In the thirteen main cities, the complicated forces temporarily calmed down.

And human self-discipline and the legends spread among humans gradually began to form a special belief.


Many people subconsciously believed that there was a God of Games at the top of the world, overlooking all mankind.

An illusory figure gradually solidified in the capital of the Kingdom of Lucia.

When he was just born, his eyes were still a little confused.

In appearance, he wears a large checkered hat, and his colorful eyes have patterns of squares and spades. A boy in a pink jacket and blue shorts.

The young man was floating in mid-air, looking at the bustling streets below with people coming and going.

But people seemed to be unable to see Him, walking past Him and turning a blind eye.

He stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and after a few seconds——

"I am...the God of Games?

The weakest—and the last to be born. The only god born from the faith of humans and mecha? No, no...I..." The young man's expression was a little uncertain, and it took him half a minute to regain his composure. He folded his arms in front of his chest, and a helpless smile appeared on his lips.

I see--

This is the reason why he was born!

After sorting out the innate knowledge in his mind, the young man understood,

He was conceived out of mankind's firm belief in the only God - another god of games.

"Are you kidding...if the true and only God discovers me...!" The young man felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Let’s play Dafa! Good guy, really good guy!

It's okay to pretend to be the god of games and have the same face as the other person!

Well, although gods can be ever-changing,

But his current appearance is indeed based on people's impression of Tetu in the epic illustrations.

What would you do if someone impersonated you?

And when the force is far stronger than the opponent.

The only God!

There is only one God of Games in the world!

The young man felt increasingly uneasy inside.

I was born in the territory of the other party's believers. I won't be discovered by the only god and killed with one finger, right?

He has just been reborn, let alone directly facing the strongest god in charge of the Star Cup.

Even gods at the level of the Goddess of Agriculture and Hermitus could pin him to the ground and beat him.

"It's over, it's over, it's over..." The young man grabbed the hat with both hands and pressed it down, sitting cross-legged in the sky.

But how come people's belief in the only god was accepted by him, and he subtly created him as a new god of games.

Is the only God dead?

The young god was startled by his own thoughts.

"No way. No one in this world should be able to kill Him... God's lifespan is infinite, and it is impossible for him to die of old age." The young god frowned, with a thoughtful light shining in his eyes.

Even the newly born god has a pair of wise eyes that can see through all things. And amazing courage.

This is what we are born to know—

He began to think about how to survive this 'misunderstanding', and even...

Become stronger through people's belief in the only God? !

The young god trembled in his heart,

This kind of thing is no different from humans walking a tightrope on a cliff.

Even though He didn't want to do this, from the moment He was born, he almost offended the most powerful god to death.

At this time, he really wanted to say a few words of greetings to the bard who wrote the zero epic of game life!

The young god's emotions were extremely complicated for the 'parents' who had created him to a certain extent.

People created Him based on the impression of the epic, allowing Him to step out of the long river of mythology.

So, for the troubadour who created the epic, he is not his other parent besides this world...

He was very grateful to the other party for writing this epic and edifying Him,

At the same time, because of this epic, he understood what a terrifying boss his birth had offended.

The only thing that the young god has not doubted is that there is no god of games in this world.

Even though He may be just a fake, a counterfeit,

But this did not affect the arrogance and pride in His heart at all.

He is the same name as the one God, the god born from his legend!

He is born with the strongest possibility of winning the championship!

All things should sing the praises of this magnificent movement, and the gods should also cheer and hold celebrations for their birth.

He is the God of games, but he is not the only God.

Therefore, the character is not exactly the same as the description in the epic.

The two gods are much scarier than humans.

This arrogance is just like the ancient nobles' admiration for blood theory and their pride in the noble blood flowing through them.

In the whole world, there are only two people who have become gods with the concept of games.


He——! Exactly one of them! He was the most beautiful cub in the world when he was born! Who is in favor and who is against? !

First put your hands on your hips and feel proud,

Soon the young god faced a new problem.

"How can I improve my power? Let everyone play games happily together?"

Wait, do we really want the people to decide the outcome of everything through games, just like the policy?

Does that mean he has to monitor him all the time even if he cheats?

As a god, in order to maintain the fairness of the game, does He have to follow the entire process?

Young God: "..."

Chapter 1,888 Father? ! Happy to be a father!

How can there be a world where games really determine everything?

If there is one, it must be a dream world.

Not beautiful, but dreamy——!

Even the Young God himself, who is the god of games, thinks so.

In order for that dreamy world to come,

In order to strengthen His power, He must start from this Kingdom and make people love and enjoy games.

I am used to using games to determine the outcome of everything.


"I'm so hungry, I'm going to die..." The young god felt like he was like the only god in the game Life Zero who completely sealed his power in order to experience the weakness of human beings and ended up living on the streets.

He was saved by a kind-hearted, young orc girl, and told the story of the great war that created the world.

However, although his divine power has not been sealed, it is so weak that it cannot even affect ordinary people.

When he was born, he was still very weak.

Since he is not the real only god in the epic, the young god's existence is very special and fragile.

A great deal of faith seems to be wasted before it can be gathered into Him. (Actually, they were all absorbed by the game world inside Homura.)

It is not difficult for him to become stronger through faith.

And while smelling the aroma of the food vendors on both sides of the road, I couldn't walk anymore.

Before his grand plan even started, he was stopped halfway by the temptation of delicious food.

Due to his weak strength, the young god did not dare to appear directly in front of people for fear of being discovered by people, so he could only keep his posture invisible to others and squat on the side of the street corner.


Looking at the delicious food not far away,

"So... the human species... will die if they don't eat. Of course, I, who is weaker than the human species now, will die if I don't have food to offer!" The young god thought to himself, what a big mistake.

But it would be too embarrassing to let him steal food.

Even though I say that——

"The entire kingdom is my believer. If I take one or two things from a believer, it shouldn't be considered stealing, right?

It is a rare blessing to be favored by the gods they believe in! "It's very much like the tone of some robber Venus asking for offerings,

Just when the young god stood up,


An unfamiliar wave of divine power came from nearby,

The young god's expression suddenly changed, he hurriedly held his breath and left here.

at the same time--

The will of the God of Chaos has descended somewhere in this city.

"Huh?" The God of Chaos had just arrived and discovered that there was a strange divine aura in the city.

Although it was very weak, it had a very special look that gave him a sense of danger——

And the quality and concentration of divinity in the city is very high.

"The new god who was just born?" God of Chaos.

What made him feel wrong was how could a newly born god bring him such a bad feeling.

It's like——

"The restraint of the superior species on the inferior species!" the God of Chaos thought with a gloomy expression.

The opponent's potential is so strong that even just being born can make him feel threatened?

But he is already one of the main gods,

A god with greater potential than him...!

How far that can go!

The God of Chaos temporarily put aside teaching the old king a lesson, and his divine thoughts began to wrap around the entire city in search of the new god.

The God of Games, who was hiding at the corner of an alleyway, immediately turned pale.

Just when he widened his eyes, thinking that he would be discovered by the god next.

"Hey!!" A magnetic male voice sounded like a playful voice from behind the young god.

"What..." The young god instantly felt sweat on his back! Someone is actually approaching me, but I don't notice it, such concealment!

Uh~! ! Woohoo!

The young god found that his mouth was suddenly covered and dragged into the alley like a chicken.

"Shh~!" The man put his finger up to his mouth and whispered,

Then he gently tapped the ground with the staff in his hand, and the surrounding space was instantly filled with flowers.

Wait until the pink halo dissipates,

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