And what kind of mind and structure are needed to be willing to share this precious knowledge with the world!

“If he is God, he must be a benevolent, great, supreme and kind God!

If he were a magician, he would definitely become a world-famous and respected sage! "The old man exclaimed in shock.

... Even the magicians who have half-stepped into the magic circle admire him highly, as if they have found their spiritual beliefs in this life. At this time, they are completely convinced, and they are only filled with shock in their hearts...

Not to mention ordinary magicians——!

On the other side, even Hermitus, as a god, was not much better.

For a time, in gratitude for the forum's kindness and grace, countless bards across the land began to sing about the great achievements of the Magic Crystal Forum!

The existence of the forum is also regarded by some people who do not have a good background as a savior to save them.

On the forum, everyone can learn the same knowledge and become stronger.

(The few kryptonians do not count.)

Even if their bloodline and talents are not good, they can still learn magic through the forum.

If you have any questions you don’t understand, you can also post questions on the forum.

There are always some magicians who like to visit forums, or top students from magic schools who can't help but come out to explain and give pointers.

The feeling of being sought after by countless people on the forum is very effective for some young magicians.

They have fallen in love with this fun place! !

It even got to the point where I forgot about food and sleep and couldn't sleep at night.

Even late at night, many people's homes are still brightly lit and they don't want to fall asleep for a long time.

This is much more enjoyable than simply chatting with people in the broadcast room.

Even if they are not looking for answers to questions, some people can chat for a whole day just chatting on the post.

The forum is on fire——! !

It's completely popular... and some people are starting to lose their butts.

Of course, I'm not talking about the gods.

It's not that they can't sit still, but they are already impatient.

But under the intimidation of Wang Hassan, he wanted to take action but didn't want to be the first to do it.

Chapter 1,855 The Only God—Announcement! ?

"Magic knowledge has been made public, and now those untouchables can also learn magic!! This is evil!"

"Without the accumulation of generations, letting those guys with impure demon blood learn magic is simply an insult to the demon..."

"Magic is precious, knowledge is also precious...

It is the wealth that belongs to the family. The forum is invading our private property! "

"Even the forbidden magic is in that point exchange table. This is a disaster. If any of those civilian magicians master the forbidden magic,

We can see what kind of storms there will be in the future. "

Besides Atlanta and Ceylon,

The noble magicians of other kingdoms were quarreling.

They were very excited and believed that the magic section should be banned immediately from the forum and should not be placed together with other junk professions.

And those kings and ordinary nobles also participated in the meeting in their respective countries,

It wasn't the announcement of magic that gave them a headache.

After all, the different world is a powerful world with the concept of gods and demons.

Even without learning magic, ordinary people can follow the path of a warrior.

The only difference is that the way to obtain power will become more convenient in the future, and people will also have the opportunity to obtain professions that were considered only accessible to nobles in the past.

In order to maintain the nobility and uniqueness of the magician,

Those ancient families that have accumulated a lot of knowledge are very divided.

Unlike other professions, a magician can only become stronger with more knowledge and wisdom.

But now this right to keep knowledge is no longer in the hands of the nobles.

It is normal for the ancient magician families to be impatient.

What the king and the others are worried about is the exchange of points, which requires an institution called a bank.

A great deal of money flowed into Ceylon and Atlan from their own country.

Although it is unclear what agreement Ceylon and Atlan reached with the forum,

But the visible benefits drove these nobles crazy with jealousy.

But they can't learn this way...

Establishing a bank even in one’s own country,

Can their bank redeem points from the forum?

If you want to start imitating it from the forum...

How can these ordinary people understand the core that even the god Hermitus cannot see through?

The kings of all countries are worried now——

Watching such a large amount of money flowing into other countries every day, but being unable to do anything about it, would make any king feel aggrieved.

However, if other people are restricted from entering the territory of Ceylon and Atlanta,

With the current level of enthusiasm and madness among the people, they are really worried that preventing people from crossing the border will have some extremely negative consequences.

"Can't we work out a way to sanction that forum? Or ban the sale of magic crystals in this country?" A nobleman suggested with a frown.

"It's too late...

You all know how popular Andersen's epic is in this continent without me having to say more.

Magical crystals have spread throughout every land you know.

Give up, we didn’t discover the true purpose of the magic crystal right away——

It's too late to stop it now! "Another great nobleman sighed.

He still hasn't said a word——

Even though everyone is so resistant now, when they first just watched the epic, everyone enjoyed it more than the other.

Which nobleman has never bought a magic crystal?

Even if they don't buy it, the young people in their family will definitely buy it.

This is a popular trend -

It can no longer be stopped.

Others can't stop it, and they can't learn from it.

A miracle that cannot be replicated again.

Everyone was stunned, and then fell silent.

The bad-tempered one blushed and opened his mouth wide to say something, but couldn't hum a word for a long time.

At this moment, waves of shocks came from the pockets of various nobles.

There was a slight vibration throughout the conference room.

And in this world where magic exists, the strength of the nobles is naturally not too bad, and of course they can sense the vibrations.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all froze in place strangely. No one reached into their pockets to see what was going on.

The king of a certain country at the top looked at the motionless expressions of his nobles and said,

How could he not know what was happening? He couldn't help but curse and curse in his heart. He was so angry that he trembled several times.

"Traitors, traitors, all traitors...!!" The king whispered, angrily announcing that the meeting was dismissed.

Although the nobles looked ugly, they didn't say anything and left in a hurry.

When no one was around, they all reached for the...magic crystal in their pockets! !

Then he immersed his consciousness into the magic crystal with great skill.

Even His Majesty the King on the other side was shameless and continued to curse those nobles as traitors while taking out the magic crystal himself.

‘I am here to get information about the enemy, yes... that’s it. 'king.

Then he also skillfully immersed his consciousness into the magic crystal.

And when people came in, they discovered that the tips came from the forum.

When you enter the forum, a pinned post will be placed at the top of the forum. It does not belong to any section.

Some people looked at this post in confusion. It was the first time they knew that it was possible to post directly in the entire forum?

After a little exploration, people finally understood this posting function.

In addition to posting in their respective sections, you can also choose to pin a post to the top of the entire forum.

This post is visible to people in all sections.

But if you want to send out posts like the "World Speaker" in the game, you need to pay a huge price.

To put it simply, it is a krypton gold operation that the poor cannot afford.


How can you still play like this?

If you pin it to the top, it means that your question has higher exposure and is more likely to be answered.

And those who can afford this way of posting will not lack the reward points for answering questions!

Some people who are short of points are moved!

The most important thing is that it can actually prompt with all magic crystals!

This is a vibration prompt that will only appear when the forum appears and when epic updates are made!

For a time, countless people's curiosity drove them to click on that post, even with the intention of joining in the fun.

It turns out that this post was not meant to ask questions, but more like an announcement.

"The Kingdom of Lucia salutes you——"

When I saw the Kingdom of Lucia at the beginning,

People looked a little confused, and a few people felt a little familiar. Lucia, which country is this...?

And when people read the entire announcement,

No longer caring about where this so-called Kingdom of Lucia was, people suddenly froze, and then they all showed disbelief!

This is not simply a declaration on behalf of the kingdom,

Rather, it represents a proclamation made by a great god in a forum.

And that god, that god is actually——! !

Looking at the name of the god in the upper right corner of the announcement,

"The only god...!!" Someone read out his title in a trembling voice.

Chapter 1086 The only god wants to rule the world! Tetu: I won’t take the blame!

He said - use all your strength, violence and force!

A tower of dead bodies piled up...

You who claim to be intellectual, please prove...

What is the difference between you and [the ignorant beast]?

That was the last scene of the arrival of the only God——

One of the few places in the epic that depicts the God of Games.

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