civilization that is as bright and dazzling as stars at night,

He was so moved that he wanted to kiss this beautiful land! ! !

One after another was chased in one go,

The old king is like a gourmet, and will not miss any delicious bite.

Not to mention that you can find spiritual guidance in it,

The excitement of the story itself was enough to get him hooked.

Not to mention——

Even after humans lost their gods, they still moved forward with their heads high and established a proud civilization.

And those pictures are exactly the future world of mankind that he longs for.

How great it would be if the Kingdom of Lucia could also wait for that day!

After reading the last epic, the old king began to cry like a child——

Laugh out loud sometimes!

That was already three days later.

Even he didn't notice it, and he had been watching it for three days without sleep.

Although doing so makes the body feel completely hollowed out.

But at least, at least let him know that that road does exist, but he may not be able to wait for that day.

The old king began to envy the Kingdom of Uruk.

If the gods in charge of this land were like Ereshkigal and Ishtar in the epic, gods who would sincerely put human beings in their eyes,

That must be such a happy thing for the current Lucia Kingdom.

Even among the kings of the past, it would be better if a king as powerful as Gilgamesh could be born and lead humans to say goodbye to the gods completely.

Then why should he resist the gods——

He's just an ordinary human being who feels fear.

No one is not afraid of death, but there are things more terrifying than death!


The old king, who had read all the epic poems, suddenly became stunned while looking at one of the epic poems.

The font on the cover of that epic book is not Absolute Warcraft Front, but another epic book - Game Life Zero,

Whether it is the splendor or the tragic level of the story, it is the most outstanding among many epics.

And it goes without saying that the terrifying level of the mythical battle that created the world was unparalleled.

The role played by human beings is so brilliant that once you see it, you will never forget it.

Although it is not a farewell to God——

But he did something that even the gods could not do, challenged the gods and the world, and then——

The eternal war ended without anyone noticing.

The humans who survived tenaciously even in such a cruel world were given the name of the human species.

In comparison, the disasters suffered by the Kingdom of Lucia at this time are not worth mentioning.

Completely unequal despair——

"The only god... Star Cup..." Where did the only god go in the end? This question has actually occurred to many people who have watched the epic game of life for the first time.

Inevitably, the old king also imagined how exciting the story would be next.

And what will it be like in a world where the God of Games becomes the Supreme God and the only God ruling the planet?

Is that a myth spread in the distant past?

Or is it an epic from other world lines and other universes?

I have seen the truly shocking scene of the immersive epic,

The old king did not doubt the authenticity of the epic stories.

But if the God of Games is the only God who holds the power of the world, and as a God born from the beliefs of Riku and Shubi,

he finally ended the war, he should also hate war.

But until now, the world is still full of various struggles.

That only God has never descended on the earth.

The old king suddenly felt a strong sense of unwillingness--

as if he had been deceived!

If--there really is a world where no one bleeds, and everything can be decided by games alone, if there really is a God of Games!

A glimmer of hope rose in the old king's heart.

If you believe in that only God, the God of Games who holds the Star Cup.

Can the God of Games keep disasters away from this country?

A god who can protect humans but will not wantonly play with the fate of humans like those tyrants,

a god who is powerful and can protect the kingdom even under the attention of the gods! !

"……!!!" The old king suddenly realized that the only God in the epic does not meet these requirements!

His breathing became rapid--

his eyes turned red.

But he was not sure, and suddenly began to hesitate and fear that it was really just the world in Andersen's dream.

As in the preface,

"Come and see! This story that circulated in my dream!"

Even if the immersive epic world of Absolute Warcraft Front is very real,

But No Game No Life Zero is different. At that time, there was no concept of immersive epic experience at all! It only had a text version!

There was no world that I had seen with my own eyes...

Just because of that shocking and wonderful story, who can prove that it is real...

Because of the fear of failure, the old king who had always believed in the story in No Game No Life Zero fell into a long silence.

But when he thought of the current situation, and his increasingly old and weak body, he felt that his vitality would disappear at any time.

A trace of determination flashed in the old king's eyes--!

Chapter 179: The establishment of the Internet in another world--start!

"The kingdom must be reformed--! There is no time for me to hesitate any longer."

--Believe in the god of games.

As a human being who is humble to the bones and humble to the dust,

he prayed for the attention of the god! If there really is a god born from the beliefs of those two people!

Please help us!

If we can awaken this original and only god, even the gods will be afraid and dare not put their little thoughts on this land!

But if the god does not respond...

The old king did not think about the terrible consequences, anyway, he has nothing to lose.

Just by gritting his teeth, he can imagine the scene that after his death, the kingdom will be tossed into a mess by the factions of the gods behind the three rebellious sons.

When he thought of this, the raging anger was about to swallow up his reason.

Since they are all people who are about to step into the coffin, let him be the biggest gambler of mankind for once!

He began to think about how to believe in the god of games,

but he can't just believe blindly.

The gods will not watch his actions! If they know his plan, they may stop it.

It must be done immediately before they react...

But what if the only god takes the initiative to bring down the apocalypse? ! !

Crazy thoughts flashed through the old king's mind.

Who dares to spread the doctrine in the name of the One God?

After reading the epic, the old king sent people to learn about the wandering poet,

and thus learned many things that he had never known before and that he found unbelievable.

Many of the beings in those epics have actually appeared in this world, and even heroes who have clashed with the gods.

King Arthur, Arash, Merlin, and the successive Hassan leaders -

After the evil snake was shot dead by Arash and fell to the ground, the gods seemed to be afraid of something and hesitated to take action, even if the faith was affected and was silent for a while.

... Since the heroic spirit is real, those epics are real, and the One God may also be real!

If the kingdom can walk on the ground as the One God's agent,

the old king's eyes showed a trace of sadness -

he did not really think that the gods could be scared by pretending to be a tiger.

The One God has not appeared for so long, and he will not suddenly appear because of the faith of a remote small country.

But the gods' suspicion and disbelief should also be slightly restrained.

This was the last struggle that a dying man could make.

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