That's right, pauper!

Although alchemy is very profitable, there are more places to burn money.

Almost all the money earned by the alchemists was used to purchase alchemy materials.

You may be able to find many valuable alchemy materials in their alchemy workshops, and even some priceless and rare treasures.

But this still doesn't change the fact that they can't even reach 100 points!

Hermitus fell into a faint state of apprehension;

In the past, he didn't care about things like garbage. The gods didn't need such copper-smelling things.

As for people like Ishtar, they are exceptions!

They're not the kind of dragons who like shiny things;

They cannot get what they want with their strength, and pure money is meaningless to them.

However, the God of Alchemy never thought that one day he would be troubled by money.

Although he was playing in Ceylon... well, he was also paid while studying.

But with that salary, one can live very comfortably in Ceylon.

But if you want to earn krypton points, it’s just a drop in the bucket.

And he seemed to have used all his salary to help the poor people near Ceylon before. (In addition to leaving some money to buy epics)

With the thought that there was no need for it, the God of Alchemy suddenly felt "..." regarding his previous acts of kindness.

Later, when he saw that he only had 14 points after signing in, Hermitos's face changed.

He slowly revealed his disbelieving eyes——

He is a god!

Even if they are not the goddess of luck, most of them have hidden attributes that far exceed human luck.

Why do you only get so many points for signing in? !

Is he, like Ishtar, a god who seriously lacks the Golden Rule and has no connection with treasure?

Wait, it should just be because he is an incarnation now!

If it's a god himself who comes to sign in, he'll definitely get a lot of points!

I originally thought about signing in once today and again tomorrow, so that I could try exchanging points for magic and experience this novel process.

But now Hermitus looked at his 14 point balance, and the more he looked at it, the more dazzling it became!

With this damn sign-in multiplier, there's no telling whether he can sign in for 100 points within a week.

——This is impossible!

At this time, Hermitus' body was completely frozen in place.

Chapter 1081: Forbidden skills are being sold at a bargain price, and the new world’s kami is up to you!

He doesn't believe it! Absolutely don't believe it!

The dark-faced Hermitus immediately returned his consciousness to his true body.

Then use the main body to open a new magic crystal and sign in...

Although after the forum update, the purchase of magic crystals in the bookstore has been increased,

A magic contract similar to identity verification needs to be signed, and one person can only purchase it once.

But Hermitus used his divine power to easily accomplish something even a magician couldn't do - cheat!


Looking at the new magic crystal that was finally exchanged for magic, and looking at the big "9" on the sign-in page,

Inexplicably, the God of Alchemy felt his face heat up, as if he had been greatly ridiculed, and even his pupils turned into gold involuntarily, with Shen Xi surging in it, setting off huge waves.

Actually less than the incarnation? !

impossible! ! ! This is impossible! How could it be?

Depressed, unable to believe——

Hermitus even began to wonder if his divine power had weakened and became inoperable.

When he signed in just now, he secretly used his divine power to cheat!

How could there be no reaction at all?

Um? wrong--

After carefully sensing it with his divine power, Hermitos discovered that the forum he had modified in front of him was just a virtual empty shell with no clue where the link was, which meant that all his divine power had been wasted just now.

It actually eluded his perception, and even he, as a god, was deceived and failed to discover anything wrong at the first time.

"What is the internal spell of this magic crystal made's strange, even I can't analyze it." Hermitos was a little helpless,

At first I just thought it was an ordinary communication alchemy tool.

At most, the magical immersive epic left him a little confused.

Now there are more and more mysteries in this magic crystal.

I can't get many points for the time being.

Unable to become a krypton gold player, Hermitos could only start browsing other sections of the forum.

Only then did he realize that there was more in the forum than he had imagined.

Not only pure magic, but also divine magic can be practiced.

Divine magic requires the help of the power of gods, so where does the power of the gods in the forum come from?

For a moment, Hermitus narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking deeply.

Is there a god standing behind the magic crystal——

The flower magician himself does not appear to be divine,

Where did he get the power of the gods?

Of course the real Merlin has nothing to do with gods.

But Homura is not Merlin,

Although he is still a human being, he simulates the game universe in the Star Creation Diagram, but contains the spirit of the God of Games and Deception.

If he wanted to, he could ignite the divine fire at any time by slightly changing his power and achieve the eighth step.

Whether it's magic or magic in the forum, it's all deduced by Yan himself.

It is more than ten thousand times more precise than any computer, and the technique derived from the knowledge of multiple worlds is more complete and practical than the cultivation methods in this world.

That solid basic knowledge is effective even for gods like Hermitus, and can help them better understand laws and concepts.

Hermitus didn't know this at this time, otherwise he wouldn't care so much,

Although krypton gold is expensive, it is still worth it——

And signing in is nothing more than a welfare package for civilians.

Of course, no matter whether there will be gods entering the forum in the future and spreading magical skills,

Homura also plans to recruit some gods,

It's not enough to rely on him alone to maintain the magic template.

In particular, it is very troublesome to develop advanced divine arts, and Homura does not intend to give up his identity as a human.

He has embarked on another path of promotion.

The perfection of his spirit will allow him to directly skip the eighth step and enter the ninth, or even the tenth and subsequent steps.

He doesn't have to worry at all in terms of combat effectiveness.

Just on the surface, he is currently on the seventh rung, but his strength is '100 million points' stronger than that of the gods.

If the seventh ladder for normal people is the cosmic level, then Yan's is the multiverse level. In one sentence, "We are different."

On the other side——

Since there were no points, Hermitos wanted to see what the basic magic in the magic section looked like, but in the end he had no choice but to give up.

He kept telling himself in his heart that it was okay - it was just magic. You can weave more than a dozen of this most basic magic at will.

Nothing to be curious about!

He continued to look at the sections at the back and found that there were not only battles, but also a lot of life aspects such as music, painting, craftsmen, etc.

There are even sections for auxiliary occupations such as alchemy, pharmacy, and machinery.

The basic knowledge contained in it is so vast and specific that it is impossible to calculate.

Hermitus looked at the plates in bewilderment.

Is this recruiting talents from all walks of life?

There is absolutely no way this was written by the same person.

Even a god who has lived for thousands of years cannot guarantee that he can have deep understanding in so many fields.

Or are those basic knowledge just extracted from various collections of books?

Just when Hermitus was feeling doubtful,

The mechanical section caught his eye.

Isn't this a concept that only exists in Ceylon now?

There has also been systematic research in the field of mechanics? ! Hermitus was startled.

In addition to the machines used for production in factories, are there other machines with other uses?

And on the other side——

The citizens of Ceylon City were shocked when they saw this forum.

A fat civilian clicked on the magic exchange in the magic section, and then a dense catalog appeared in front of him.

From a detailed explanation of the basics of magic to basic meditation,

There are also many forbidden spells that are feared by the gods, such as natural disasters, resurrection of the dead, soul transformation, and destiny changes.

This greatly impacted the little fat man's young mind!

When a great magician saw the names of the above spells, he almost went crazy——

wow! So many forbidden spells can actually be redeemed?

Although it is undeniable that the side effects of most forbidden techniques are terrible, and they are also very difficult to practice.

But this cannot stop people's pursuit and desire for power at all.

This is simply a magician’s paradise! !

At the same time, people from different professions looking at the pages of other sections also shouted!

The little fat man was even more dumbfounded.

It's incredible,

Magic that only noble men can practice, now not only they also have the opportunity to learn it,

You can even learn many forbidden techniques that even magic academies and noble magicians cannot learn.

Suck it~! The little fat man sniffed hard, his heart started beating fast, and his body temperature gradually increased. He was so excited and greedy that after a long time, he subconsciously clicked on a high-level magic exchange page.

Then I saw a 1 followed by countless 0s.


Chapter 1,822: Mecha type of dimensionality-reducing strike-like brushing, remember to give it a five-star praise!

! With a "wow" sound, the little fat man cried aggrievedly.

He looked at the countless number of points required, and then looked at his point balance of 0.

The feeling of loss is indescribable.

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